Victoria Police to get military-style semi-automatic guns

Victoria Police to get military-style semi-automatic guns

Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton.

Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton.Credit:Justin McManus

Victorian police are set to be armed with military-style semi-automatic rifles as part of a contentious proposal designed to combat terrorism and the proliferation of gun-related crime.

The Age understands that police bosses are poised to give officers broader access to powerful long-arm guns to deal with high-risk incidents, such as sieges and terror events.

The weapons were likely to be stored in cars under lock and key, and some general duty police may have the authority to use the guns before Special Operations Group officers attended a scene.

Talk of the plan comes eight months before the Victorian election, where law-and-order will be a central battleground between the Andrews government and Matthew Guy’s Coalition.


It also follows a broader shift to ensure police are better equipped to do their job: last Saturday, for instance, The Age reported riot police would be armed with new arsenal, including pepper-ball guns and rubber-pellet grenades to confront violent demonstrations, street battles and prison uprisings.

The new pepper ball semi-automatic rifle that will be used by Victoria Police.

The new pepper ball semi-automatic rifle that will be used by Victoria Police.Credit:Jason South

Members of the Special Operations Group and Critical Incident Response Team already have access to semi-automatic weapons and machineguns, but make up only a small percentage of the force.

A spokesman for Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton confirmed that the force was considering using long-arm firearms in certain circumstances, but stressed that officers would not be carrying the guns on the streets. A senior police source told The Age the decision was imminent.

"We regularly review our capabilities to ensure our police have access to the equipment they need," Commissioner Ashton's spokesman said.

"To enhance our abilities to respond to a major security incident or terrorism attack, we are currently scoping the potential use of a limited allocation of long-arm firearms to better support frontline police.

"It not intended that police will patrol with rifles as part of their day-to-day duties. Victoria Police wants our members to be approachable. This additional tactical equipment, if we proceed with the project, would be safely stored and available for police to use if such an incident were to occur."

The idea for more powerful weaponry in Victoria would not be entirely radical, with semi-automatic rifles variously used by police in other states, while the push to give police more powerful weapons has gained traction following events such as Sydney’s Lindt Cafe siege.

In Queensland, police vehicles have been carrying R4 .223 carbines with telescopic sights for years, stored in specially locked cases for general duty police to use, if necessary, before the highly trained Special Emergency Response Team arrives on the scene.

And in NSW, Police Commissioner Mick Fuller announced in December that specialist officers from the Public Order and Riot Squad had been issued with Colt M4 carbines, a military-style semi-assault rifle that could be carried as the teams patrolled Sydney.

Meanwhile, in Victoria, the police union has been advocating for general duties police to have access to long-arm firearms for almost decade.

“We have for some time advocated for the provision of long-arm weapons for police to deal with the heightened terror threat, the potential for increased firepower pre or post a terror incident and to provide an adequate regional response capability to armed offender situations until metropolitan resources arrive to assist,” Police Association secretary Wayne Gatt said.

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