• Kuwasi Balagoon Video Interview

    Many years ago, when working on what was originally envisaged as a pamphlet, a short collection of writings by Kuwasi Balagoon, i was told of a television interview with Balagoon, conducted while he was incarcerated following the failed Brinks expropriation of 1981. These were in the days before youtube or …

  • Strike One to Educate One Hundred: The Rise of the Red Brigades 1960s-1970s

    When Strike One to Educate One Hundred was written, Italy’s Red Brigades were crashing out of our daily newspapers into everyone’s awareness. Yet, almost no real information about them was available here.  Strike One was written for that need.  It was not an academic study. It was written by people who were doing …

  • Salon du livre anarchiste, 25 – 26 mai

    Kersplebedeb sera au 20e Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal! Le Salon se tiendra: Le samedi 25 et le dimanche 26 mai 2019 De 10 h à 17 h Au CÉDA (2515, rue Delisle) et au CCGV (2450, rue Workman). Situés en face l’un de l’autre à chaque côté du parc …

  • Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, May 25 – May 26

    Kersplebedeb will be tabling at the 20th anniversary of the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair — we hope to see you there! The Bookfair will be happening at: Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 2019 From 10:00 to 17:00 At the CÉDA (2515, rue Delisle) and the CCGV (2450, rue Workman). …

  • Certain Days Calendar 2020: Call for Art and Article Submissions

    Call for Art and Article Submissions: Knitting Together the Struggles What: A call for art and article submissions for the 2020 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar. Deadline:  May 17, 2019 The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar collective (www.certaindays.org) is releasing its 19th calendar this coming fall. The …

  • Free Shipping at Leftwingbooks.NET

    Just to let people know, Kersplebedeb Leftwingbooks.Net continues to offer free shipping on orders of $50 or more, anywhere in the world. Please note that this special will get you the cheapest mail delivery available — i.e. surface mail if you are overseas. Orders placed after December 11th will definitely arrive after December …

  • Subscribe to Kersplebedeb Newsletter!

    If you want to stay up to date with what Kersplebedeb Publishing is working on, where we are tabling, or what news we think you should be paying attention to – please take a moment and let us know to keep you on the mailing list. Select “Kersplebedeb Newsletter” for …