Indigenous recognition: Turnbull Government's rejection of Uluru Statement from the heart indefensible

Updated October 27, 2017 18:10:03

How can I possibly find the words to respond to the Turnbull Government's rejection of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Referendum Council's recommendation for an Indigenous voice to Parliament?

It is not just my own shock and heartbreak. It is also the shock and heartbreak that is being felt across Australia. But this act of political bastardry cannot be left unanswered, and must be answered with no less than the full outrage it deserves.

Let us be very clear about this. What Malcolm Turnbull has rejected is the expressed wishes of the Indigenous people. Nigel Scullion, in an interview on Radio National just after the announcement, sought to downplay this fact. His highlighting of small pockets of dissent was a most egregious political treachery.

Again, this cannot be left unchallenged.

The Uluru process, being the dialogues held with more than a thousand Indigenous people across the nation, and the Uluru Convention, were historic in both scope and resulting unity.

Try as they might, the Turnbull Government will never succeed in their attempt to slander the process and outcome. History will be most kind on us and damning of this Government.

They could have just said no

What was extraordinary about the dialogues and convention was how our people grasped the political realities of the options for recognition.

They came to understand and embrace the fact the voice was the right path because it perfectly responded to our aspirations, our torment of powerlessness, our inability to close the gap, and the concerns of the most strident conservative protectors of the constitution.

It was an extraordinary display of both pragmatism and principle by arguably the most representative and largest group of Indigenous people assembled in modern times. And it ended with a unanimous position — that the key form of recognition should be a constitutionally entrenched Indigenous voice to Parliament.

The media release announcing the rejection was an attack.

"The Government does not believe such a radical change to our constitution's representative institutions has any realistic prospect of being supported by a majority of Australians in a majority of states," it said.

As Noel Pearson has already pointed out, they could have simply said no. Yet, they haven't done that. They have attacked.

Scullion has continued the strategy and ramped up the rhetoric.

Genie is out of the bottle

I think we have every right to be suspicious. We should question why they are doing this.

I suspect the question has a very simple answer. They know their decision is indefensible.

They know they asked the Referendum Council to consider all the options and undertake a legitimate consultation with Indigenous people. They know they did so in a very thorough and professional way.

They even know they did so to a level never seen before. They just don't like the answer.

So they have made a very cruel political calculation. They will be more judged on the decision to attack than they will be judged on their rejection of the voice.

It is more proof Turnbull, as has been so widely said, lacks political judgment.

But they should know this. The genie is out of the bottle.

We have identified the very source of our powerlessness. We have traced the cause of why we fail to close the gap. We have no voice in the decisions that impact on us.

The Government's actions over the past 24 hours will not stuff that genie back in the bottle. We will regroup. We will be demanding our voices are heard.

We must have a say

We will insist we have a say in every decision, every policy, every service delivered, and every piece of legislation that affects us.

The bizarre political calculation to viciously attack will backfire not just on the Turnbull Government but every federal, state and local government from here on in.

For that, I suppose we owe a great debt to the participants in the dialogues, the delegates at the Uluru Convention, and the members of the Referendum Council.

I suppose we should also thank the Turnbull Government for their inexplicable attack. I sense a great galvanising will come from this.

Sean Gordon is the chief executive of the Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council.

Topics: community-and-society, indigenous-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander, indigenous-policy, government-and-politics, reconciliation, constitution, australia, nt

First posted October 27, 2017 17:29:50