In the Media
Op-Ed: Proposed new anti-terror laws 2009 Print E-mail
Friday, 21 August 2009

The new anti-terrorism laws recently announced by the Attorney-General Robert McClelland raise alarm bells. At face value a number ofproposed amendments look as though they roll back some of the excess of thecurrent laws – limits to the sedition offences, a right of appeal against the use of secret evidence, and minor clarifications of the meaning and scope of some terms and offences.


Media Release: Muslim Civil Rights Group concerned about new anti-terror law proposals Print E-mail
Press Releases
Friday, 14 August 2009


Sydney, 14 August 2009 - A Muslim Civil Rights Group today cautioned against the proposed anti-terrorism law amendments announced by the Attorney-General Robert McClelland. 

"While we welcome the proposal to limit the period of detention without charge, we are concerned about other proposals that seek to broaden the current regime of anti-terrorism laws in a way which exacerbates its flaws," said Dr Zachariah Matthews from the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN). 


Victoria Sentas discusses AMCRAN Booklet on Voice of Islam Radio Print E-mail
Media Appearances
Monday, 18 May 2009


Victoria Sentas (Board Member of AMCRAN) was interviewed on May 11, 2009, by Rania on Voice Of Islam Radio in a mix of Arabic and English (also present were Abla Kadous from the Islamic Women's Welfare Association and Salim Sukkari assisting with translation). 


Topics discussed in the interview include what AMCRAN does, the ASIO, the Police and You publication, and specifc details covered in the booklet. While the main discussion is in English, it was also interpreted into Arabic live.  


You can download it here, or you can play (stream) it below. 


Know your rights Print E-mail
Media Appearances
Saturday, 19 July 2008


On July 17, 50 people heard Dr Mohamed Haneef’s lawyer, Peter Russo, launch a guide to Australia’s “anti-terror” legislation in Bankstown Town Hall.

Anti-Terrorism Laws: ASIO, the Police and You, is produced by the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN) and the University of Technology, Sydney’s Community Law Centre. It is now in its third edition.
Media Release: Dr Haneef's Lawyer Launches Terrorism Laws Guide Print E-mail
Press Releases
Thursday, 17 July 2008


MEDIA RELEASE: Dr Haneef's Lawyer Launches Terrorism Laws Guide in community languages


SYDNEY, 17 July 2008 – Dr Haneef’s lawyer Peter Russo is today launching a Terrorism Laws guide in English and three community languages: Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia and Urdu.


The series of publications is now in its third edition, titled Anti-Terrorism Laws: ASIO, the Police and You, produced by the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN).  The series is a practical guide to people's rights and responsibilities under Australia’s counter-terrorism laws.

Op-Ed: Maps, Snaps, Taps and SIM cards: Tools of an accidental terrorist by Agnes Chong Print E-mail
Sunday, 16 December 2007


When the Chaser team arranged for an American tourist to take snaps of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, no security guard came to question what he was doing even after fifteen minutes. When Chas Licciardello himself dressed up in a bad Arab costume, stuck on a big bushy beard, and walked onto the bridge with a camera, he was stopped within three minutes. He hadn't even got to the same spot where the American tourist had loitered. When the same experiment was repeated at Lucas Heights, the American tourist took plenty of pictures and was pointed out where to get security clearance to visit the facility. When the Arab Chas approached the facility, a security vehicle screeched right up to him within three minutes, and he was told that no photographs were to be taken in the vicinity at all.

Spies in the eyes of others Print E-mail
Media Appearances
Saturday, 17 November 2007


The bungled, sledgehammer handling of another case is a blow to counter-terrorism efforts, writes Tom Allard.

Spying on the spies Print E-mail
Media Appearances
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
IT took more than an hour during what's called an informal chat before ASIO agents realised they had the wrong person.
The innocent Sydney man plucked from his daily routine and plunged into the shadowy world of counter-terrorism was so traumatised by his treatment at the hands of Australia's spies, he complained to the Australian Muslims Civil Rights Advocacy Network.
'Poisoned' relationship between Muslims, police: civil rights advocate Print E-mail
Media Appearances
Sunday, 22 July 2007


ELIZABETH JACKSON: A civil rights advocate says the relationship between Australian Muslims and police has been "poisoned" to the point where Muslims will be reluctant to offer any help in future terrorism investigations out of fear for their own safety.

Matt Brown reports.

Haneef predicament 'every Muslim's fear' Print E-mail
Media Appearances
Sunday, 22 July 2007


Mohamed Haneef is facing charges of recklessly supporting a terrorist organisation.

A Muslim civil rights advocate says the handling of the case of the Gold Coast doctor Mohamed Haneef has confirmed the Muslim community's worst fears.

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