antifa notes (september 28, 2018) : Anning, Coulter, Fortress, Palmer, Yaxley-Lennon, Yiannopoulos et. al.

1) More planeloads of racist dickheads on their way

Ann Coulter, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon & Milo Yiannopoulos

‘Australia’ was founded as a dumping-ground for the shit of British Empire. Over two centuries later, it’s now a lucrative market for other forms of animae viles. Thus, Milo Yiannopoulos returns to our shores in November, on this occasion bringing with him another wealthy right-wing blabbermouth, Ann Coulter. If all goes to plan, the pair will be accompanied by Senator Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (assuming he’s not back in prison and/or in breach of his bail conditions by leaving E-E-England) and other speakers yet TBA.

The tour kicks off on the Gold Coast on November 29, followed by a ‘VIP Yacht Cruise’ on November 30, and then proceeds to Sydney on December 2, with another v xpnsv boat trip on December 3, and performances in Melbourne (December 5), Adelaide (December 8) and finally Perth (December 11).

The tour is being organised and underwritten by Queensland businessman Dan Spiller AKA ‘Future Now Australia’.

Until very recently, twice-convicted racist Neil Erikson was Mister Spiller’s gopher, which role included paying a nocturnal visit to the family home of sometime-rival Dave Pellowe AKA ‘Axiomatic Events’ (the mob responsible for bringing Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Down Under).

Presumably, Spiller’s deranged acolyte will now have more time to devote to his various legal defences.

As for the luminaries Spiller will be hoping to turn a hefty profit from, Infowars-supplements salesman Milo has been having a somewhat difficult time of late, whining on Facebook about being uninvited from a conference in October and castigating his fans for failing to shovel enough money in his direction: I have lost everything standing up for the truth in America, spent all my savings, destroyed all my friendships, and ruined my whole life, Yiannopoulos wrote: At some point, you realize it’s occasionally better to spend the money on crabs and cocktails.

Fortunately for him, Facebook remains committed to facilitating his batshit, he receives the red-carpet treatment in Australia, and is celebrated by Newscorpse, including The Australian columnist Janet Albrechtsen. When she’s not enjoying Milo’s anti-Aboriginal diatribes (a sample from his talk in Perth is below), Albrechtsen may be found promoting the work of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), where she serves as a brand ‘Ambassador’. Quite how Albrechtsen squares her support for Milo with her role as ambassador I don’t know: after I asked the AIEF for comment on Twitter, I was blocked.

Because newsflash [Aboriginal art] really is shit … Now Australians in this sort of bizarre form of middle-class guilt have decided to pay obeisance to a culture that failed to invent the wheel — and whose signature musical achievement is a big stick … The ugly truth that they don’t want you to say out loud is that history has winners and losers. The progressive left wants to turn Western countries into the only developed civilisations in the history of human society that shit on their own accomplishments in favour of vastly inferior civilisations for no apparent reason. Hence we’re confronted with the ugly spectacle of your own nation and ‘welcome to country’ … and the desperate, pathetic attempts to pretend that didgeridoos represent a beautiful and historic cultural achievement, and not a punchline to a joke. Now you might not know this, but there are absolutely no Aboriginal people left alive in Australia — the last ones died in the ’60s and ’70s, and since then George Soros has been shipping over Black Lives Matter activists, giving them tubs of white-out, and telling them to just daub themselves and make all the White people feel bad. Your politicians in a symbol of how intelligent they are have been falling for it for half-a-century.

So much for Milo. As for Coulter, while she’s been splashing about in the white nationalist pool for some years now, in April ‘Coulter gave a little more credence to those accusations [of white nationalist sympathies] by exposing her Twitter following of just under 2 million users to Mike ‘Enoch Peinovich’‘, a neo-Nazi blabbermouth from (((New York))).


See also : When Mormons Aspired to Be a ‘White and Delightsome’ People, Emma Green, The Atlantic, September 18, 2017 (‘An historian looks at the legacy of racism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’).

