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November 1, 2011 – Letter

Putting this critique out of my head & dn on paper comes w/the kind of sigh that loosens your shoulders & unravels your stomach, catching you off guard w/the guttural vocalization coming out w/that flow of Wind… the delusion that fed my waiting was the possibility of my writings making an already shitty situation of prosecution even worse… Hind-sight always comes w/a sting = my charges topped out at 2 decades – only 5 more months than i received… naiveté came N2 play elsewhere = despite stay’n true 2 my understanding of entrapment (where a govn’t agent uses coercion & manipulation, while providing all the materials, 2 direct & manifest an act deemed illegal by the state), had i done more research there would’ve been no way N western culture i would’ve utilized that defense… it’s on the verge of ludicrous 2 my canadian pharmacy corp think the system would impede a mechanism bringing N such vast amounts of $, fueling the bureaucratic fascism that defines govn’t 2day (remember the bonds we can post 2 get bailed out? ever wonder what happens 2 them if we remain imprisoned? not 2 many others do either – where R the majority of bonds w/N the financial system? yep, bound & traded on the market; this B’n 1 scheme amongst numerous others)… don’t get me wrong – i harbor no regrets about my choice of go’n 2 trial; part of me is curious of what difference a necessity defense would’ve made… here we go… woken long B4 U’re rested, it’s cold w/concrete everywhere, called out by the speaker above the steel door, patted dn & escorted 2 the elevator, never know’n where or why, the door opens 2 the chaotic jingle of chains, shouting cops, waiting 4 others – a marshal’s list 2 fill, patted dn, the pinch that only comes from shackles & cuffs attached 2 a waist chain, Ur jingle adds 2 the cacophony, processed & packed, 12 N2 the 10 bk seats of a van… the outsd world through the windows holds every1’s tongue, despite B’n early the goings on R enough 2B a sensory overload = people walking, driving, riding bikes, eating breakfast on the run, smoking, drink’n coffee, talking 2 each other on phones – the marshals have the radio on some corporate station still play’n the same songs when I stopped listening over 5 yrs ago… parked behind N the secured garage, moved, stored, caged & still bound 2 Urself, some1 asks “got the time, marshal?” “6:30ish,” hearings B4 10am R rare, most = much later… coming from the concrete grayness, steel metal bars, placid white walls, 2 step out N2 mahogany everywhere, deep reds, soft blues, business attire & hairdos, stenograph, briefcase, pens & notepads… chained 2 Ur own body N oversized shirt, pants, paper shoes = neon orange… eyes immediately turn 2 the bk of the room & R flooded by the benches behind the defense – friends & family bringing a rush of nutrients that cannot B put 2 words; i could barely keep still know’n that i was sharing the same air & only w/N arms reach of their embraces… it was such a contrast 2 what lay B4 me on this SD of the Bar… standing B4 that 1st black robe, the separation was disorienting, the language & process was that of another world… bail denied – flight risk = knowledge of standing on the SD of the road w/thumb out, knowledge of boarding locomotives when they slow or stop = flight risk; no family ties = traveling w/out a cellphone & pharmacy in canada unable 2B contacted by family = no family ties… after the sardine-van ride bk 2 the gulag, it’s bk ? 2 the cell & wait 4 the visit i knew was coming… ‘never knew if it would B my Partner & family or my attorney who would B 1st… the attorney visits were N closed booths w/little stainless steel stools & table top w/a slot under the plexi-glass window sized 4 paperwork… i could feel the presence of microphones N the false ceiling above us – seemed ridiculous 2 believe they weren’t there… Mark’s communication skills w/N the court room were pretty damn good – but N any other circumstance = extremely lacking… i got 2 the point of having 2 put him through grounding techniques at the beginning w/reminders

