What’s going on with white supremacy?

I chatted to the excellent people at Radio 3CR Tuesday Breakfast on April 30 about the rise of white supremacism in Australia and elsewhere following the antisemitic, white supremacist attack on the Chabad of Poway synagogue in San Diego which resulted in one death on April 27.…

A white brick wall

White supremacy, white innocence and inequality in Australia

I gave this talk a year ago, just after so-called ‘Harmony Day’. Thinking about white supremacy and white crisis’today so I thought I’d post it here in case of it’s of any use. My 8-year old daughter was getting ready for ‘Harmony Day’ the other day,…

A photograph of the March for Dignity in Paris. Marchers are holding up a placard that reads 'Justice and Dignity' and 'Stop Police Violence'

Charlie Hebdo: White Context and Black Analytics

I’m delighted that my article on the event of Charlie Hebdo and the negation of Black, Arab and Muslim activism advanced by those called upon to flesh out the ‘French context’ behind the attacks has been published in Public Culture. The call for a parsing of…

Radio 3CR Tuesday Breakfast Summer Skool

I was thrilled to be invited to speak about race and identity as part of the Radio 3CR Tuesday Breakfast Summer Skool currently taking place. I was given an easy job due to the wonderful questions put to me by Lauren Bull and Ayaan Shirwa. You can listen…

The future is here – revealing algorithmic racism

The final session of this year’s Understanding Race course focuses on the ever-deepening intersections between race, digital technology and social media. Our main reading is Safiya U. Noble‘s Algorithms of Oppression which has made an important contribution to our understanding of the racialised nature of Internet search through her cogent…

Racism, look, it’s over there

Last week Jeff Sparrow was doing the rounds promoting his new book, Trigger Warnings: political correctness and the rise of the right. I used it as an example in the seminar I gave at the University of Amsterdam, on ‘Misplaced Identity’, organized by Sarah Bracke and Paul Mepschen…

What’s the Use of Race in Migration Studies?

During my recent stay at the Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam, as a guest of the RaceFaceID project, led my Professor Amade M’charek, I was delighted to have the opportunity to speak about the silence about race in migration studies at Spui 25. Event description…

Race, gender and femonationalism

Over the last few weeks, we have been focusing on issues arising from the book published by Sara Farris in 2017, In the Name of Women’s Rights. What is generative about this book is that it allows us to explore several topics that each have a bearing on the…