Fraser Anning (and Clive Palmer)

Since his unexpected elevation to the Australian Senate following the disqualification of crazed pixie Malcolm ‘Jew World Order’ Roberts, Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning has been furiously competing with Pauline Hanson for the title of ‘Most AltRight 2018’. Thus his political obsessions have run in rough parallel with those of the baying KKKrowd, from the plight of White South African farmers to the dastardly conspiracy to commit White Genocide™, calling for the forcible eradication of Islam from Australian shores, Putin fanboydom and climate change denial. Recently, however, there’s emerged another contender: billionaire Clive Palmer. See : Alt-Right Memes and Clive Palmer’s Return to Politics, Jordan McSwiney, POP POLITICS AUS, September 27, 2018. Chumbawamba, however, are not down with the bloated idiot. See : Chumbawamba knock down ‘Trump-lite’ Clive Palmer over song use, Naaman Zhou, The Guardian, August 31, 2018.

*Anning’s Facebook page has been (temporarily?) DELed. See : Facebook Deletes Fraser Anning Over ‘Hate Speech’ Complaint, Josh Butler, ten daily, September 28, 2018 | Fraser Anning Has Been Banned From Facebook For Hate Speech, Sam Langford, Junkee, September 28, 2018 | Fraser Anning’s public Facebook page removed for reported hate speech, Jake Evans, ABC, September 28, 2018.

**Anning, along with Avi Yeminem (Australian Liberty Alliance), is scheduled to appear at a rally in Melbourne on October 6 in order to protest censorship by Facebook.

Gavin McInnes

Also touring Down Under is ‘Proud Boys’ founder Gavin McInnes. The chinless wonder is scheduled to be speaking in Melbourne (November 2), Perth (November 4), Adelaide (November 7), Gold Coast (November 8) and Sydney (November 11).

Recently, after declaring his appreciation for NYHC band ‘Sheer Terror’, only to be rebuffed by the boys, McInnes’s followers have rather foolishly declared WAR! on skinheads, in particular RASH and SHARP (See : Hardcore Legends Sheer Terror Take the Proud Boys Down a Notch, Landon Shroder, rvamag, September 26, 2018).

McInnes is proudly-sponsored by Penthouse magazine and publisher Damien Costas, who in September was responsible for arranging Nigel Farage‘s tour of the colonies, and in December 2017 that of Milo Yiannopoulos. Following Milo’s tour, Victoria Police made noises about issuing an invoice to Costas for $50,000 for costs associated with their policing his tour but a savvy Costas told them to bugger off and, happily enough for him, they did.

See also : Rose City Antifa on Proud Boys | Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube, Rebecca Lewis, Data & Society, September 18, 2018 | Nostalgia for the empire and ‘identity politics’ for white people: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern in Sydney, A Communist At Large (James Robb), August 2, 2018.

2) Brisbane nazi punks f*ck off

Speaking of nazi punks, one, ‘Angel Montague’, is currently running a Facebook page called ‘Brisbane city punks’. Allegedly, Montague has been banned from the pubs The Back Room (Chardons Hotel) in Annerley and The Jubilee in Fortitude Valley and possibly one or two others for drunken violence. Still, by most accounts Brisbane punx give short shrift to neo-Nazi shenanigans, so it would make sense if Montague and her handful of neo-Nazi mates were continued to be shown the door.

3) Fortress (Australia)

Pioneering Aussie reich ‘n’ rollers Fortress have recorded a new album: ‘Brothers of the Storm’. The release comes in the wake of renewed touring by the band in Europe, with the boys playing a Hammerskins event in Frankreich (FRA) on March 18 last year, the annual memorial to Skrewydriver Ian Stuart Donaldson in Melbourne (AUS) on October 14, 2017 and another bonehead gig in Queensland on July 21, 2018.

See also : A Brief History Of Neo-Nazi Music In Australia (December 2, 2010).

