decision to invite Blair Cottrell onto Hack Live panel by ABC

CD made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Broadcasting Corporation

The request was refused by Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

From: CD


Dear Australian Broadcasting Corporation,

I write to you under the Freedom of Information Act requesting any documents including emails, letters and memos created and held by the ABC regarding the participation of Blair Cottrell on Hack Live as broadcast on 22/9/16. I wish to nominate the 22/7/16 to 27/9/16 as the dates inclusive of this FOI scope.

I look forward to hearing from the ABC on this matter as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


Link to this

From: Juliana Walsh
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Attachment 2016 027 Acknowledgement.pdf
156K Download View as HTML

Dear CD


Please find attached correspondence relating to your recent FOI request.


Kind regards


[1]ABC Juliana Walsh
Corporate Compliance Coordinator
P +61 2 8333 5304 E [email address]




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From: Judith Maude
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Attachment 2016 027 201016.pdf
158K Download View as HTML

Attachment FOI Review Rights.pdf
215K Download View as HTML

Dear CD


My decision in relation to your recent FOI request is attached.




[1]ABC Judith Maude
Head Corporate Governance

and ABC Secretariat
P +61 2 8333 5316 E [email address]
M +61 0412 898 657 F +61 2 8333 5305





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Things to do with this request

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