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Aldershot woman raises £80,000 for robotic legs
Lucy Dodd is walking with robotic legs after a rare spinal condition forced her into a wheelchair.
The raspberry picking robot and other tech news
Kitty Knowles looks at some of the week's best technology stories.

Facebook's Zuckerberg 'survives' leadership vote

Mark Zuckerberg

An attempt to make Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg step down as the company's chairman has failed.

At the company's annual general meeting on Thursday, shareholders had the opportunity to vote on Mr Zuckerberg's leadership.

Mr Zuckerberg is both Facebook's chief executive and the chairman of its board of directors.

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Pompeo warns on Huawei

Mike Pompeo

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, visiting Berlin, has warned the German government that using China's Huawei for wireless network equipment, runs the risk that it might affect cooperation over national security.

Echoing comments he made visiting the UK earlier this month, Mr Pompeo said that the US might have to withhold data on citizens or on national security.

"They will take their own sovereign decisions, (but we) will speak to them openly about the risks ... and in the case of Huawei the concern is it is not possible to mitigate those anywhere inside of a 5G network," he said.