One neo-Nazi who probably won’t be making any more muzak is Marcel ‘Flubber’ Kuschela. Kuschela, who performed with ‘Kategorie C’, committed suicide in the German town of Moenchengladbach last week: ‘According to the German newspaper Bild and public broadcaster WDR, the victim is a known right-wing extremist and Hooligan who is part of the extreme right-wing band “Kategorie C” and co-founded a movement known as “Hooligans against Salafists” (Hogesa).’

4) Dick returns to MUFF

In an about-face that surprised no-one, Richard Wolstencroft has returned to the helm of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival (MUFF). This follows a brief moment last year when, after having made a stoopid homophobic statement, he ‘resigned’ as organiser and handballed responsibility for it to a flunkey. But in June he returned.

The fascist meathead’s festival does have its supporters, but such is the stench emanating from Wolstencroft he’s having some difficulty finding a venue to screen his shite. Hence ‘Club Voltaire’ in North Melbourne was on-board, and then not, and now the main venue is Top Secret.


You can read more about Wolstencroft’s shitty fascist politics in this blog by Tony Goodfellow — Richard Wolstencroft’s relationship to holocaust denial and Nazis (November 17, 2017) — and you can peruse some unanswered ‘Questions for Richard Wolstencroft’ (June 30, 2018) by SF Lyons here.

See also : After His Show Was Canceled Due to Alleged Neo-Nazi Ties, Boyd Rice Claims ‘Offers Are Coming In’ to Restage It, Sarah Cascone, artnet, September 13, 2018.

5) local and/or general

In AUS, 4Corner’s recent interview with jet-setting fascist shitweasel Steve Bannon is examined by The Guardian writers Nesrine Malik in Indulging Steve Bannon is just a form of liberal narcissism (September 13, 2018) and by Jason Wilson in The consequences of Steve Bannon’s ideas need to be interrogated, not just his words (September 5, 2018); writer Laurie Penny has written a piece in response to the decision by The Economist to provide Bannon another platform in ‘No, I Will Not Debate You’ (September 18, 2018) … which could also be read in light of her earlier adventures with Milo. In BENdigo, meanwhile, anti-Muslim campaigner Julie Hoskin has been forced to resign her position on council after being declared bankrupt — seemingly, in no small thanks to the efforts of lawyer Robert Balzola. See : Bendigo councillor Julie Hoskin, the centre of anti-mosque protests, declared bankrupt and resigns, Peter Lenaghan and Mark Kearney, ABC, September 26, 2018 | Julie Hoskin declared bankrupt one day before sending councillor resignation to City of Greater Bendigo, Adam Holmes, The Bendigo Advertiser, September 26, 2018.

In FRA, two boneheads have been convicted of the murder of anti-fascist Clement Méric in 2013 (see : Two boneheads convicted over 2013 death of anti-fascist activist, The Guardian, September 15, 2018); in GER, Facebook Fueled Anti-Refugee Attacks in Germany, New Research Suggests (Amanda Taub and Max Fisher, The New York Times, August 21, 2018); in GRE, Kevin Ovenden has authored a ‘new study that documents the murderous activities of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn’ (The terrorist activity of neonazi organisations in Europe – The case of Golden Dawn, jailgoldendawn, September 18, 2018); last week in ITA, an MEP, Eleonora Forenza, and their assistant were attacked by members of neo-Fascist organisation Casapound after attending an anti-racist rally (MEP and assistant attacked by Italian far-right group, Lili Bayer,, September 22, 2018); in the USA, Hope Not Hate ventured ‘Inside America’s biggest anti-Muslim organisation’ (Charlie Prentice, September 16, 2018); also in the US, Derek Black, son of White supremacist and Stormfront founder Don Black, stars in Renouncing Hate: What Happens When a White Nationalist Repents (Wes Enzinna, The New York Times, September 10, 2018), while Media Matters examines some of the white nationalists who write for FOX News’ Tucker Carlson’s batshit website The Daily Caller in ‘The Daily Caller has published white supremacists, anti-Semites, and bigots. Here are the ones we know about.’ (September 5, 2018); Billy Briggs for The Ferret writes that ‘YouTube provides a network for far right extremists such as Scot Colin Robertson, aka Millennial Woes, to promote white supremacist views and radicalise people, according to a new report’ (Far-right Scots vlogger named in report on YouTube extremist networks, September 23, 2018); the report — ‘Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube’ — by Rebecca Lewis for Data & Society (September 18, 2018), can be read here.

