It took three days to break their major election platform. They say tax cuts aren't coming this year. That's got to be a record. Credit: Bryn
When you find out Newstart was raised by just $2 last week. Credit: Chris Madsen
I do like his turnbull-government killing policy

Today we reached a massive milestone on this page: We have hit 100,000 likes! On behalf of the team I want to say thank you to everyone who has liked, shared or made a meme for us since we started in May 2014. You keep us striving to make and share as much amazing content as possible. The reason why this page is so effective is because of you, the Australian Simpsons community. You constantly send us memes, you write the funniest comments, and you’re always willing to help us... out when we need it. Special thanks to Kay Q for making this pic for us.

This meme page is also nothing without the admin team, both past and present. You help keep the page going through creating memes and maintaining the page in general. This is my personal thank you for all your work.

This page was created the day after Tony Abbott’s disaster first budget as a way to laugh through the pain. I initially believed the page would only be sustainable for a month but somehow we’ve achieved far more than I expected.

This page has been at front seat for perhaps some of Australia’s turbulent times in modern political history:

• Tony Abbott’s disastrous time as PM
• Bronwyn Bishop’s choppergate
• Malcolm Turnbull knifing Tony Abbott
• Turnbull’s uneasy time in office including his near election loss in 2016
• The unfortunate resurrection of Pauline Hanson
• The marriage equality campaign
• Barnaby Joyce’s affair
• The Peter Dutton coup which resulted in Scott Morrison as our new PM
• And of course, the meme wars between us and Andrew Laming

There is so much more we’ve done but if I were to list all the highlights this post would get too long. My personal highlight is the marriage equality campaign. It was a horribly divisive campaign but I also know this page was at its most effective, particularly in encouraging people to enrol to vote.

The last thing I would add for how we can make Australia a better place is to get involved. I know we enjoy making fun of conservative politicians here but the best way to get back at them is not only vote them out, but actively campaign against them. Join your union so you can fight for a more equal country. Our workplace laws are terrible and inequality is skyrocketing. Joining your union and being active in your union will make a difference. Join a political party you like and be active in it. Find other like minded folks and work together. You can even start a competing political satire meme page! It’s more important than ever for us to be involved in making sure this country is inclusive where no one is left behind.

This page is not done. We still have to kick out this coalition government. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Thank you

Number One

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When you find out Egg Boy donated $100,000 to Christchurch victims.

Credit: Paul

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