
Good journalism is no longer sufficient to combat the assault on truth and democracy. Media companies are striving to counter the threat of information warfare by working in new and different ways, and to respond to the ethics challenges posed by this struggle.


Special Event

CJR kicked off its coverage of The Disinformation War with a one-day conference on May 9, sponsored by CJR, the Poynter Institute, the Tow Center for Digital Journalism, and the Newmark Centers at Columbia Journalism School and the Poynter Institute.

Watch the video below.


Is there an ethical case to be made that media companies, and the journalists who work for them, should sever their ties to Facebook completely?

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Every part of the news process is affected in some way by the externalities of a digital environment, from the funding models and reporting processes through to hiring practices and diversity of participation.

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There remains significant disagreement over how to portray killers seeking notoriety, and the organizations that inspire and abet them.

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