More generally: ‘Far right’ groups may be diverse – but here’s what they all have in common, Daphne Halikiopoulou, The Conversation, September 27, 2018 | The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult, Pankaj Mishra, The New York Times, August 30, 2018 (‘A wounded and swaggering identity geopolitics puts the world in grave danger.’) | Against mirror world: fascists were not socialists, Comrade Motopu, libcom, August 26, 2018.

Finally, str8 outta Moscow, RUS, comes …

antifa notes (june 27, 2015) : #UnitedPatriotsFront ~versus~ Your ABC

1) Reclaim Australia /// United Patriots Front


The United Patriots Front (UPF) staged a small demo outside the ABC HQ in Melbourne today. The patriots consisted of Troy Bloodstone, Warren Broadhead, Blair Cottrell, Neil Erikson, Kriso Richardson, Thomas Sewell, Chris Shortis, Linden Watson and some other bloke whose name I don’t remember. The boys delivered a pig on a spit, waved flags and presumably complained about the Jews and Communists what run the ABC and treasonously allowed Zaky Mallah to voice an opinion on Q&A. See : An Australian Love Story: The Truth Behind Zaky Mallah And The Media, Michael Brull, New Matilda, June 24, 2015.

The joint ‘Reclaim Australia’ (RA) / UPF rally in Melbourne is just three weeks away now. Scheduled to take place at Parliament House at 1pm on Saturday, July 18, a counter-rally has been organised — see : Melbourne Counter-Rally Against racism, Islamophobia and the far right (Campaign Against Racism and Fascism) and RALLY AGAINST RACISM – Stop ‘Reclaim Australia’ – Melbourne (No Room For Racism).


As their failed rally in Richmond on May 31 suggests, the UPF has very limited support in Melbourne. Consequently, the boys have organised a busload of racists from Sydney to travel to Melbourne on July 18 in order to reinforce their numbers; a small number of UPF supporters from elsewhere in the country have declared that they’ll also be traveling to Melbourne to help swell the UPF’s puny ranks. As for RA in Melbourne, its chief organiser is Bendigo resident Monika Evers. To date, Evers has expressed no qualms about working with the fascists and neo-Nazis in Melbourne who have flocked to the UPF banner, and neither has Christian fundamentalist preacher Danny Nalliah. Obviously, fundamentalist Christianity and neo-Nazism makes for a more stable coalition that I’d previously anticipated …

Speaking of neo-Nazis, another present on May 31 was James Lawrence. A bonehead, Lawrence is also a Christian Identity activist.

[© 2015 – Wardenclyffe Photography]

Elsewhere in the country, other folks are mobilising against RA/UPF. In Perth, the rally is scheduled to take place at Solidarity Park … though I suspect that it may once again be unavailable to the bigots. Serial pest Pauline Hanson — who spoke at the Brisbane rally last time — is scheduled to speak in Rockhampton. As on April 4, it seems likely that the largest RA/UPF rallies will be in Adelaide, Perth and Queensland (Brisbane, Cairns, Gold Coast, Mackay, Rockhampton, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba).

2) Zack Davies /// National Action

In Wales, National Action’s Zack Davies guilty of attempted murder, having stabbed Dr Sarandar Bhambra at a Tesco’s in January, shouting: “This is for Lee Rigby.” Notably, the UPF has declared itself to be in political solidarity with National Action, along with a range of other European fascist parties, organisations and movements.

See also : Zack Davies: Tesco machete attack was an ‘act of terrorism’ says victim’s family, Steve Bagnall, Mirror, June 25, 2015 | Far-right extremism warning after ‘Lee Rigby revenge’ killing bid, BBC, June 26, 2015.

