Why Bother Trying To Persuade Anyone?

Why we present arguments rather than just asserting our superiority…

All About Pete

Only accept politicians who have proved they actually care about people other than themselves…

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Everything That’s Wrong With Liberalism

The SPLC’s deceptive and hypocritical approach to anti-racism…

Why Won’t The Right Debate Us?

To see how committed to “free speech and open dialogue” conservatives are, see what happens when you ask them to defend their arguments…

Everybody’s Chum

Joe Biden’s career shows why being a Washington “boys’ club” insider is indefensible…

How To Write A Political Puff Piece

Vanity Fair teaches you how to make politics about personality rather than policy…

The Persistence of Anti-Immigrant Nonsense

David Frum’s article about the immigration “crisis” inadvertently proves there is no such crisis…

The Obama Boys

The memoirs of White House staffers can show us how not to do politics…

I Refuse To Be Distracted From The Deaths Of Palestinian Children

Let’s talk far more about what Israel has actually done…

Should Leftists Go On FOX?

Yes, if they can crush it…

Looking At The Bottom Line

Don’t be afraid to tell people their taxes will go up. Just explain the bottom line.

The Importance of Pacifism

Without people who truly hate war, it will never go away…

The Radicalism of “Equal Opportunity”

Having anything close to equal opportunity would require a complete global social transformation…

Ignore All Arguments About What Is “Politically Feasible”

Nobody actually knows what can and can’t happen in politics…

What a “Right” To Healthcare Actually Means

It’s not slavery or coercion. It’s just a statement of what a government ought to provide resources for.

There Is Still Only One Clear Way To Get Rid Of Trump

Let’s be honest: running Bernie in 2020 is the best shot the Democrats have at beating Trump…

Death To Minimalism

Take away the unnecessary, untidy, and intricate and you take away a place’s soul…

Resisting Indefensible Choices

Simplistic cost-benefit analyses take the range of options for granted…

A Speech on Socialism at Andover

Introducing left politics to high school students…

The Choice We Face

Politicians need to be clear: do they take climate change seriously or not?