The Communist Workers Party of Australia is a party of the working class dedicated to replacing the Capitalist Socio-economic system with a Socialist, worker controlled, System. It is a voluntary organization of like-minded people who strive to unite in its ranks the most politically advanced and active members of the working class and other sections of the people, exploited by monopoly, who are prepared to work for the achievement of working class state power and the building of a Socialist Australia.

The Communist Workers Party of Australia has no interests separate and apart from those of the working class.

The Communist Workers Party of Australia is guided by the theory of Marxism-Leninism. The Communist Workers Party of Australia upholds the principle of working-class internationalism. It develops fraternal ties with Communist and Workers’ Parties of other countries for the victory of the common aims of the working class. 

Contact us

  Communist Workers Party

of Australia

PO Box 367,

Hamilton, NSW, 2303



FB: Communists of Australia

CWPA Sydney Branch

Copyright Communist Workers Party of Australia