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by causing frustration & raise stress levels, the volume was lowered or a static background noise made hearing the other persyn near impossible at times & perfectly clear the next… knowing each word & sentence were 2B scrutinized by any # of ‘intelligence’ agencies wasn’t 2 big of a step – but i’ve never acclimated 2 not B’n able 2 touch those i love… have’n those visits kept me alive as much as the oxygen i was breathing, & getting others perspectives on the proceedings N court helped 2 make sure i wasn’t the only 1 baffled by what was go’n on… the courts i experienced eviscerated canadian pharmacy cialis 5 mg any ideas regarding a jury trial B’n the last oasis of justice w/N the system; where a jury is provided all the facts & info., & B’n free 2 their interpretation w/justice as the intent & end… if that were the case, i wouldn’t B N this cell, nor hearing time and again stories from folx N here reflecting my own… throughout trial i was dumbfounded by the blatant ways (2 me) the jury was held N contempt by the judge & lawyers – at the same time regarding them as some porcelain doll the lawyers and judge didn’t want 2 tip over… throughout the proceedings my eyes would wander over 2 those folx sat off 2 the SD, occupying that space of audience, the passive observer… 1 or 2 dozing, most w/the impartial looks of random thoughts= bills-work-family-etc., ‘reminded me when i was a kid at church with the pastor speaking of famine, drought, floods, the starving of children & elders N economically colonized lands = there was this blanket of something over or behind people’s expressions = “a higher power is at work here”… i remember get’n called 2 jury duty & duck’n it like the plague; forced 2 accept pennies on the dollar after drive’n at least an hour through bumper 2 bumper each morn’n & night, 9-3 sit’n N uncomfortable chairs, “we’re all stuck here, so the smoother we make this = the faster we can all go home,” “follow the lead of the professionals, they’ve been do’n this a long time & know what they’re do’n; after all, justice is their business”… by the time the jury instructions were handed dn, they were so deluded, confused, & malleable – it took hardly a nudge 2 direct them dn the prescribed path… i’m at a loss of words due 2 a couple of reasons = 1) the jury didn’t C it & didn’t do anything about it; 2) i saw it & didn’t do anything about it… this is a jumble of curiosities= how can truth & justice B found w/out open understanding of all parties & honest, authentic communication? R they even meant 2B there N the 1st place? how would a political prisoner go about getting a jury of their peers? how could a jury B impartial if they’re confined 2 perceive & relate 2 censored info only from a deliberate perspective chosen by a person paid by the state whose superiors maintain their status & the status quo?… ‘hear that N the middle of my trial the judge won the judge of the yr award? weird, eh?… the day of the verdict i can remember sitt’n N the cage on the 10th floor… the court room & attached juror room were upon the 14th & i sat there imagining positive energy flowing N2 the latter… when a marshal showed up 2 take me up the elevator i knew it was 2 early… as every 1 was settling N & waiting on the judge, a juror caught my eye & gave a small shake of their head – i had 2 give my self a small smile 4 perceiving the outcome… it didn’t surprise me any more than the sentence handed dn by the judge… he’d made his intent known throughout the trial; at 1 point turning 2 Mark & i 2 give us a small nod & smile when a juror asked the precise question which would lead them all 2 perceive the confidential informant as not B’n a govn’t agent when i 1st met her… this was actually the pivotal point during the deliberations as stated by a couple of the jurors N letters they wrote 2 my attorney… at sentencing the presentencing officer recommended 13 yrs, the prosecution 20, viagra 50 mg & the judge mentioned someth’n like wish’n that he wasn’t bound by the limit put on him bc it was a conspiracy case & couldn’t give me the 293 months the charge carried otherwise. the impact on loved ones racked me harder than the time handed dn, & somehow i had more confidence N the appellate courts (social programming is a pain N the ass)… i was way 2 excited know’n i’d B out of that county jail & solitary confinement… so far as my experience w/the sacramento county gulag, we’ll have 2 start at the beginning… 1 more time = bright Winter mountain morning, sit’n on the trunk of the car soaking N the brisk blue Sky, “did i seriously leave my pouch of tabac at the house?,” here come the other 2, ‘click,’ screeching wheels N all directions, i fixate on the suburban B4 me, less than a bus length away, both SD doors open B4 it stops, out come 2 shouting ninja turtles w/the nozzles of their AR15s leading the way, a quick pan @ soaks N the other vehicles, shouts, guns, & stop on her eyes staring at me N the rear view mirror, that ‘click’ B4 the screeching tires registers as the auto-lock 4 the doors of the car she’s sitting N… dominoes tumble btx my ears as i slowly raise my hands & get dn 2 knees, stomach, arms out-reached, the asphalt doesn’t exist under my cheek, nor the 2 knees N my back, i’m bk by the time i’m cuffed & stood ?, hands leaping N2 my pockets looking 4 a key that isn’t there… shock has set N & the contradiction of B’n me rides the torrent of adrenaline N2 a state of calmness & clarity; there is no tremor N my breath, nor shaking N my hands; i can feel the embrace of cool morning air moving @ me, the warmth of the Sun on my skin, N my eyes the full green of Trees & deep blue of Sky sinks N, “this is go’n 2B the last time my eyes hold them 4 a while,” i give out a silent thanks w/a sigh… a small crowd has gathered 2 watch, i’m taken N2 the bk of a durango rental, the other 2 R N separate cars, JTTF driver (c.h.p. or sheriff’s dep.), fibby hops N beside me, short ride dn the hill 2 a suburb satellite compound N citrus heights i never knew was there (lived w/N 5 miles of it since jr. high), during their attempt 2 debrief my property was logged & headlamp stolen by the fibby “i’ll take this as evidence,” yes i’m still pissed, “U got anything 2 say?” “U got an attorney 4 me?,” bk N the durango & headed dn town, just B4 we pull N2 the underground garage of the gulag = “We always go easy on the 1 that turns 1st” “U’re fuck’n kid’n me,” sit’n on a concrete bench under the gulag, paper wk B’n processed, i’m soak’n everything up while look’n bored as fuck = there’s double doors on every exit, scrubbed concrete i can tell has been spattered from countless struggles coming 2 late – once U’re N the bowels surviving digestion is the only viable possibility i can C… there R no windows, ultra-violet lights at measured distances break up the heavy doors – be they steel or bullet proof plexi-glass, feels like i’m wait’n N line 4 some twisted roller-coaster ride… a young look’n agent w/an ATF windbreaker sits next 2 me, “recognize me?” “not really” “U know how hard it was 2 keep up w/U?” “no” “we’ll have 2 have a beer when U get out” “U’re buy’n,” behind the sliding door, uncuffed, patted dn, handkerchief and hoodie taken, cuffed, wait, 2 jug heads escort me 2 a room the size of a phonebooth & uncuff me, “strip & put clothes outSD,” they step away, i notice the small window of a box housing a camera has a yellow post-it 4 a cover & i quickly remove it – if they come at me it’s go’n 2B on film… i can’t say i was ready 4 this form of psy-op.s (can U ever B ready 2 experience something U’ve only read about?) but i did know it 4 what it was= an attempt 2 make the oppressed feel like they R participating N a demoralizing act – having seen a wrong is bad, having a wrong done 2 U is worse, doing a wrong 2 Urself is the

