The University of Queensland

The University of Queensland, established in 1910, is the largest university in Queensland. UQ is a pace-setter in discovery and translational research, and is committed to teaching excellence and outstanding mentorship that leads to well-rounded graduates who are equipped to live and work effectively in a global environment.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 1926 articles

On Wednesday, the AFP raided the ABCs Sydney headquarters in relation to the 2017 “Afghan files” report. AAP/David Gray

Why the raids on Australian media present a clear threat to democracy

This week's raids on journalists and media outlets show not just the risk to those doing work in the public interest, but the potentially chilling effect it will have on more such journalism being brought to light.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese’s new shadow ministry includes a few surprises, though many of the faces remain the same. The Conversation / AAP Images

Infographic: who’s who in Labor’s shadow ministry

From Bill Shorten to Kristina Keneally, our experts break down Labor's new shadow ministry – who's in, who's been promoted, and who faces the greatest challenges in their new roles
Legislative action regarding vehicle emissions is overdue, and needs urgent attention by the federal government. Shutterstock

Australians could have saved over $1 billion in fuel if car emissions standards were introduced 3 years ago

This shocking figure comes from our back-of-the-envelope calculations looking at the effect of forcing more efficient engines on the Australian market.
Uber has sparked protests around the world. It is seen as exploiting its own drivers and harming those employed in regulated taxi industries. Justin Lane/AAP

Uber drivers’ experience highlights the dead-end job prospects facing more Australian workers

Many Uber drivers do their job because the alternatives are worse. It's an unhappy work choice faced by an increasing number of Australians.
The Darling River near Louth NSW, April 2019, in the midst of a drought compounded by upstream irrigation policies. Jaana Dielenberg

As the dust of the election settles, Australia’s wildlife still needs a pathway for recovery

In the event, the federal election turned out to be more about the economy than the environment. But there are steps the Coalition government can take to help conservation and boost the economy too.
Fish fences are typically positioned on tropical seagrass meadows, which are important ecosystems for fish communities and the health of neighbouring habitats. Benjamin Jones/Project Seagrass

Small-scale fisheries have unintended consequences on tropical marine ecosystems

To ensure overall biodiversity, the intensity and impact of small-scale fisheries' methods needs far more attention.
It’s a 50km long patch in the middle of Queensland that’s causing a lot of trouble, but many people couldn’t even point it out on a map. Queensland Government - Coordinated Projects Map

Interactive: Everything you need to know about Adani – from cost, environmental impact and jobs to its possible future

Everything you need to know – where it is, the environmental impact, Indigenous land rights issues and actual profitability – of the Adani Carmichael coal mine in one simple interactive.
Not everyone trusts that science will bring benefits to society. from

Scientists want to build trust in science and technology. The alternative is too risky to contemplate

In Australia, the next government will need to meet the challenge of refreshing the social licence between science, government and the many and diverse communities that make up our nation.

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