3) Dylann Roof /// Daily Stormer

In the United States, a lot of material has begun to appear tracking the online activities of accused mass murderer Dylann Roof, based in part on his manifesto and also his alleged use of Daily Stormer. (In an Australian context, Daily Stormer has won some small degree of notoriety for its online campaigns of harassment and defamation of several prominent Australians, as well as expressing support for RA and UPF.)

See : Expert: Obama ignored surge of rightwing extremism that inspired Charleston killer, Rania Khalek, The Electronic Intifada, June 26, 2015 | Never Patriotic: The Real Meaning of the Confederate Flag, Joe Conason, Real Clear Politics, June 26, 2015 | The Killing Season, Heidi Beirich, Hatewatch (SPLC), June 25, 2015.

slackbastard ~versus~ Australia First Party, Daily Stormer, Reclaim Australia (etc.)

So anyway, Sydney-based Australia First Party (AFP) member ‘Nathan Sykes’ has written an article for US-based neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer complaining about my blog.


You may remember Daily Stormer from such online hate campaigns as that directed at Australian Muslim lawyer Mariam Veiszadeh — see : I will not be silenced: Australian Muslim fights Twitter ‘troll army’, Hilary Whiteman, CNN, February 28, 2015; NSW Police hate crimes unit ramps up its efforts to protect communities, Rachel Olding, The Sydney Morning Herald, February 19, 2015; Woman charged over online abuse of human rights activist Mariam Veiszadeh, The Guardian, February 18, 2015 — and Jewish Labor MP Luciana Berger (see : Neo-Nazi gave out internet abuse tips in campaign against Luciana Berger, Marcus Dysch, The Jewish Chronicle, October 30, 2014).


Titled ‘Slackbastard AKA Andy Fleming: Portrait of an Antifa State Stooge’, the AFP member and Stormfront user (‘Great Australian Bite’) accuses me of all sorts of things, but the Jew-hating author is particularly upset that I’m able to operate a Facebook page, recommending that other neo-Nazis, fascists, and White supremacists do their utmost to shut me up. The anti-Semite also commends Shermon ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’ Burgess‘s flying monkeys for mass reporting my page in order for it to be removed. He further recommends the neo-Nazi ‘Whitelaw Towers’ (WLT) blog to other Jew-hating creeps as a good source of information on ‘slackbastard’.

It’s worth noting that the principal author of WLT is Peter Campbell. The Sydney-based neo-Nazi briefly came to public attention back in 2006:

Neo-Nazi ‘circulated bomb-making manual’
Greg Roberts
The Australian
September 15, 2006

A POLICE anti-terrorist taskforce is investigating detailed bomb-making instructions distributed to Australian [boneheads] by a prominent neo-Nazi.

The Victoria Police security intelligence group has been told the material was distributed by Peter Campbell, the national head of the White Pride Coalition of Australia.

Mr Campbell is a senior sales representative with Melbourne electrical parts group Heinemann Electric – the company at the centre of a row over the Howard Government’s workplace laws. Material given to police includes bomb-making instructions published in an article titled “How to build a David Copeland special”. Copeland, a white supremacist dubbed the Soho bomber, was responsible for a series of bombs in London in the late 1990s.

The instructions include advice to keep nails and other projectiles, which are packed in bombs, in horse manure so that “when embedded in the burnt flesh, the shit will poison the blood”.

The instructions recommend bombs be disguised by placing them in traffic cones.

Muslims are referred to in other material being examined by police.

One document includes this rallying call: “Kill, murder, burn and butcher our enemies and become a hero!”

Some of the documents under investigation by Victoria Police were used in the successful prosecutions in London last year of five neo-Nazi British men for inciting racial hatred.

Mr Campbell declined to comment when contacted by The Australian yesterday.

He sells installation products made by Heinemann subsidiary Slegers, a job that gives him access to items mentioned in the bomb-making instructions.

Mr Campbell uses the WPCA pseudonym of Kromlek of Asgard, which is derived from figures in Viking mythology.