worst ever, knowledge B4 hand dissolves the power dynamic necessary 4 them 2 oppress… they return, quickly glancing at the camera, 1 goes through my clothes while the other spits directions w/cold concrete under my feet = show hands, under armpits, behind ears, SDs of mouth, under tongue, lift balls, turn @, lift rt foot, left foot, bend over, spread cheeks, cough, get dressed, no laces N my boots; then the shuffle begins – continuous displacement from 1 tank to another (more psy. ops.) , this 1 so full there’s only standing room, the next it’s just me & the camera, always a camera & a phone, a toilet & thick boarded benches against the walls, this 1 fills & empties, moved B4 this 1 fills all the way, time vanishes, only wondering, is there an undercover N here, a plant, an informant, dominoes tumble once again = solitary will B the only escape from violent coercion – abuse could only come from those who have the keys… not wanting 2 provide the fibbies w/any tools 2 sway my decision 2 go 2 trial – i could easily picture myself during trial w/a face marred by a fight, while my attorney layed out my non-violent past & non-existent criminal record 2 a jury full of raised eye-brows & smirks – i requested solitary confinement… i was persynally prepared 4 what came w/isolation, having done the necessary wk on myself = the internal exploring, healing & nourishing needed 2 survive & dance w/the trauma of B’n raised N this culture; w/the effects from the shock & continuous trauma of B’n caged all i would’ve had 2 fall bk on would B those culturally programmed traits we’re all raised with, such as identification w/the oppressor, mob mentality, & submission 2 authority… my receiving those weekly stacks of mail did wonders which i’m perpetually grateful 4, but w/out the anchor of knowing, loving, & B’n aware of who i am – how could i’ve stayed true 2 the intentions of my Heart?… through the Spring and Summer a once dear friend of mine survived iso. & continuous harassment – his folding just B4 Fall was like my Heart breaking N my hands… i tried 2 do all i could 2 aid him N maintaining some semblance of a foundation that he could utilize – of course (here’s that familiar sting), it’s not something

