Maps of Australia

There are many maps of Australia – here are three!



This map is just one representation of many other map sources that are available for Aboriginal Australia. Using published resources available between 1988–1994, this map attempts to represent all the language, social or nation groups of the Indigenous people of Australia. It indicates only the general location of larger groupings of people which may include smaller groups such as clans, dialects or individual languages in a group. Boundaries are not intended to be exact.

This map is NOT SUITABLE FOR USE IN NATIVE TITLE AND OTHER LAND CLAIMS.  David R Horton, creator, © Aboriginal Studies Press, AIATSIS and Auslig/Sinclair, Knight, Merz, 1996. No reproduction allowed without permission.



Above: Produced by the Anti Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia in July 2001 with information compiled by SEA-US. Courtesy:



Above: Produced in 2007 for distribution at the Sydney APEC meeting with information supplied by the Australian Anti-Bases Coalition. As part of its expansion in the Pacific the US government has stationed marines in Darwin since 2012 and proposed locating a Drone base on the Cocos Islands.
Design by Australian Disruptive.