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Daniel Pipes Comes to Melbourne: Are Australian Muslims Right to be Outraged?

Chloe Patton is a Melbourne-based researcher and writer.

Australian Muslim community groups are right to be outraged over Australian Jewish organisations hosting lectures by Daniel Pipes last week.

Pipes is founder and president of the Middle East Forum (MEF), a think tank which describes its mission as promoting American interests in the Middle East but which critics regard as one of the most frequently accessed sources of Islamophobic misinformation on the internet and a key player in the multi-million dollar Islamophobia industry.

Contrary to the way the backlash was presented in The Australian, it is not just Muslims who feel betrayed by the speaking tour.

Some of the strongest condemnation of Pipes came from within the local Jewish community, with the Australian Jewish Democratic Society calling him a "racist hate monger" in a Facebook post. Writer and community activist Alex Fein also labelled him a hate monger, and criticized Jewish Communities Council of Victoria for hosting him. "It is an entirely unnecessary blow to Muslim Jewish relations in Australia that will do nothing to enhance Jewish community life," she said.

Pipes told The Australian that he was surprised by the backlash: "it feels very 2002, 2003. I haven't encountered it in many years." He had, in fact, experienced something similar just last month over a speech he gave at the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs. On that occasion, the largest Arab-American civil rights group and peak Muslim community organisation each issued statements calling for the event to be cancelled, with Pipes being labelled "the grandfather of Islamophobes."

Executive Director of the Australia Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, Colin Rubenstein, defended the Melbourne lecture, telling The Australian that characterisation of Pipes as racist is "cheap, false propaganda designed to shut down discussion of genuine issues."

Discussion of genuine issues is one thing. But in my view, Pipes's rhetoric of a Muslim takeover of the West is structured along very similar lines to anti-Semitic propaganda. The issues at the centre of Pipes's work are no more worthy of discussion than fantasies about Jews plotting to take over the banking system.

Is Pipes Really a Racist?

When Pipes's detractors try to succinctly pin down racism in Pipes's work, they often single out these lines he wrote in 1990:

"Fears of a Muslim influx have more substance than the worry about jihad. Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene."

Pipes, however, subsequently backed away from this statement. "Brown-skinned peoples" should have been in quotation marks, he says, as his goal was to "characterise the thinking of Western Europeans, not give my own views."

Whatever one makes of his back-peddling, it is certainly true that "race" seldom figures in Pipes's voluminous body of work on Muslims. The vitriol he unleashes on Muslims instead often takes the form of conflating Muslims with Islamist extremism.

Last week, for instance, when the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) issued a statement condemning the Australian Jewish groups that hosted him, Pipes accused the more than 90 Muslim community groups that signed the statement of being "Islamists" who "don't like my message that 'Radical Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution'. Can't blame them really, as it's dangerous for them." I can think of at least a further 20 Shi'a groups that would support the statement but are not affiliated with AFIC. By Pipes's own measure, about the only Muslim organisation in the country that is not a hotbed of "Radical Islam" and thus deserving of his wrath is the one run by the tabloid TV and newspaper cleric Mohammad Tawhidi.

But is this racism? In order to answer that, we need to reflect on what we mean by racism.

For scholars of race, racism is and always has been an instrument of power. It is an alibi: the supposedly empirical evidence that makes someone's desire to lord it over someone else seem morally justifiable. It is what makes the brutal and unthinkable not only possible, but desirable. The form that alibi takes shifts according to what is morally acceptable in any given historical context. As Alana Lentin points out, racial power structures are today upheld precisely by limiting our understanding of racism to "race" in the biological sense:

"The unique association of 'racism' with only one chapter in the evolution of the many-headed hydra of race - 19th century 'scientific racism' - makes it easy for us to deny that we are racist. No clearer can this be seen than in the context of contemporary Islamophobia with even those who advocate for a Muslim ban claiming 'non-racism' because 'Islam is not a race'. Being alert to race - not as identity or as a measure on an abhorrent phrenological chart - but as a central facet of modern European and, by extension, colonial systems of rule, helps us see just how obfuscating this claim is."

To be seen to be morally legitimate, racism today needs to be expressed in cultural terms. While this is commonly seen as an evolution in race thinking, Robert Young points out that racism has always been primarily about been cultural incommensurability; the nineteenth century obsession with phenotype was simply a means of turning this dubious premise into "scientific" fact by mapping it onto the colonised body.

While Pipes may regret his statement about Muslim immigrants' skin-colour, he has never backed away from the influential thesis of Western civilizational decline that he put forward in the same 1990 essay. For him, an impending Muslim takeover of the West is demographic fact. "Population growth permeates the Muslim consciousness with confidence about the future and imbues Westerners with a sense of foreboding," he wrote. Westerners are "not able to maintain their present numbers," while birth-rates in the Muslim world are uniformly much higher in almost every Muslim country:

"Translated into the total fertility rate, this means 6 children per Muslim woman, 1.7 per woman in the developed countries. The average rate of natural increase in the Muslim countries is 2.8 percent annually; in the developed world, it is a mere 0.3 percent."

