Victorian anti-refugee rally: counter-protesters turn up in strength

This article is more than 2 years old

The Eltham rally, held by the far right Party for Freedom, opposes plans to house up to 120 Syrian refugees in a section of an aged care home

Melbourne rally
Large crowds gathered in Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart and Cairns, and in smaller towns around the country, on Saturday, calling for the government to close its offshore processing camps. Photograph: Jane Salmon/Supplied

A large counter-protest has turned out in the Melbourne suburb of Eltham, in opposition to far right “out of towners” demonstrating against an aged care home housing Syrian refugees.

It came as thousands rallied around the country in support of refugee rights, calling for an end to punitive federal immigration policies.

A heavy police presence was on hand in Eltham for the planned anti-refugee rally, organised by Nick Folkes, the Sydney-based chairman of the far right organisation Party for Freedom, and residents had been urged to stay away.

Several businesses had reportedly closed, in fear of violent clashes similar to those seen at previous rallies.

Folkes, who is against immigration and Islam, and has demanded the sterilisation of refugees, called the protest in response to plans to house up to 120 Syrian refugees in a disused section of the Eltham aged care home.

The Syrian women and children will be housed in the centre for up to two years, as part of the Australian government’s one-off humanitarian intake of 12,000 refugees from the war-torn nation.

The rally was preceded by a reportedly larger group of counter-protesters, many holding anti-fascist and pro-refugee placards, declaring Folkes’ rally did not represent them.

Kieran Bennett (@KieranBennett)

You look beatiful #Eltham!

November 5, 2016

Earlier in the week, Eltham residents had spray-painted butterflies around the area, as a symbol of welcome to the refugees.

The founder of the Welcome to Eltham committee, Nina Kelabora, said the anti-refugee protesters were “definitely out of towners”, and did not reflect the wishes of the Eltham residents.

“We know there’s a handful of local residents who have concerns, but this is something else,” Kelabora told Guardian Australia.

“This is not anything to do with the sentiments in our community, which is a peaceful, safe and welcoming area … the overwhelming sentiment in the community is one of welcome.”

Andy Fleming (@slackbastard)

At risk of repeating myself: vast majority of anti-mob not from #Eltham but #Sydney, #Bendigo, #Melton. #antifa #auspol #refugees

November 5, 2016

Kelabora did not attend the rally, instead spray-painting butterflies and tying butterfly symbols around the park earlier..

“We knew the protest was coming up and we knew we wanted to respond in some way but didn’t want to partake in what they were labelling as a battle,” she told Guardian Australia.

“We needed to make sure the community’s voice of welcome was heard.”

The group adopted as its symbol the Eltham Copper Butterfly, which almost disappeared in the 1980s until the residents rallied together to save it, she said.

She said the Eltham people had contributed more than 700 submissions to a welcome book, which the group planned to give to the refugees when they arrived.

“From the community perspective it’s really clear that the vast majority are welcoming.”

Up to 200 anti-refugee demonstrators descended on the town’s Andrew Park on Saturday for what Folkes had dubbed “the battle of Eltham”, with support from other organisations including the Soldiers of Odin, a self-styled “street patrol” patriot group.

Fairfax reported that about a dozen people at the rally had identified themselves as locals.

The Australia First party and United Nationalists group staged a mock beheading last week in the park as some form of protest against the plan.

Early on Saturday morning, the Party For Freedom Facebook page announced that the rally had been delayed until Saturday afternoon “due to both weather and security concerns”.

Aerial news footage showed a large number of police officers at the rally, including on horseback.

A spokeswoman for Victoria police told Guardian Australia they were there to maintain public safety.

“Victoria Police respects people’s right to protest peacefully, but will not tolerate those who break the law,” she said.

“Victoria Police advises anyone attending that we will not tolerate any anti-social behaviour or violence. Urging violence and hatred within our community is not a form of free speech and is illegal.”

St Vincent’s Health, a Catholic Care organisation that runs the aged care centre, thanked the Welcome to Eltham supporters, and said it was proud to house the Syrian refugees. It said employees were supporting the existing residents of the centre, who had been worried by the protest outside.

“There are people in Eltham who have been unsure of what’s happening, so we’ve been working very hard to get the facts out into the community around what is happening,” the organisation’s deputy chief executive, Sheree Limbrick, told the ABC.

“Once they do understand some of the facts around how the project’s going to operate, the support that’s being offered, the sorts of families that will be coming into the accommodation, a lot of peoples’ fear and anxiety has diminished.”

St Vincent's Health (@StVHealthAust)

The photos don't do it justice - an amazing display of welcoming butterflies for #refugees outside our building. Thank you @WelcometoEltham

November 5, 2016

The protest coincided with larger rallies around the country, against the federal government’s immigration policies.

Thousands of people gathered in cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart and Cairns, and in smaller towns around the country, calling for the government to close its offshore processing camps and bring asylum seekers and refugees to the Australian mainland.

The rallies, organised by the group Doctors for Refugees, specifically focused on recent proposals by the government to ban refugees processed on Nauru or Manus Island from ever coming to Australia, and on continuing concerns with the medical treatment of those in offshore centres, including children.

Organisers said the public demonstration by the medical fraternity was largely unprecedented, but they felt it was necessary because traditional lobbying had failed.

“Australia’s doctors must now show moral and ethical leadership and take to the streets to protest at the appalling ill-treatment of innocent people, who could best be termed ‘Australia’s political prisoners’,” said David Berger.

Stewart Condon, the medical director of Medecins Sans Frontiers Australia, said the refugee crisis was a global issue.

“There are people on the move for various reasons and suffering in many different ways. If we as medical professionals are to fully address the needs of patients, we need to appreciate the reasons that people seek refuge. A simple ‘see and treat’ model is not enough – real action is required.”

Catherine (@catherinemaths)

Big crowd building in #Sydney at the start of the @Drs4Refugees rally. #CloseTheCamps #BringThemHere

November 5, 2016
Lea Campbell (@leacampbell76)

#Bringthemhere Melbourne rally well attended #refugees

November 5, 2016
muamatt (@mattmua72)

ship stop @Gove in Arnhem Land town of Nhulunbuy #bringthemhere rally>end the secrecy>end the abuse>end Dutton #closethecamps #auspol

November 5, 2016

It followed revelations on Friday that Australian immigration officials had deported a refugee in the middle of the night, from a Melbourne detention centre to Nauru, without warning.