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Welcome to the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW

New Legal Needs Survey
Did you know it's been more than ten years since the LAW Survey was conducted? Find out why Australia needs a new survey.
Legal Needs Survey infographic
Sources & Definitions document

Get the key facts on homelessness
Involved in planning legal assistance services targeting homeless people? Download our helpful infographics that summarise the key facts on homelessness in Australia here

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The Law and Justice Foundation of NSW is an independent statutory body working to improve access to justice in NSW, particularly for socially and economically disadvantaged people ... read more

Triage principles in legal assistance

Triage provides a means for prioritising clients and matching them appropriately with available legal assistance services. Our new paper features a matrix that maps triage practice by type of entry point into the legal service. The paper was developed to support Legal Aid NSW undertake a review of their client intake and triage processes ... read more
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Aboriginal Legal Service planning tool launch

The Foundation is proud to be working with the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Ltd to assist with planning their services. We created a database using Criminal Court statistics on finalised matters with Aboriginal defendants sourced from BOCSAR to measure potential demand for criminal law services. Data is available for the period 2012-2017 ... read more
View data via Tableau Public | Visit ALS website

CLSD Program data packs support planning

The Foundation is pleased to announce that 'data packs' for all 12 Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) Program regions are now available online. The data packs are designed to help service providers with planning and to enhance service coordination in each CLSD region. The CLSD Program is coordinated by Legal Aid NSW.
See CLSD Factsheet | Download data packs

Legal information services: what works for whom and when?
The aim of this literature scan was to locate and summarise the available research evidence on legal information services. There are 69 studies identified, and we examined 34 legal service organisations in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Three key themes of effectiveness, barriers and innovation and technology emerged from the scan of literature, which are outlined in the report.
Download report

2018 Collaborative Planning Resource
The 2018 Collaborative Planning Resource (CPR) uses 2016 ABS Census data and includes data on the Need for Legal Assistance Service (NLAS) indicators which provide a count of the distribution of potential need for not-for-profit legal assistance services.
See Collaborative Planning Resource page
Download 2018 CPR flyer | See YouTube video

The Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales does not provide legal advice or referrals. If you need legal information, advice or assistance, please contact LawAccess on 1300 888 529, or visit