Confirmed victory

No Violent Extremism. Gavin McInnes Should Not be Allowed into Australia

This petition made change with 81,602 supporters!

Gavin McInnes is coming to Australia on a "comedy tour". Gavin McInnes is no “provocateur". He is not a comedian. This is not satire. It is not about free speech. He is dangerous and should not be allowed in Australia.

McInnes is an alt-right leader and founder of the far-right “gang” (his description), the Proud Boys. In a video describing Proud Boys, McInnes says: “We will kill you, that is the Proud boys in a nutshell. We will kill you. We look nice, we seem soft, we have “boys” in our name but... we will assassinate you.”

McInnes has also said:

“Fighting solves everything. We need more violence from the Trump people, Trump supporters. Choke a m*therf**ker. Choke a b**ch. Choke a tr**ny. Get your fingers around a windpipe.”

“Beating the sh*t out of people? I think it's our job to do it and the cops turn a blind eye.”

“I want violence."

McInnes’ "gang" is true to their own description: they have serially engaged in street violence since they began in 2016, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has listed the Proud Boys as a hate group.

I arrived in Australia as a refugee in 2005. I was born in a refugee camp and spent some of my childhood in another refugee camp. I am passionate about social justice and a fairer society. I have found safety and security in Australia.  It is my home, the only place I have ever felt safe.  

The thought of Gavin McInnes coming to this country to spread hate is extremely concerning. The fact that his hate speech is often accompanied by violence which is extremely concerning.  A man who encourages violence, who formed a gang labelled a hate group and that serially engages in violence should not be allowed into Australia. We should not allow Australia to become the last hope of such a group.

I believe any Australians who care about a fair and just society should not accept this as the norm. We should make it clear that: No, Australia is not the last hope for a violent extremist. 

Please join my call by signing and sharing this petition, and send a message:

Gavin McInnes is not welcome here. Australia is not, and will not be, the last hope for this violent extremist.

Today: Nyadol is counting on you

Nyadol Nyuon needs your help with “Gavin McInnes Should Not be Allowed into Australia”. Join Nyadol and 81,601 supporters today.