Another alias he uses is ZyklonB, the poisonous gas used by Nazis to kill Jews in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

In a posting on a WPCA website, Mr Campbell referred to Jews when he said: “The sooner we White Men are rid of these vile, loathsome bloodsuckers, then the sooner we can get on with the task of re-establishing White homelands for our people that are free from contamination!” Mr Campbell said in another posting: “We White Nationalists must be physically armed as well as ideologically and spiritually prepared!”

Cam Smith, a campaigner with the anti-racism group Fight Dem Back, said the WPCA should be outlawed as a terrorist group.

“These are people who openly promote the use of violence against minority groups they don’t like,” he said. “Thugs like this should not be allowed to promote their messages of hate in a civilised society.”

The WPCA has been implicated in race-hate campaigns against Sudanese refugees in western Sydney and in the Darling Downs city of Toowoomba in Queensland.

Heinemann general manager Richard Ross said Mr Campbell was a good employee, and he knew nothing of his background that suggested he should not have been hired.

Heinemann is at the centre of a row over the federal Government’s industrial relations laws for docking a week’s pay from 46 workers who stopped working overtime.

The Australian revealed this week that WorkSafe Victoria has issued eight notices instructing Heinemann Electric to improve health and safety standards.

Three final points:

1) It’s quite possible that racists of one sort or another — anti-Semites, Islamophobes, neo-Nazis, fascists, White supremacists et al — will succeed in kicking me off Facebook, eventually. But I’ll continue to blog, to write and to tweet as I’m able.

2) In hopping into bed with anti-Semites and neo-Nazis — whether ‘Squadron 88’ (see : slackbastard | Online Hate Prevention Institute) in Sydney or ‘Nationalist Republican Guard’ in Melbourne — ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’ has exposed himself as a racist of the lowest rank.

3) Anti-Semites, Islamophobes, neo-Nazis, fascists and White supremacists have all flocked to the ‘Reclaim Australia’ banner and will be present alongside other ‘patriots’ on April 4. If you’re opposing these groups and individuals, as Jerry Springer says, please take care of yourselves … aaand each other.

A note on Facebook (esp for Strayan #antifa) …

Note : The Facebook profile ‘Astrid Ezard’ is a fake nazi account. Treat accordingly.


If you use Facebook and are in any way involved in expressing opposition to racism and fascism then there’s some possibility you will be targeted by the far right. The more active and vocal you are, the more likely you will come to their attention.

As a general rule, it’s a good idea to only publish personal information which you are happy to be made public. Further, do not accept friend requests from people you do not know unless others you know and trust can vouch for them. Fascists have established a number of fake profiles on Facebook which are used to either troll or to befriend and obtain information from targeted individuals. Many of these profiles make a special point of appearing to be ‘anti-fascist’.

There are various means by which to limit the amount of information users make available on Facebook. Facebook privacy settings allow users to moderate the public availability of this information — this feature is especially useful for older accounts. Periodically checking these settings is a good idea, both because Facebook has glitches and because its policies and practices change over time. If your account is used to share photos with family and friends, remember that while your own account may be secure, this doesn’t mean information shared with family and friends can’t be accessed via these other accounts.

Finally, note that fascists are happy to publish information regarding a person’s name, address, photo, description and other personal details including workplace. They are also happy to target a designated person’s family and friends, irrespective of whether or not they share the views of those targeted in this manner.


There are three main sites that neo-Nazis use to publish information they obtain about their real or alleged opponents: Stormfront, Whitelaw Towers and Anti-Antifa Australia.

Based in the US, Stormfront is the world’s leading neo-Nazi and White supremacist/nationalist website, run by convicted terrorist and former Klansman Don Black. Whitelaw Towers is a blog jointly written by Peter Campbell and Jim Perren. Anti-Antifa Australia, another blog, was established by Chris Smith. Campbell, Perren and Smith are supporters of the Australia First Party and work in close collaboration with them. Any information obtained by these individuals will be shared with AF and a range of other groups and individuals on the far right as well as with the general public.

