VOTE NOW! PICK MY PROJECT - Open Community Arts & Reflection Space

Locals and people residing within 50km are urged to vote for our project that we see the redevelopment of the old Dimboola Hotel site. Please visit and vote for Open Community Arts & Reflection Space. 

A community space for connection, reflection and culture

The Dimboola Hotel was decimated by fire in October 2003. A long standing legal issue to resolve what should happen to the remaining facade deepened the grief of the community. It was demolished, "they" had won and now there's nothing left (refer to inset picture). The aim of this project is to connect locals to the fabric of our community outside of their own four walls, all the while fostering a very vibrant tourist community. This creates a sustainable space where locals can be proud of, tourist can admire and creative people can display their talents.

The inherent human need for connection, whether professional or social, fuels the dynamic we see as the future focus of this community project. Positioned in the heart of our town this project holds immense social and economical value. It's position is a visual promotion for our town for tourists and people wishing to live here. It stands to be the foundations for the reuniting and rejuvenation of our community. We the community need to embrace this space and allow it to engage different demographics, ages, genders, cultures and beliefs to a place of connection and understanding