Welcome booksellers and distributors

Palgrave Macmillan is part of the merged company Springer Nature. Springer Nature was formed in 2015 through the merger of Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education and Springer Science+Business Media.

Please visit springer.com/business-shop for additional information on products, price lists, online ordering and custom catalogues for booksellers.

Bookseller services

To register to our bookseller newsletter, sign up to the bookseller search to create custom catalogues or apply for online ordering, please visit our service page at springer.com/business-shop. On these service pages you can also find promotional material for current and upcoming sales campaigns, bestseller lists and product information.

Bookseller newsletter

Palgrave Macmillan is now part of the newly merged company Springer Nature, which means that your registration information is stored on systems operated by Springer Nature to allow you to access the content and services that you are registered for.

For security reasons, we could not import your passwords from the old system, so to login to www.palgrave.com you will need to reset your password. (For Macmillan International Higher Education textbooks and resources, please visit: www.macmillanihe.com You do not need to reset your password for this site.)

To register for our bookseller newsletter, sign up to the bookseller search to create custom catalogues or apply for online ordering, please visit our service page at springer.com/business-shop.