Australian Jewish Democratic Society


The Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) is a progressive voice among Jews and a Jewish voice among progressives that offers an alternative viewpoint.

Melbourne, Australia
가입일: 2011년 11월


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  1. 9시간 전

    New article by Larry Stillman up on our blog! "Activity in the Chinese and Jewish communities (or to be more exact, by certain well-resourced lobby groups) appears to be reaching a tipping point with respect to political influence in this country"

  2. 4월 30일

    Screening of Who Will Write Our History this Thursday co-hosted by Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library and the Jewish Holocaust Centre. (JHC) A clandestine group of journalists,...

  3. 4월 28일

    The Australian Jewish Democratic Society community are heart broken at yet another act of anti Semitism in an attack of people practicing their faith at the Poway Synagogue in California. 💔Another innocent life...

  4. 4월 26일

    If you are based near Elsternwick you are welcome to join us Sunday at 6pm

  5. 4월 26일

    Did you know that 73% of LGBTIQs have been harassed online due to sexual orientation or gender identity? This guide aims to empower and give us the tools to protect ourselves.

  6. 4월 25일

    Yesterday we took the Pesach message of freedom to border force. Check out the special Haggadah that we made. And chuck a coin to sail 4 justice, which sets sail in 10 days!!

  7. 4월 22일

    Passover question Australian style Any ideas?

  8. 4월 21일

    💔Sri Lanka💔

  9. 4월 19일

    AJDS wishes our community a happy passover. May this year be filled with positive social and earthly change. May your Seders be filled with love, great food and deep conversations. If you have a spare seat (not...

  10. 4월 17일

    Well done all !!! We stand in solidarity with Djab Wurring traditional owners ❤

  11. 4월 16일
  12. 4월 16일
  13. 4월 15일

    Earthsome action today by the today....If you squint carefully you might spot an ajds warrior in action 💚🌏💚🌏💚

  14. 4월 14일
  15. 4월 13일

    We were once seeking refuge Let us unite in support of those Now seeking our protection Pesach Easter Federal elections.... Join us?

  16. 4월 10일

    Orly Noy casting her vote! Come see Orly speak in Australia hosted by AJDS, very soon!

  17. 4월 4일

    Demo this Saturday, organised by he ICV - Islamic Council of Victoria

  18. 4월 3일
  19. 4월 2일

    “Aleph Melbourne acknowledges the involvement of the Australian Jewish Democratic Society in the formulation and passage of this Apology and is grateful for their long-standing and ongoing support.”

  20. 4월 1일

    Well done Aleph Melbourne! 🏳️‍🌈 We were incredibly proud to continue decades of solidarity in supporting this by moving the original motion.


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