Passing the Torch and Fourth Edition
Tuesday, 30 May 2017

As you can see from the fact that our last update was in 2009, AMCRAN has not been publicly active for some time. The laws, however, have continued to evolve and affect people in unintended ways. So over the last two years, we've been working with Muslim Legal Network NSW on a fourth edition of the "Anti-terrorism laws: ASIO, the Police and You" booklet, now available at their website.

We would like to thank the community (both Muslim and non-Muslim) for their support over the years of AMCRAN's operations. We're pleased that MLN NSW has taken on this important role in educating the community about their rights.

Op-Ed: Proposed new anti-terror laws 2009
Friday, 21 August 2009

The new anti-terrorism laws recently announced by the Attorney-General Robert McClelland raise alarm bells. At face value a number ofproposed amendments look as though they roll back some of the excess of thecurrent laws – limits to the sedition offences, a right of appeal against the use of secret evidence, and minor clarifications of the meaning and scope of some terms and offences.


Media Release: Muslim Civil Rights Group concerned about new anti-terror law proposals
Friday, 14 August 2009


Sydney, 14 August 2009 - A Muslim Civil Rights Group today cautioned against the proposed anti-terrorism law amendments announced by the Attorney-General Robert McClelland. 

"While we welcome the proposal to limit the period of detention without charge, we are concerned about other proposals that seek to broaden the current regime of anti-terrorism laws in a way which exacerbates its flaws," said Dr Zachariah Matthews from the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN). 


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