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which can B given, only found… he was released as soon as he signed his plea deal; 2 prep him 4 the stand it took 3 consecutive days of 9-5… while on the stand they used something like ‘rehabilitated’ 2 describe him = now working 35-40 hrs/week, helping his dad w/the rent, & having a girlfriend… when he flipped i didn’t think the pain could’ve pharmacy license canada gotten worse… what i saw & heard were the scared responses of some1 B’n led along on a tight leash… lauren was almost the inverse = ze turned rt away & when i found out over the Summer i was devastated… btx the time of our arrest & the trial ze’d apparently recovered some – despite the influences @ hir & the meds they put hir on… it was subtle, but lauren’s words ended up aiding my defense more than the prosecution… the c.i., ‘anna,’ wore business attire, mimicking the professionalism exuded by her fibby handlers… it twisted me up & down 2 hear the distance N her voice i recognized as always B’n there… at the end of ‘anna’s’ testimony the govn’t resorted 2 character assassination by way of a blatant lie, pitting their authority vs. my word… their story was that on the last night i walked out N2 the living room 2 wave an 8 inch knife over ‘anna’s’ sleeping face (a knife i never possessed, nor did they remember 2 plant N the evidence), which woke her & her calmly saying “go bk 2 bed”… somehow the surveillance cameras weren’t recording during this event, which is weird bc they’re supposed 2B N whatever room the c.i. occupies (but of course fibbies testified 2 their witnessing the event on their monitors), nor was there a 302 filing 4 that night (an event description form 4 the fibbies 2 write dn a narrative of what they see on the monitors w/the corresponding times)… 2 say i was disgusted doesn’t even begin 2… … so, biased as it is, i’ve acquired the belief that moving w/a political intent brings about quite a bit of predisposition from the courts (yes, i’m B’n sarcastic, their response was more like that 2 a deadly virus = stamp out & lock away)… it’s further supported by a recent case N sacto where some1 burnt dn a wal-mart, a good portion of an upscale mall, & his grandma’s house; & after the actions were deemed not politically based (by the same prosecutor N my case), that persyn got sentenced 2 10 yrs… my case was 1 more notch N the belt 4 the fibby’s cointel tactics – creating monsters 2 fuel fear, while vilifying a pattern of social relation based upon mutual aid, authentic relation, voluntary association, & the realization of desires… this pattern of relation was something i’d found N every place i touched N a yr & a 1/2 of traveling off the grid – Seatle 2 Ft. Lauderdale, NY 2 San Fran. & numerous places Nbtx… throughout those times i moved w/an authentic intent, finding a reciprocity, a mutual respect that accompanies the unconscious (or conscious) recognition of some 1 sharing their true self – something deep w/N saying = “this isn’t 1 of the culturally cordonned masks”… & everywhere i went i found others moving w/the same intent – living off the streets, wk’n small jobs, go’n 2 school; these aspects B’n secondary 2 who they R… it’s the relation 2 themselves & 2 those N their communities which took precedence= what nurtured them on their paths… & not 1 was perfect, & had no intention 2B, but they were true 2 themselves N nurturing who they wished 2 become – http://canadianpharmacy-storerx.com/ not some prescribed mold produced by another… w/that – the recognition of material objects B’n non-permanent translated N2 a free sharing or gifting of whatever i happen 2 possess N the moment 2 fullfill a need U’re experiencing rt now (eg.- i’m not going 2 have this pouch of tobacco 4ever; there R numerous ways of acquiring more; & if U don’t have any & would like some= why wouldn’t i help a member of my community?)… these folx came 2gether as long

