5 thoughts on “Two Scholars on Grant

  1. Davidl Gill October 23, 2017 / 5:38 am

    Since you brought it up…. I have been curious to hear your take on the recent “popular” bios of Grant by Brands, White and now Cowen.

  2. Shoshana Bee October 23, 2017 / 11:20 pm

    A thoroughly enjoyable, and incredibly informative video – six pages of notes resulting from it! I am always amazed at how comfortable and congenial John Marszalek is on camera; just an absolute gentleman and scholar. This is my first experience with Charles Calhoun, and not only was he a fine interview that held his own, he also seemed to compliment, Marszalek, splendidly. I don’t want to bore everyone with my notes, but I DO have to bring attention to the fact that my side dish historical interest — Henry Adams — was brought into the conversation, as Calhoun recounts his (Adams) boorish comments about Julia Grant. Typical Henry Adams!

    Watching this video was akin to HSN, only in this case History Shopping Network, as many fabulous collector’s Editions of Grant Memoirs were displayed to entice the Grantophle, along with the two featured titles that will be shoe horned into the gift list this year (notwithstanding, burgeoning with San Jose Sharks regalia, as it is)

    In retrospect, of all the new Grant material that has come out in the last ten years or so, these two books: Personal Memoirs Annotated Edition & Presidency of Ulysses S Grant seem to offer the most new material on Grant. They will definitely become part of my library.

  3. Jacksonian October 31, 2017 / 5:09 am

    Thanks for the video – very interesting (and entertaining).

    I agree with Mr. Gill’s question re Brands, White, et al.

    And your take on John Kelly’s understanding of antebellum American politics, of course.

  4. Bjorn November 8, 2017 / 3:09 pm

    Brooks, thank you very much for the embed. As I am sure you know, Author’s Voice® did also have Ron Chernow on the program, as well as Gordon Rhea. It’s a big Autumn for U. S. Grant.

  5. The Other Mark November 28, 2017 / 7:37 pm

    Very good video. I’m getting Calhoun’s book.

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