Digital Media's Citizen Kane

Milo Yiannopoulos

Out of the London tech scene comes a 28-year-old journalist/entrepreneur surrounded by controversy whereever he goes. Whether it was the publishing of his private dispute between himself and the tech editor of The Guardian or numerous public arguments on Twitter with start ups founders, editors and the self-proclaimed technorati -- this is one man who isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

Milo Yiannopoulos however is doing one thing that most media have become afraid to do. Speak up and out about hypocrisy and well, the white-washed news that colors the UK and European tech start up scene.  In 2011 and 2012, Yiannopoulos was named one of the 100 most influential people in the UK's digital economy by Wired UK. He hosted the Young Rewired State competition in 2010 to showcase the tech talents of 15–18 year olds. He's also an outspoken gay Catholic who writes for the Catholic Herald.

In 2011 his raison d'etre, the Kernel, was born. Today, December 19, The Kernel celebrates its first year in existence and proves it's possible to bring back old school journalism, with some serious edge in the digital age.

The Kernel is a mash-up of Gawker meets Vanity Fair topped with technology, politics and media news and commentary the way you wish media would write about such things. Today, the Kernel has about 140,000 unique readers a month; 40% from the UK, 40% from the US and 20% from the rest of the world.

In honor of The Kernel's first anniversary, Forbes caught up with bold Yiannopoulos to find out what makes him tick. (Answers in British English)

Forbes: Let's start with something dark, what's your addiction?

Milo Yiannopoulos: Seeing the wicked suffer. That sounds a bit psychologically disturbed, I know, but it's the reason I went into journalism and I think it's the reason most people do. I'm probably a bit more forthright about my opinions and prejudices than most journalists, but then I'm a columnist by nature, not a reporter. At the Kernel we very much see ourselves as crusaders for truth and justice, as daft as that sounds. Some people might find that sinister, but a strong editorial line has been a crucial part of our proposition from day one.

Forbes: Truth and justice -  admirable, but where does journalism fall between those pillars?

MY: The only publications that will make money are focused, high-quality publications with a ruthless attention to detail, publishing comment and analysis you can't get anywhere else. Everyday news will just have to be subsidised by other things, because it will never make money.

Forbes: That's a tall order, so why did you decide to take on the daunting task of digital publishing?

MY: I was, shall we say, invited to take a break from the national newspaper at which I cut my teeth - about four times. Mostly, it wasn't my fault. But after the last incident I realised I was probably unemployable and that I should go freelance. I started looking around for a magazine or newspaper to approach for a column and realised there was really no one out there I wanted to write for. So, for the past year, I've been trying to create the magazine I always wanted to read: a blend of gossip, news, authoritative comment and analysis, with a healthy dose of mischief.

Forbes: You're the harbinger of controversy. How do you reconcile your personal opinions with your knowledge of the facts versus the gossip you hear in the industry?

MY: I'm in a slightly odd position in that, as a journalist, I don't have that many friends in the media. My friends are the entrepreneurs. It's ironic, really, because it's the entrepreneurs I give a hard time. As a result, I know the people and businesses in the technology industry intimately, and a lot better than my colleagues, but it can be difficult knowing so much more than you can ever publish. If I ever felt like burning all my bridges, I could have three months of riotous daily exclusives. It would probably bring down the industry.

Forbes: Well on that note, and this gives us a chance to see what you're made of, what's your biggest failure?

MY: I dropped out of university twice. I try to tell myself I'm in good company, but ultimately it doesn't say great things about you unless you go on to terrific success in your own right - which, in my case, remains to to be seen. I may go back to Cambridge at some point. I know I should. But it's hard when you're approaching 30 and building a company and traveling all over the world and doing TV and all the other stuff people say you get your degree to be in with a chance of achieving to pull the plug and go back to writing essays about representations of addiction in Marlovian anti-heroes.

Forbes: What aspects of the character Charles Foster Kane, do you identify with the most?

