
Note to Hillary: Clintonomics Was a Disaster for Most Americans

Under Bill Clinton, Wall Street created a ruinous bubble, while workers lost wages and power.

Robert Pollin

The Hospitality Industry’s Two-Tier Workforce

At one hotel, two groups of housekeepers can do the same work but get very different pay.

Michelle Chen

How to Make the Trans-Pacific Partnership Work for Workers and Communities

As written, the TPP has many flaws. But it could be salvaged if we open up the dispute-resolution process to civil-society stakeholders.

Lance Compa
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Special Report

What the Pathetic Case Against Says About Sex Work

Without victims or allegations of trafficking or coercion, the case against Rentboy is particularly weak. It’s also drawn new groups into the movement to decriminalize sex work.
Lisa Duggan

In a coordinated takedown at 6 am on August 25, teams of agents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and officers from the NYPD appeared unannounced with guns and vests at the homes of the CEO and several employees of the popular 19-year-old website Another team ransacked the… Continue Reading >

The Score

Bankers of the World, Unite!

To stabilize our economy, we should unionize the financial sector.

Mike Konczal

Americans Work Too Much Already

The Save American Workers Act would do nothing of the sort, but it would force many employees to log more hours.

Bryce Covert

The Shareholder Revolution Devours Its Children

The economy has been rigged to channel wealth to a tiny elite.

Mike Konczal

Activists Unite

Defend Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling

The Obama administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers under the Espionage Act than all other administrations combined. Join a campaign to demand a pardon for one of them. 

Take Action Now! >

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