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as it nurtured each individually; communicating their persynal & social needs & wishes w/the group – moving towards the benefit of the whole, & there4 themselves… i’ve seen & experienced these grps last for hrs, days, weeks, months, yrs; when pple felt they were no longer nurtured or out grew what the grp was providing, most left w/out animosities & usually w/friendships lasting a lifetime… 2 me, a paramount aspect of authenticity is B’n authentic w/myself & recognizing my shadow as a necessary part of who i am (how can i watch out 4 my shortcomings & negative tendencies if i don’t know what they R?); it’s also helped 2B aware that others share N the wounds inflicted by B’n of this culture, regardless of the nitches they currently find themselves w/N… … this same trauma some structures use 2 keep folx fearful of the unknown, afraid of others, scared of change, worried for the future, & thereby reacting N ways which maintain the culture… any relation that doesn’t bring about those results must B demonized – thus, the “crazy bomb throwing anarchist” motif… what better way 2 dissuade the exploration of ideas than 2 portray those associated w/them as lunatics, dreamers out of touch w/how the world really works… somehow i survived the indoctrination of schooling up 2 college, worked a couple of careers until i saw what i would become N those B4 me, then it took 1 more indoctrination bout w/the intent of teaching 2 finally C this culture beyond the veils of comfort, medication, & socialization… i came 2 recognize the cultural tools provided 4 me – manipulation, coercion, chauvinism, kill or

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On Choice

How 2 make this tangible? How would i allow it 2 move w/the rhythms of Ur Heart & Be-ing? What will create the space 4 authentic relation w/this medium? i wish 2 explore my intents, so as 2 express that i have nothing 2 hide – that i wish 2 reside beyond the box of social relations which all of us must maneuver @ every day, through the manipulation and coercion that defines most of the interactions of our time… so far as the tangible, i would like 2 ask U 2 print this out if U’re reading this on Over the counter cialis some type of screen – making sure it’s not just something that happens N Ur head… an idea came 2 me after beginning like this – giving voice 2 how after +5 years of incarceration, i have no idea what it’s like on the outsd & therefore don’t have a strong foundation of relation other than B’n open & speaking 2 the authentic core which resides w/N all of us… … i know i can’t make change happen, at the same time it feels like i have a choice 2 create a possibility 2 affect something or some 1… the intent that initiates the beating of my Heart is 2 share w/others N a relation which moves authentic – where the walls R no longer necessary; where we can B all of who & what we R w/all of those @ us http://cialisotc-norxcialis.com/ (non-humyn & humyn); most importantly w/ourselves… i wish 2 share N the openness i is healthy man viagra legitimate experienced as a child, that which i have somehow been able 2 nurture & hold space 4 along this journey – from socialization up 2 the present confines i currently am caged w/N… i don’t wish 4 this 2 B some long drawn out story viagra injection getting at every nook & cranny of western culture™ – there R more than enough books on the subject, so i’ll express pharmacy keep it short & sweet… i’d really like this 2 B about choice, how each day each of us chooses who & what 2 nurture w/N & @ us… how it took a good # of yrs of my B’n a part of the system B4 i could

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June 1, 2009 – Letter

Through most of the city’s old train yard Ba’aden had rambled on about the bicycle project ze’d been playing w/since B4 the Summer Solstice – when Cett found a pause long enough 2 gently break N w/a reference 2 some writing ze had seen the other toying w/a couple Nights past… though Ba’aden’s feet still carried hir, ze had stopped ½ way N the motion of cupping a lit match 2 hir cigarette ~ as if finding hirself suddenly encased by those very words… the rolled cigarette

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classically drooped off hir bottom lip 2 hang N defiance at gravity, the approaching fire from the match was what shocked hir bk N2 the present… shaking it out w/a small curse & pulling another from the book N hir shirt’s front pocket, Ba’aden shyly put the rollie bk N position & brought flame 2 it N hir usual rote fashion… after some familiar grounding techniques ze threw a SD long smile at Cett’s patient & silent curiosity – tasting the underlying hunger 2 learn why Ba’aden was yanked from the moment … … softly, an almost cooling Breeze lazily Danced across the sets of old rails, tugging at the scents of the Hobo fires which lived 4 their own sake N the Full Moon’s Light of the low blood pressure and viagra Night B4, hints of cheap wine, malt-liquor, & train grease mixed w/the coming Fall – – tires on pavement faded N &

