

Bomb-chucking, martini-drinking Felis Catus. I'm really not a cat. But if I was a cat, I would be this cat.

la rive gauche du Yarra
Beigetreten März 2008
Geboren 21. Oktober 1917


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    25. Mai

    A couple of experimental pieces for a longer series I'm working on. An environmental theme in support of and I'm looking for constructive feedback.

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  2. vor 2 Stunden

    His performance in the NSW upper house as PHON grubmeister will no doubt be awfully racist, sickly homophobic and frighteningly misogynist. He will insult, smear and berate all and sundry who don't buy into his angry white man as victim rhetoric. Fuck him, completely and forever.

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  3. vor 2 Stunden

    His deplorable outsider mates and boosters, like the lovely Rita, are welcome to him. He always seems like he's one drink away from wanting to fight the whole bar over some imagined insult. He'll get jobbed one day and everyone in the pub will cheer the bully dropping

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  4. vor 2 Stunden

    I don't follow Mark Latham and wouldn't recommend him to anyone, but I see his tweets enough to know he is a sour, embittered, belligerent, angry dickhead. He never has anything nice to say, his many tweets are just the foul ravings of a twisted, sad, lonely, friendless drunk.

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  5. vor 2 Stunden
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  6. vor 5 Stunden

    Trading on the name breaks the 10th, 11th and 12th traditions of independence, anonymity and not endorsing any cause. This is blatant advertising using AA as a marketing tool. It is not OK. Samantha X would know this is not acceptable.

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  7. vor 6 Stunden
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  8. vor 6 Stunden

    Cops are violent, racist, sexist and homophobes? Well colour me 'surprised'.

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  9. Chicken Shop chicken, is a great choice, it becomes 'fine dining' when the family chef is too tired to cook.

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  10. 1. Juni
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  11. 31. Mai
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  12. 31. Mai

    So Richmond haven't kicked a goal so far since halftime, right? Except that one.

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  13. 31. Mai

    Media holding the GOVERNMENT to account. What a novel idea. Instead of the treasonous attempts to trash Australian democracy the media could be ensuring the government are acting honestly, with integrity and without any corruption No Woodward and Bernstein to be seen

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  14. 31. Mai

    Just refresh my memory Michelle. Did you write a similar piece for Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull?

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  15. 31. Mai

    36 sitting days. That's over $5000 per day for a backbencher

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  16. 30. Mai

    The Coalition has been in power since September 2013, but The Australian thinks a boat arrival is Labor’s fault

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  17. 31. Mai

    I'm actually enjoying seeing Richmond getting smashed even though I don't really like Aussie Rules. I just don't like Dusty Martin.

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  18. 31. Mai

    I've sat through this anthem for over 40 years. I won't be standing or singing it for the next forty. White Australia can go fuck itself in the face with a sharp stick.

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  19. 30. Mai

    The happy days for are over at Deb Knight on the attack and giving Birmo a rails run.

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  20. 31. Mai

    Don't worry, I'm sure they're locked in a hellhole detention centre somewhere, could even be in a Supermax. I'm 100 per cent certain they are not in the community.

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  21. 31. Mai
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