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Lauren_Southern Fans SA

#WhiteGenocideInSA | There is no words to describe the brutality of the #FarmMurders taking place in South Africa. The White Minorities in South Africa are grave danger, and this escalates even more because of MSM not reporting on this serious matter.

If this was any other race, it would have been headlined on MSM World Wide.

"Because they are White,the world doesn't care"
(Thanks Sky News Australia for reporting) Share

#FarmAttacks #WhiteGenocide #LandTheft
#DisruptedLand #BoerTestimony #LandExpropriationWithoutCompensation #KillTheBoerBook #Plaasmoorde #Farmlands

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There parents would not be proud of them .
„There parents would not be proud of them .“
Imagine being this bad at creating a fake Antifa page.
ANTIFA are a bunch of wanna be thugs who think by bashing people with differing opinions it makes th...em right and tuff. Mehr anzeigen
Not even Tony backs us... feeling sad😪