MY: Inasmuch as I'm a publisher who ought never, ever to run for public office, yeah, maybe there are some similarities! Beyond that, I don't know. As a side note, The Kernel's version of "rosebud" is probably "mooncup". Only long-time subscribers will know what that means.

Forbes: Is it safe to assume that Nick Denton influenced you?

MY: Absolutely. Gawker's politics and business model are very different to ours, but I admire Nick enormously. He's managed to build a profitable new media property from scratch, which is just extraordinary. And, more than that, Gawker is a powerful editorial force and a cultural icon. That's what I'm most in awe of. I try not to pay too much attention to his legendarily bad-ass management style, though, because I'm not the best manager of people myself and I have a tendency to expect way too much from people. It's hard but you have to accept that not everyone is going to be as invested in the project as you are.
Forbes: Since we're on the topic of Gawker, let's talk money. Denton had a lot of cash to start Gawker, you didn't. What did it take to get investors to open their wallets for the Kernel? The funding of digital media outlets isn't top of the heap.

MY: We're engaged in the long process of another round of financing at the moment, after bootstrapping the company to this point. Of the five co-founders, three put in money a year ago when we launched. I've sunk about £50,000 into the Kernel so far, I think, most of which has gone on lawyers. But that's just the cost of doing business, particularly doing a media business that publishes punchy editorial. I don't know whether I should be proud of the fact that we spend double on lawyers what we do on editorial, but there you go. It's an expensive business and I'm just trying to keep the company above water while we grow. Not drawing a salary for a year is no fun, though, let me tell you.


 See also: Forbes' 30 Under 30 in Media

CITIZEN KANE, Orson Welles, 1941, astride stacks of newspaper

But the real reason it's difficult to get investment into media companies is that they just don't make money. They never have. There are newspapers that have been run at a loss for almost their entire lives. The truth is, owning a media company is a luxury and it's something that people do because they believe in a set of values and want to propagate their morals and their opinions. Only fools go into media to get rich, because a vanishingly small number of editorial products are profitable in their own right.


Forbes: Ok got it, no fools, only truth and justice. One year later, what's missing now with the Kernel?

MY: We've just expanded into Germany, which is really exciting. What I need to do over the next six months is close enough money and grow revenues enough for us to open a New York office. I don't see anyone in New York doing what Gawker used to do so brilliantly with Valleywag on the west coast, and I think our brand of journalism would go down very well there. But we need a bit more financial security before we make that leap, not least because I'll then need to shuttle between London, Berlin and New York every month. Yuck.

Forbes: What do you want people to say about you? About the Kernel?

MY: I didn't hate it when the Observer called me a pit bull, which I guess compared to other tech journalists I am. As for The Kernel, people sometimes say it's the publication they hate, but they're glad exists. I can live with that. I'll admit I do get a kick out of rubbing humourless people's noses in it sometimes. When we do silly, fun features like the "best butts in London tech", other journalists go ape shit but the readers love it. That gets me off.

Forbes:  Why do you think you get people's ire up so quickly? 

MY: It's simple really. People get upset because we do something relatively unique in technology journalism: we tell the truth.

Forbes: Since you are crusader for journalistic integrity, what gets YOUR ire up? 

MY: I despise what the technology industry has done to language and the creep of words like "disruptive" into everyday speech. And it makes me mad that every idiot with a laptop is now a "CEO". The Kernel's style guide has an impressively long list of banned words. But that's just nitpicking really. What matters is what people do. Great writing has no rules. It's about telling a story with sharp language, a rampant imagination and a wicked sense humour.

Forbes: Even Hearst had an end game, what's yours?

MY: I want The Kernel to be the Spectator of tech: a publication that commands respect and authority within its own industry, even if it's occasionally purposefully reactionary, controversial or even childish, and a publication that translates the world it writes about for the educated layman, telling him what he needs to know and what to think about it. All things considered, we've made great strides in that direction already.


I'm a writer who looks at innovation and how technology and science intersect with industry, environment, arts, agriculture, mobility, health. I've been called the tech ...