Positioning himself as dispassionate expert observer, Pipes claims that for others this "demographic imbalance" represents the "greatest challenge to Western civilisation," and cites Patrick Buchanan's claim that T.S. Eliot may have been right when he wrote "the West would end, 'Not with a bang but a whimper' - perhaps the whimper of a Moslem child in its cradle."

A 2008 article published in The Australian titled "Europe or Eurabia?" rehashes the same thesis, presenting three possible scenarios: either Muslims will dominate and Europe will become an extension of Africa; "Indigenous Europeans" could "reassert control, should they see Muslims posing a threat to a valued way of life" or "Indigenous Europeans" and "immigrant Muslims" will find "a way to live together harmoniously and create a new synthesis." Pipes dismisses the third option out of hand, as a view "of most politicians, journalists, and academics" that has "little basis in reality." He draws his conclusion by approvingly quoting Dennis Praegar: "It is difficult to imagine any other future scenario for Western Europe than its becoming Islamicized or having a civil war."

Writing in Race & Class , Matt Carr says the demographic claims at the heart of the Eurabia thesis "border on the hallucinatory": according to the 2005 CIA World Fact Book, the Algerian fertility rate (1.92) is not significantly different to that of France (1.85), and rates in Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia and Iran are barely above replacement levels.

But more importantly, even if Muslim birth rates were significantly higher than those of non-Muslims, it does not follow that this would translate into a political advantage that Muslims could somehow collectively exercise. By that rationale women would today be politically dominant in most societies across most of the globe because we slightly outnumber men. Eurabia only makes sense if Muslims are understood in culturally racialised terms, as a Zombie-like bloc of uniform political interest and will that is hell-bent on seizing control of the West and reducing whites to willing subordinates - or "dhimmis" in Pipes's parlance.

Is Eurabia a Conspiracy Theory?

For a man who wrote a book debunking conspiracy theories, Pipes's Eurabia thesis sounds suspiciously like one. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, first circulated by Tsarist forces during anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century and widely distributed in Nazi Germany, was a pamphlet that warned of a Jewish plot to achieve global domination by controlling the media and world economies and by subverting Gentile social norms. The fact that it was a fabrication became tautological evidence that it was real: "they keep insisting it is a forgery, so it must be real!"

Similarly, Pipes takes just about anything that Muslims say or do to support his theory, no matter how incongruous. In response to a Pew survey that found support for suicide bombing had dramatically dropped in places like Jordan, for instance, he said that this simply means that Muslims are turning to democratic methods of achieving domination: "Whereas terrorism stimulates its own antibodies and offers no plausible path to power, working through the system is proving successful in such diverse places as Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, Lebanon, Iraq, and Bangladesh, as well as in the West."

Much like the Protocols, weak cultural norms aid the advancing enemy, according to Pipes. Pipes opines that conquest of the West by means of "lawful Islamism" is being helped along by Western pacifism, self-hatred and complacency. "Self-hating Westerners have an out-sized importance due to their prominent role as shapers of opinion in universities, the media, religious institutions, and the arts," he says. "They serve as the Islamists' auxiliary mujahideen."

Where Pipes's work differs from the Protocols and similar theories involving Muslims (those put forward by Bat Ye'or and Oriana Fallaci, for instance) is the degree of agency he attributes to Muslims. Pipes does not elaborate any ideas that Muslims are plotting and scheming - there is no shadowy Gulf oil billionaire or Arab Bank pulling the strings. For him, it always comes back to Muslims' supposed numerical superiority. He constantly repeats his own statistic that Islamists constitute 10% to 15% of the Muslim population worldwide - a figure he takes to be correct because "it has been widely accepted and repeated," thus "they number some 125 to 200 million persons, or a far greater total than all the fascists and communists, combined, who ever lived."

In addition to this, Islamists can supposedly infect virtually any other Muslims with their ideology because it is "capable of appealing to Muslims of every size and shape, from Lumpen proletariat to privileged, from illiterates to PhDs, from the well-adjusted to psychopaths, from Yemenis to Canadians. The movement almost defies sociological definition."

America's Favourite Source of Fake News

Whatever his intention, Pipes's prodigious output has laid the foundations for a raft of Islamophobic claims that refuse to die. He was a vocal figure in the backlash against the building of a prayer centre in downtown Manhattan close to "ground zero," arguing that "this initiative carries the unmistakable odor of Islamic triumphalism." Referring to Obama's condemnation of a church leader who advocated burning the Qur'an in protest over the centre, Pipes declared that the U.S. President had "moved the country towards dhimmitude, a condition whereby non-Muslims acknowledge the superiority of Islam. Finally, Mr. Obama in effect enforced Islamic law, a precedent that could lead to other forms of compulsory Shariah compliance."

This played neatly into far-Right claims that Obama is actually a Muslim performing taqiyya (meaning in this context lying to non-Muslims to protect Muslims), a conspiracy theory that Pipes has had a hand in fuelling by suggesting Obama may be hiding his upbringing: "if [Obama] was born and raised a Muslim and is now hiding that fact, this points to a major deceit, a fundamental misrepresentation about himself that has profound implications about his character and his suitability as president." According to MEF, Pipes's articles on Obama having been raised Muslim have an aggregated readership of nearly 1 million, and have been translated into 14 languages.

