antifa notes (may 9, 2018) : aryan nations, murder, right wing resistance, muzak

[Update (May 13) : Yeah nah — Hellraiser IX (see below) has been cancelled — or at least, is no longer taking place at The Last Chance; ‘BANNED BY ANTIFA’ according to the nazi wankers from Woodend. Talk about melodrama … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Update (May 10) : It appears as though Hellraiser IX will no longer be taking place at The Last Chance as the venue has removed the gig from its Facebook page.]


Ordinary Mums & Dads

Yesterday, Perth couple Robert Wayne Edhouse, 22, and Melony Jane/Jayne Attwood (Taylor), 37, were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder in April 2016 of Alan Taylor, 42. Edhouse and Attwood were members of neo-Nazi grouplet ‘Aryan Nations’. The pair also played host to their comrades in the now-defunct ‘United Patriots Front’ when they travelled from Melbourne to Perth to attend the ‘Reclaim Australia’ rally in November 2015. UPF fuehrer Blair Cottrell took the opportunity to announce the launch of the UPF’s stillborn political party, ‘Fortitude’, at his comrades’ house — which only five months later was the site of the grisly murder.

See : Neo-Nazi Aryan Nations lovers Robert Edhouse and Melony Attwood jailed for murder, Joanna Menagh, ABC, May 8, 2018 | Neo-Nazi killers to serve life terms over Perth dad’s murder, Phil Hickey, The Sydney Morning Herald, May 8, 2018 | Neo-Nazi lovers given life sentences for brutal murder, Tim Clarke, PerthNow, May 8, 2018.

Note that the ‘Aryan Nations’ in Perth re-badged themselves as ‘Combat 18’ following the arrest of Edhouse, while the UPF is now organising around ‘The Lads Society’ in Cheltenham, a project which also incorporates members of neo-Nazi grouplet ‘Antipodean Resistance’.

Patriotik Yoof Down Under

Speaking of Aussie Pride, the little nazis of Antipodean Resistance (AR) have been profiled by Julie Nathan for the ABC’s Religion & Ethics blog. See : Antipodean Resistance: The Rise and Goals of Australia’s New Nazis, April 20, 2018. (Versions of the article have also appeared on the Times of Israel and Executive Council of Australian Jewry website.)

On April 21, the Sydney Criminal Lawyers website also published ‘The Rise of Australian Neo-Nazis: An Interview with Online Activist Slackbastard’ by Paul Gregoire, which discusses AR in the context of a broader discussion of fascism and the far right Down Under.

Right Wing Resistance & Ethan Tilling

Last week, Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Suzanne Dredge, and Michael Workman of ABC Investigations dropped ‘From Neo-Nazi to militant: The foreign fighters in Ukraine who Australia’s laws won’t stop’:

When Australian former Neo-Nazi and registered gun owner Ethan Tilling flew into Brisbane this year, he was returning under the radar of Australian authorities with newfound combat experience from a brutal and forgotten war.

Mr Tilling, who was until recently a member of the Nazi group Right Wing Resistance, had spent the Australian spring in the bitter cold of Eastern Ukraine firing Kalashnikovs, rocket launchers and grenades at Russian-backed separatists …

Go Ethan!

Members of RWRAU were in attendance at last year’s ‘True Blue Crew’ flagwit parade, which will be regurgitating racism and fascism onto Melbourne’s streets again this year; in response, the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism has organised an event titled ‘Unite to Stop The Far Right’ (Sunday, June 24). Note that in September 2016 another RWRAU hero, Ricky White, was arrested for allegedly setting fire to a church in Taree, NSW (but I dunno what the outcome was).

See also : Extremists in the Military A Longstanding Problem, Booth Gunter, SPLC, November 11, 2012.

National Socialist muzak

Neo-Nazis in the local metal scene have organised a gig at The Last Chance Reich Rock ‘n’ Roll Bar on Saturday, June 9. Dubbed ‘Hellraiser IX’, the gig is being hosted by ‘Australibus Tenebris’ and features the glittering talents of Vrag (TAS), Belligerent Intent, Goatblood and Molog.

Above (L to R) : Joey Edwards, Neil Erikson, Dan Newman, Richard Whelan, Gareth/Jack Sansom @ State Library of Victoria, September 2012.

For those of you coming in late, the Hellraisers were originally organised by Nazi-in-Vrag Gareth Jack Sansom, under the auspices of ‘White Noise Productions’. As WNP, Sansom organised various gigs around town, including ‘Hellraiser IV’ at The Tote in December 2011 (the last time I paid attention), and released albums by ‘Perseverance’, among others, in 2011 and 2013, while Sansom also established ‘War Doctrine’ in order to release neo-Nazi muzak by his own band Waffenbrüder (2010–2014) and a handful of others. After publishing a White Nationalist manifesto (A Reckoning Force, 2012), Sansom buggered off to Tasmania, where he continues to make muzak and propaganda and to organise with his neo-Nazi chums.

Responsibility for Raising Hell now belongs to UPF fanboy Luke Nukem of ‘Australibus Tenebris’ (AT, 2013–):

In addition to the usual Blackness, the label distros a range of exciting products, including a 7″ co-released with NSBM label ‘Darker Than Black Records’:

One of the most notorious of the early NSBM bands were Germany’s Absurd, who collectively lured 15-year old Sandro Beyer to his murder in 1993. Led by Hendrik Möbus, the Beyer killing was allegedly motivated by Beyer spreading rumors about the band, including the salient gossip that Möbus had been carrying on an affair with a married woman. While the murder itself was not deemed political in nature, Möbus has always been vocal in his neo-Nazism, having violated his probation shortly out of prison by performing the Nazi salute in concert, and the man currently operates a self-described NSBM record label called Darker Than Black.

