Always Antifascist


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Rose City
Beigetreten April 2011


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    25. Jan. 2018

    Rose City Antifa is dedicated to exposing, opposing, and confronting fascist activity. If you have information regarding any of the people mentioned in this article, or other fascist and white supremacist activity in the Pacific NW, please email us at

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  2. hat retweetet
    31. Mai

    Hey employee Quincy Franklin and his friends are shown here hurling graphically homophobic and misogynist harassment at *children* outside of the . Why in the world does he continue to be employed?

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  3. 29. Mai

    Recommended piece from our comrades . Info on some familiar faces.

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  4. hat retweetet
    28. Mai

    Another American Identity/Evropa Movement white nationalist found to also be a member of 'mainstream' Right and libertarian organization: Young Americans for Liberty.

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  5. hat retweetet
    28. Mai

    And the article where promised to sever ties with McCarty, saying "There is no place for extremism of any kind — on the right or the left — in our world." But apparently, there is, and that place is The Shedd Institute.

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  6. hat retweetet
    28. Mai

    This thread is a useful reminder of far-right terrorism in Italy during the ‘years of lead’ although worth noting that various state, police & intelligence agencies also played a murky role in these events

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  7. hat retweetet
    28. Mai

    Local news reports 100 anti-racist protesters at University of Tennessee in protesting neo-Nazi restaurant owner, Rick Tyler. Tyler's speech was supposed to start at 6, by 6:30 local news reports there were only 9 people inside auditorium. Pathetic turn out for fash.

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  8. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    "By conflating journalists with participants in social movements, the far-Right is broadening its category of valid targets for violence, while also creating a rhetorical framework to aid the broader Right in dismissing any criticisms to that violence."

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  9. hat retweetet
    28. Mai

    Newer shooters since the massacre have also played directly into online subcultures that promise to reward alienated young men with praise and attention if they kill for the cause of .

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  10. hat retweetet
    21. Mai

    LEFTWING DOXXING: hey, we ID'd this person as a member of a hate group, and he's a cop.... in a school... so that's probably bad RIGHTWING DOXXING: here's a feminist's home address, someone should go literally murder her over a YouTube video CENTRIST: these are the same

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  11. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    "To be honest, you have to know. To be brave, you have to understand. To be fair, you must not forget. When barbarism crushes under its yoke, you have to fight. I cannot afford to remain silent. Anyone who keeps silent in such a time betrays his human mission." Ernst Toller

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  12. hat retweetet
    27. Mai
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  13. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    Let's shut this who thing down, Jack Donovan should not be allowed to continue selling his stuff at Audible. via

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  14. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    Ah, Alabama. Meanwhile, American cops will continue to freak out over black people’s desire not to get killed by them.

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  15. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    The new “This Week in Fascism” from is out! This week features an Explainer about why the far-right is claiming that journalists are secretly antifascist activists.

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  16. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    One time Sargon challenged me to a “debate” about Gamergate in which he got so steamed he started sputtering and eventually just hung up. Now big boy is all grown up and losing elections by a landslide. The beautiful cycle of life

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  17. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    Salvini campaigned fiercely across Italy. He also performed a speech from the same balcony where the dictator Benito Mussolini watched his opponents being executed, belittled protesters and quoted fascist sympathisers.

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  18. hat retweetet
    26. Mai

    Last night, some second place neo-confederate dipshits showed up to in racist attire and were subsequently chased the fuck out by . NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF. . cc:

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  19. hat retweetet
    25. Mai

    . there's no way you can trust an antisemitic white nationalist to provide care for the community members who rely on your service. it's shocking that you continue to employ him.

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  20. hat retweetet
    25. Mai

    . knowingly provides a gateway to Neo-Nazi attacks on synagogues. Stop using his Orthodox Judaism as a shield to deflect from his incitement of terror against Muslims and Jews.

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  21. hat retweetet
    26. Mai

    Hello to all Twitter dot comrades! Today, we've just released an article revealing Linden, Alabama resident and newspaper publisher, Howard Goodloe Sutton of Democrat-Reporter, as a fascist who likes Hitler and the KKK and wants them to lynch political opponents. Thread.

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