Peter Campbell is a middle-aged, Sydney-based neo-Nazi who was one of those responsible for establishing the White Pride Coalition of Australia (WPCA) in 2002, a coalition which brought together neo-Nazis and White supremacists from the Australian Nationalists Movement, KKK, (New Zealand) National Front, National Socialist Party of Australia and World Church of the Creator. The WPCA dissolved in 2004 but in 2014 was revived as a Facebook page and organising project. In 2006, Campbell was responsible for republishing a Combat 18 (C18) document for local distribution called ‘How to build a David Copeland special’ (‘White patriot’ denies violence, Andrew Fraser and Greg Roberts, The Australian, September 16, 2006). David Copeland was an English neo-Nazi responsible for conducting bombings directed at London’s gay and immigrant communities in April 1999. Three people were killed and hundreds more injured as a result of the bombings. (C18 continues to eke out a marginal existence in Australia, largely by way of Creatard Patrick O’Sullivan‘s stickering campaign in Melbourne: a recent sample from Richmond below.)


Jim Perren is a Queenslander, originally based in Crows Nest outside of Toowoomba (where he worked as a shooter and bouncer) but now apparently living in Brisbane and, presumably, continuing to work in the security industry. Now in his late 40s, Perren has attended Australia First Party events and is also responsible for helping obtain jobs in the security industry for other neo-Nazis, including members of the Hammerskins.

Chris Smith is a bonehead from Penrith, Sydney now based in Brisbane. He has a criminal record for assault and robbery, having been convicted in late 2010. In addition to publishing the Anti-Antifa Australia blog, Smith is the chief organiser of the neo-Nazi skinhead group Volksfront (VF). VF was originally established in Portland, Oregon in the early 1990s but grew rapidly in the US and established a presence in several other countries. The group was declared dissolved by its founder in September 2012 after the mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin by Hammerskin and former VF intimate Wade Michael Page. The Australian branch is the only VF branch still active.

Nationalist Alternative throw their former Führer under the bus #antifa


Back in June 2014, Melbourne-based neo-Nazi groupuscule Nationalist Alternative (NAlt) underwent a schism, with NAlt’s leader apparently being deposed and control of the group’s Facebook page assumed by some of his underlings. Since then the page has published various, often quite bizarre material rubbishing their former Führer. In addition to publishing a conversation in which the Führer apparently sent an image of his penis to a young woman (which I won’t re-publish here in the interests of good taste), they included the following images (also since deleted):


Established in 2009 and with origins in anti-Muslim agitation in Williamstown, NAlt — derided by Dr James Saleam as “just a bunch of students from Melbourne” — has published analysis and produced agitprop (racist leaflets and stickers etc.) but generally avoided taking to the streets. The one major exception to this rule was their attendance, along with a handful of other neo-Nazis and nationalist yoof, at an anti-Muslim rally in September 2012. Beyond this, the only real media reportage the group or its members has received was in February 2014 when one of its members, Neil Luke Erikson, “avoided jail for abusing a Melbourne rabbi in a series of racially-motivated phone calls he tried to explain as a prank”.

As well as providing leadership to his fellow neo-Nazis, the Führer was also very active as one of two moderators, along with ‘Sporran’, on Stormfront Down Under, where he posted as ‘White_Australian’ (join date: December 2005). (The pair replaced Paul Innes, the previous moderator, some years ago. See : Stormfront Down Under Circus : 2008-2013 (w/- BONUS! Derek Black), July 24, 2013.) As White_Australian, The Führer naturally expressed little love for The Jew:


Indeed, so enamoured of the Stormfront project was the Führer that in 2012 he even travelled to Tennessee in the United States to take part in political education and training conducted by convicted terrorist and Stormfront owner Don Black & Co. This week, however, for reasons best known to himself — but presumably not unrelated to the betrayal by his former kameraden — White_Australian’s account has been ‘Temporarily Disabled by Request’.

Whether or not Mark Hootsen chooses to permanently disable his neo-Nazi and White supremacist political career remains to be seen. In any case, props to the (other) boys in NAlt for spilling their guts.