Poor ticket sales force Nigel Farage to move Australian gig to smaller venue

PUBLISHED: 14:24 06 September 2018 | UPDATED: 15:39 06 September 2018

Nigel Farage. Photograph: Mike Theiler.

Nigel Farage. Photograph: Mike Theiler.

UPI/PA Images

Nigel Farage seems to be struggling to make himself an international name as he is forced to move his Sydney gig to a smaller venue.

Farage had claimed that he was enjoying a “successful start” to his tour when he took to social media on Sunday.

However, selling tickets for An Entertaining Evening with Nigel Farage hasn’t been easy. One website was offering a 40% discount on tickets, and the VIP packages had been reduced significantly.

An event due to be held at Sydney’s International Convention Centre (ICC) was cancelled when the former UKIP leader failed to fill the 2,500-seat site. Instead the show was moved to a smaller venue.

The ICC claimed that the promoter had “not met the terms of their hiring agreement” while the promoter blamed a “disagreement over costs”.

A spokesperson for Farage tweeted: “There was a last minute venue change due to security issues. Nigel just played to 1,000 people at Doltone House in Pyrmont.”

The tour’s first night, in Perth, saw just 350 people turn out to hear what Farage had to say about Brexit, Trump and UKIP – although there was a noisy presence outside, as protestors gathered.

Last year Nigel Farage’s one-man show in Clacton was outsold by an Elvis tribute act. As of the day before the gig, he’d sold just 179 of the 802 available tickets.

MORE: Making fans for Nigel is tough down under

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