out on the small over-pass just ahead; from the other SD of a chain-link fence, some lone bkyard dog paced 2 & fro, sending solitary barks – like sonar – toward the gravel crunching steps of the friends strolling by – – the Sun began 2 sink N the Western Sky of a Summer 2 long hanging on… … Cett patiently rolled a cigarette of hir own 2 chase a shwill of the homemade Blackberry wine they’d brought 2 share at this month’s salon, where Arno Gruen’s The Betrayal of the Self was 2 B the catalyst 4 the evening… Ba’aden also partook N drink, waiting 4 Cett 2 light & pocket hir lighter – 1 Ba’aden hadn’t seen B4; typical, as Cett finally raised hir eyebrows N a wordless demand & Ba’aden steadied hirself 4 what had flowed out of those pages that Night; what was razed out of that moment’s blending of paper, ink, mind & Heart… a rising Wind, originating N Ba’aden’s core, N rhythm w/hir Heart, & woven by Throat, Tongue, & Mouth fueled the words which came forth… Cett looked N2 hir friend’s eyes 4 what felt 2B the 1st time, only 2 find hirself having 2 turn away genericcialis-rxtopstore.com – blinking out what ze could only describe as finding the Flames of the Phoenix there w/N…

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November 2008 – Letter

The questions brought up here have been with me for some time, & forgive me if they were already explored elsewhere, as i’ve been out of the loop for a minute. i ran into an exceptional writer’s creation (Baldwin’s No Name on the Street) where i came across a reference to Dante’s “I would not have believed death had undone so many.” i couldn’t help but feel a particular resonance regarding my situation & the larger environment realized by the Green Scare. This Death isn’t in a totally physical sense & whose subtleties may reside at the Heart of what lies before us. [This may be redundant but i’ve just got to get it out of me or i’m go’n to burst] To those familiar with debates, it’s known that when one side establishes the terms to be used, it’s only a matter of time before they’ve won the match – the other views have conceded to that particular frame of reference/mind-set which leads to a particular outcome. i found it curious (to say the least) that so many adhered to the given definition of freedom shoved in front of them. What is your definition of freedom at this moment?

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forgive the generalizations). The folks who have lived within those communities for generations have seen time & again how “energetic youth” (be it from

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by adhering to those loaded terms and concepts, consciously or not). ‘Form defines content’ is a hard lesson to learn, and regardless of the intent that initiates a career, a change of priorities is inevitable: concessions are made. Through this a distance is maintained (activist vs. ‘those in need’) – fortified by a colonialist based behavior that has nurtured a divide & conquer loop-hole which only we can close. The safety net which rides along in the back pocket of the privileged becomes a web that bears it’s own poison. And where do the costs arise? No matter what choices we make, we’re always viagra expiration date allowed back http://discountpharmacy-rxstore.com/ into the fold. The deeper pharmacy technician salary range canada the deviation, the trespass: the higher the toll for return. Actually at cheap pharmacy that point, the cost is

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the choices made? We’ve been shown repeatedly the outcome: “it’s only natural.” From my perspective the type of over the counter viagra alternative at walmart Death we’re Dancing with here is the fear of letting go – letting go of what we’ve been taught (programmed) defines us – that which we are to hold most sacred. What are the definitions which define your reality? What choices do they open before you? And which are closed? What unfolds because of those choices? Basically: How do you wish to Live your Life? Under whose discretion? What is it you hold Sacred?

October 1, 2008 – Letter

it’s presently a Pisces Full Moon so i’m running on Intuition while writing this – admittedly a fair amount of caffeine as well… my apologies for the amount of time it’s taken for me to get this out, but finding an edge of balance amongst these new surroundings hasn’t been simple… part of it has also been resigning myself to this medium – persynally there’s too much distance, no way to clarify semantics, read body language, feel if the intent reaches to the Heart as seen through the windows of the Soul… in some ways this language is so Dead it feels a blight to utilize it… there inlies my frustrations, yet this is the most viable tool i have before me ~ i can only wish… … and in calling things what they are, a transformation occurs – a change in relation brought about by the recognition of the subtle and unconscious aspects whose power resides in them being exactly that… … … one thing i’ve become intimate with during this experience is how closely aligned fear and freedom are within this society – it’s fuck’n scary feeling the

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Solidarity, D (aka Eric McDavid) (find your joy)