  1. 31. Mai
    Antwort an und

    Herr Kartoffelführer

  2. 30. Mai

    Hey Kartoffelführer. . You’ve been in power for nearly 6 years.

  3. 1. Juni
  4. 30. Mai
    Antwort an

    Palmer and Murdoch.

  5. 30. Mai
  6. vor 6 Stunden

    First, it was 10,000. Then it was 1,000. Now, after the election, only 100 ongoing jobs at mine. Queensland, you’ve been sucked in by the lying LNP and the charlatan Clive Palmer. You can’t say you weren’t warned.

  7. vor 9 Stunden

    100 jobs That's it. So, Nth Queensland, how's that mine working out for ya? Happy now? You've got your 100 jobs. Was all this really worth 100 jobs?

  8. vor 9 Stunden

    fast becoming a reality ....

  9. vor 9 Stunden

    Hey The govt is giving out $16 million today and every day in franking credits. Since the election the Coalition govt has already given out about $246 million dollars in franking credits. How do you plan to sustain that? 🐝

  10. vor 10 Stunden

    In my opinion the Australian National Anthem is a colonial dirge. The music is flat and the words, beside being racist, are frankly ridiculous. There is nothing inspirational, reflects nothing about the country or the people who have been part of the country for 40000 yrs

  11. vor 10 Stunden

    In a newspaper conference room

  12. vor 11 Stunden

    My beloved tradition of watching every Sunday morning is defunct. I just can't bear to! For that matter I can't watch or either. All those journos not holding the govt to account Bye bye I'll miss you

  13. vor 20 Stunden

    This is very good. Putting someone in their place who thinks poverty is a budgeting issue. Someone should have this conversation with Morrison.

    Diesen Thread anzeigen
  14. vor 23 Stunden

    there you have it folks Clive Palmer has renaged on his promise to pay his Townsville workers. The conclusion is Australia is a corrupt country because Murdoch and Palmer bought a country and its government. This is an Illegal government put in place by a fraud election

  15. 1. Juni

    Have been through the grief of this stolen election. Have had a thorough sulk, pout & dummy spit. Now I can feel the white hot anger flowing through me. I want to know exactly how & why Labor lost & I want to see the LNP utterly destroyed along with Murdoch & other RW MSM

  16. 1. Juni

    In Spain. Fibre to the Home in our centuries old rental apartment. killed FTTH for Australia to appease Murdoch & protect Foxtel. Check the wireless speed we're getting.

  17. 1. Juni

    So far Albo has completely failed. Jobs haven’t improved. Mines haven’t been opened. The environment is going down the gurgler. Taxes look set to rise. There are economic clouds on the horizon and the boats are back. Why we elected him PM is beyond me. 🙄

  18. 1. Juni

    Can’t wait until July when the pensioners who have no shares don’t get the $30k franking credits tax refund from ScoMo.

  19. 31. Mai

    ‘A million fish died in our rivers last summer because billionaires dammed the upper reaches of several major Australian rivers so they could grow cotton’

  20. 31. Mai

    Approximately $100 million per week is gifted as franking credits to wealthy retirees in Australia. That would pay for the pensions of ~200,000 needy Australians. Stop the franking credits bludge! Australians can't afford welfare for the rich!

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