Passing the Torch and Fourth Edition Print E-mail
Tuesday, 30 May 2017

As you can see from the fact that our last update was in 2009, AMCRAN has not been publicly active for some time. The laws, however, have continued to evolve and affect people in unintended ways. So over the last two years, we've been working with Muslim Legal Network NSW on a fourth edition of the "Anti-terrorism laws: ASIO, the Police and You" booklet, now available at their website.

We would like to thank the community (both Muslim and non-Muslim) for their support over the years of AMCRAN's operations. We're pleased that MLN NSW has taken on this important role in educating the community about their rights.

Anti-Terror Laws: ASIO, The Police and You Third Edition Print E-mail
Saturday, 12 July 2008

This series of booklets answers people's general questions about the anti-terrorism laws that have been introduced in Australia since 2001, including the terrorism offences, the extended powers and functions of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), as well as information on control orders, preventative detention, and the sedition offences.


It is available in four languages: English, Arabic, Indonesian (Bahasa) and Urdu, and it is available in PDF for easy printing and screen viewing. You can download a PDF reader here. For accessibility, it is also available as HTML.


English PDF (1 MB) HTML (200K)
Arabic PDF (1MB) Coming soon
Indonesian PDF (1 MB) HTML (200K)
Urdu PDF (20 MB) Coming soon


To order copies of the booklet


The booklets will be distributed at no cost at the launch, or you are welcome to place an order for the booklets to be posted to you by completing the Order Form and faxing it to (02) 9708 0008 or emailing it to us at  


This project would not have been possible without the generous funding support of the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW, the UTS Law Faculty and UTS Students Association. However, the costs of producing the publications have exceeded the funding provided, and donations to cover the additional costs of the project would be appreciated. This would also enable AMCRAN to continue our work in relation to civil rights issues affecting Muslims today.
Intolerance of Terror, or the Terror of Intolerance? Print E-mail
Journal Articles
Friday, 30 March 2007

Intolerance of Terror, or the Terror of Intolerance? Religious tolerance and the response to terrorism 

Agnes Chong 

UTS Law Review

Vol 8 - Racism, Religious Intolerance and the Law



Australia’s anti-terror laws represent an unprecedented shift in the civil liberties of all Australians, but they have had a disproportionate effect on religious tolerance and freedom, particularly of Muslims.  These effects eventuate from a conceptual flaw in the way that the legislation formulates the relationship between terrorism and religion, particularly in confusing fundamentalism and terrorism, as well as an assumption that the response to terrorism is primarily a legal one, and not social or political in nature. As a result, there are increased limitations on the freedom of association, freedom of speech, and other civil liberties of Muslims in the community, who may already experience greater susceptibility to racial or religious profiling. A more productive approach to combating terrorism would place the legal response in a more inclusive social and political one, and one that is compatible with the principles of religious tolerance.

Anti-Terror Laws and the Muslim Community: Where Does Terror End and Security Begin? Print E-mail
Journal Articles
Tuesday, 16 May 2006


Anti-Terror Laws and the Muslim Community: Where Does Terror End and Security Begin?

Agnes Chong

borderlands e-journal, volume 5 number 1, 2006


"Agnes Chong chronicles the manner in which Muslim communities in Australia are being targeted in racialised/religionised regimes of security. As an advocate working for Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network, Chong points out the chasm between governmental rhetoric, which insists that the anti-terrorism legislation does not target Islamic groups, and the embodied ways in which Muslim communities are targeted. Chong describes how Muslim communities are terrorised as a result of the anti-terror campaigns in Australia. Chong's chronicling of the effects of the anti-terror laws on Muslim communities, therefore, necessitate an accounting of the manner in which words like terror and insecurity apply unevenly and differentially in racial and religious terms."


- Extracted from Introduction by thematic journal editor Dr Goldie Osuri Regimes of Terror: Contesting the War on Terror

Freedom for Security: Necessary Evil or Faustian Pact? Print E-mail
Journal Articles
Saturday, 16 July 2005


Agnes Chong and Waleed Kadous 

UNSW Law Journal 

Forum Volume 11 No 2 - Freedom of Speech: Contemporary Issues 2005


Agnes Chong and Waleed Kadous provide an overview of the laws that had been introduced since September 11 and their likely impact on free speech.


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