Students Representative Council, University of Sydney
SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 5, Sem 2, 2019

President Jacky He SRC Pizza and Beer Party Overview The SRC hosted a very successful pizza and beer party open to all undergraduate students on Thursday 28th of March. The event attracted the attendance of around 100 students across all faculties and disciplines, including both international and domestic. It was a fantastic opportunity for undergraduate…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 5, Sem 1, 2019

President Jacky He Progress Update on Open Learning Environment Readers of my report would have been aware that a particular issue that I have been focusing on ever since the beginning of the semester was Open Learning Environment. Through a meeting with Professor Peter McCallum, the Chair the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies, we proposed a…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 4, Sem 1, 2019

SRC President Jacky He You are not Alone! As semester proceeds and increasing amounts of pressure from study kick in, students might find it increasingly difficult to keep up a healthy state of mind. Remember to engage in sporting activities, take plenty of short breaks so that you don’t become overly stressed and burn out…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 3, Sem 1, 2019

President Jacky He Updated University Alcohol Policy During committee meeting this week, the President Jacky He has taken the opportunity to speak out from a student perspective regarding the University’s updated alcohol policy. To further ensure the safe use of alcohol on campus, Jacky have proposed for a brief alcohol policy module to be created…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 2, Sem 1, 2019

Sexual Harassment Officers Sonia Gao, Charlotte Plashik, Layla Mkh and Jazz Breen. During the Welcome Week, We wrote an article about ‘How to identify and prevent sexual. harassment in the o-week’ with women’s office, and we posted it on the SRC official Wechat platform, which was viewed over 1500 times within 3 days. Inspired by…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Report – Week 1, Sem 2, 2019

President Jacky He Welcome Week ran extremely successfully for the University of Sydney Student Representatives Council last week! Over the three days, we have successfully attracted 1077 distinct followers on our WeChat and Facebook platforms and made a historical record in the amount of traction attracted to SRC’s social media during Welcome Week. Each day…

SRC Reports //

President Jacky He Welcome everyone to a fresh new start to the first semester of 2019! To students who are new to the University of Sydney, this will be a new chapter to your life. To students who have been living and breathing the air of the University of Sydney for the past few years,…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 12, Sem 2, 2018

President Imogen Grant This Wednesday staff and students at Sydney University will join a national day of action across campuses to call on the Morrison government to end offshore detention. In recent weeks the mental health crisis on Nauru has exploded. Around 20 children still on Nauru have been consumed by despair and are refusing…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 10, Sem 2, 2018

SRC President Imogen Grant At the 2 October meeting of Academic Board the Provost Stephen Garton presented the memorandum of understanding the University will be presenting to the Ramsay Centre . They are still in negotiations with a view to form a partnership and establish a Bachelor of Western Civilisation at the University of Sydney.…

SRC Reports //

SRC Officer Reports – Week 9, Sem 2 2018

President Imogen Grant On Sunday the Students’ Representative Council, along with the National Union of Students, hosted a rally against the new Scott Morrison prime ministership which I had the honour of speaking at. The right wing coup in the Liberal Party brought down Malcolm Turnbull. But it has failed to elevate its number one…