Pipes is also the originator of the far-Right's often repeated claim that there are "no-go zones" across the West: areas with significant Muslim populations that are controlled by jihadists and which non-Muslims cannot enter. This is a claim that U.S. President Donald Trump and now even German Chancellor Angela Merkel have bought into. In 2015 Pipes revised this to "partial no-go zones" after an incursion into a predominantly Muslim French public housing estate (which he described as a "drug- and crime-infested slum"). He said of the angry residents who threw rocks and chased him out that if he had not been in a local council car "the thugs would have welcomed me as a potential drug customer." Pipes lists the Sydney suburb of Lakemba among such areas, which he says "often feature men sitting around cafes and women cooped up at home. They suffer from a range of social pathologies, including unemployment, criminal gangs, and drug-trafficking."

The Islamophobia Industry

Pipes is identified by a Center for American Progress (CAP) report as one of the five "experts" at the centre of the global Islamophobia industry which generates the data concerning Muslims then used by political leaders, grassroots groups and the media. According to the report, these individuals "travel the country and work with or testify before state legislators calling for a ban on the non-existent threat of Sharia law in America and proclaiming that the vast majority of mosques in [the U.S.] harbor Islamist terrorists or sympathisers."

Members of the network not only promote each other's ideas, but their executives sit on other member organisations' boards.

The influence of this well-oiled machine is cause for alarm. In 2001, for example, President George W. Bush appointed Pipes to the Board of Directors of the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP), amid forceful opposition from Democrat Senators and Arab-American, Muslim and Jewish civil rights groups. The appointment ended acrimoniously after Pipes accused the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy - an organisation USIP had hosted for an event - of employing "radicals." A spokesperson for the USIP said that Pipes's accusations were thoroughly investigated by government agencies and found to be "based on quotes taken out of context, guilt by association, errors of fact, and innuendo."

Academic Legitimacy?

While Pipes has not held a formal university post since the 1980s, his legitimacy derives from his background as an academic and visiting scholar arrangements with universities and conservative research centres. But his relationship with academia is more often hostile. He is the founder of the Campus Watch website, which launched in 2002 with a McCarthyite blacklist of U.S. scholars deemed to promote virulent "anti-Zionist" bias. It encouraged students to actively spy on their professors by submitting reports on lectures, classes and demonstrations. Columbia Professor Hamid Dabashi, who was one of the first academics attacked by Campus Watch, said he received "obscene, racist and life-threatening voicemail messages" from unknown persons as a result. Dabashi responded:

"We and our families and friends live smack in the middle of the most devastating military machinery in human history, which in turn generates and sustains other militant monstrosities like Ariel Sharon, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Omar, and Yasser Arafat - who sold out the aspiration of his nation to the pathetic cause of being called a 'president'. As moral agents we have to fight on two fronts, both against the medieval horror of undemocratic states throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and the imperial globalization of US military might ... Universities are integral to the public space in which we are duty-bound to engage in vital issues of our time. We will not allow that space taken away from us by failed academics who were denied access to it."

The attacks, however, left a mark, with job offers being rescinded and faculty members subject to university inquiries.

While Campus Watch no longer maintains its "dossiers on Professors" section, it still regularly publishes articles on academics who criticise Israeli foreign policy and/or write about Islamophobia. It has also provided the template used by more aggressive sites, such as Campus Reform and Professor Watchlist, the former of which keeps a tally of "successes" in the form of firings and policy changes.

I have firsthand experience of other websites like these: I received a barrage of rape threats after a copycat site published my picture and labelled me a "wacademic prostitute for Arab Islamism" in response to an article I wrote for The Conversation about Islamophobia industry funding. Pipes is not responsible for these threats, but he has made a considerable contribution to an environment in which harassment of academics has been normalised.

To return to the question of whether Pipes's rhetoric is racist, the Campus Watch "About" page originally contained the claim that "Middle East studies in the United States has become the preserve of Middle Eastern Arabs, who have brought their views with them." This statement has since been deleted from that page, a move which further underlines how Pipes and fellow anti-Muslim activists maintain respectability in public debate by eschewing overt racism.

This raises important questions about what we can and cannot currently say about racism. Pipes's work is not racist if we conceive of racism in biological terms. The problem with Pipes's work lies in its reduction of complex social issues to problems of culture. If the reinforcement of an ideology of European superiority through appeals to culture as opposed to "race" can rightly be considered racism, as critical race theorists argue, then far more of what passes as "expert commentary" on Islam and the Middle East today can, in fact, be considered racist.

Chloe Patton is a Melbourne-based researcher and writer. Her doctoral research was an ethnographic study of young Australian Shi'i Muslims. She was formerly a research fellow at the International Centre for Muslim Understanding at the University of South Australia and at the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations at the Aga Khan University, London.