The 7″ by WewelSSburg and AT’s Rattenkönig is just one of many similar releases on AT, and if the booker at The Last Chance knew how to use a search engine and/or was familiar with the genre, they’d find much more neo-Nazi nonsense associated with the above artistes and their various projekts.


See also : Deströyer 666 Australian Tour (November 2016) (October 13, 2016) | NB. Vomitor (May 29, 2012) | A Brief History Of Neo-Nazi Music In Australia (December 2, 2010).

Nazis enjoy the sun at the State Library of Victoria

Update (September 24, 2012) : stuff has a good headline — Nazi, Muslim, atheist spat in Melbourne — but best goes to Vice with Worst Riot Ever (Toby Fehily). And I didn’t realise this but according to The Australian the Australian Pathetic Party declared that on Sunday it was gonna rock the foundations of NSW parliament in protest at the prevalence of Muslamic ray guns on public transport (or some shit) but simply failed to show…

Silly boneheads.

A handful of neo-Nazis and some other White racial patriots attended the State Library today in order to prevent local Muslims from waging jihad on bad television.

Or something.

Numbering, it appears, no more than 10 or maybe 20, The Age (Police warning over cancelled Islamic rally, September 23, 2012) reports that the tiny mob denied having any political affiliation:

“The group of men, some of them wearing T-shirts bearing SS insignia and some with shaved heads, denied being part of any organisation.

They said they had come to the Victorian State Library to enjoy the sunshine.”

Apart from being rather amusing, this response is also rather disingenuous. Thus the t-shirts — as photographed by — contain images of the logo of ‘Nationalist Alternative’, a tiny neo-Nazi grouplet from Melbourne. Notably, one of NAlt’s very first forays into local politics took place in Williamstown in 2008, when the group allied itself with locals in order to oppose the construction of a mosque. In general, however, NAlt may be viewed as the successor organisation to Dr Jim Saleam’s ‘National Action’. Of course (after a spell in prison for trying to terrorise an opponent) Saleam is now the leader of the Australia First Party, which earlier this month won a place on Penrith council. As for NAlt Saleam has previously dismissed them as a bunch of students from Melbourne; on the other hand, Dr Jim also referred to the Hammerkins — which gained some fame last month after one of its members shot dead six Sikhs at a temple in Wisconsin — as merely the organisers of musical events for young people… though these ugly faces don’t appear to be very studious. Secondly, the man on the right bears an uncanny resemblance to local neo-Nazi organiser Jack/Gareth Sansom — whose political perspective is straightforwardly and unapologetically nazi — and there were a small number of other known faces in attendance. In summary, then, apart from the handful of older neo-Nazis, the small crowd appears to have mostly consisted of flag-waving White teenyboppers — the dregs of the Southern Cross Soldiers, perhaps, or some other, more recent derivation — alongside a handful of elderly atheists. The Herald Sun has published a gallery of images of the teenage soldiers and the atheists here.

National Socialist Black Metalhead Bumped Into Parliament (Heil Hitler! Heil !nataS)

Giorgos Germenis

I reckon this has gotta be a first.

Among the 21 Golden Dawn candidates bumped into the Greek Parliament Last Thursday is ‘Kaiadas’ (Giorgos Germenis when he’s at home), bass player for Naer Mataron.

Germenis’ success gots me thinking: could there be room for local NSBM practitioners in the Australian Parliament?

Probably not.*

Still, if not the national parliament, why not local council?

The nearest political equivalent to GD in Australia is the Australia First Party. Admittedly, members of AF are more likely to be found wearing cardigans than they are leather jackets, but they do have a yoof wing: the Eureka League. And OK, the yoof wing leader is a middle-aged fella named Brendan Gidley, and yes, in its previous incarnation (the Patriotik Yoof Laegue), its leader was another middle-aged bloke named John Drew…

But still.

AF had its own Golden moment back in November 2006, when Bruce Preece was elected to local council in Adelaide. Preece appears to have exited the party not long after being elected, and has had his own share of problems since, but his triumph does provide evidence that a White nationalist can indeed win an electoral contest. Further, Peter Schuback recently (April 28) came third of four candidates aiming for a seat in Division 8 of the Fraser Coast Region in Queensland, scoring 1,002 votes or 19.11%.

Sadly, Schuback seems more interested in truck-driving than guitar-shredding.

Who then might AF attract to join its NSBM division?

Gareth/Jack Sansom

One obvious potential candidate is Melbourne metalhead Gareth/Jack Sansom. Sansom (as ‘Hyperborean’) plays bass for Waffenbrüder; more often he can be found shouting for Perseverance. Perseverance released its album on Sansom’s neo-Nazi White Noise label, while Waffenbrüder released its album via Sansom’s local neo-Nazi distro War Doctrine.

According to the band (in an interview with a Greek nazi zine), the name Waffenbrüder “was chosen to convey our ultimate purpose; armed insurrection”. Personally, I don’t think that the boys’ phantasy of national socialist revolution should exclude Sansom from a place on, say, Boroondara Council, especially given that, in the case of GD, a desire to ethnically cleanse the country of non-Greeks doesn’t mean that they haven’t a rightful place in the nation’s parliament.

Or maybe that’s just me.


Nazis @ The Tote. Again.

On Saturday, December 10 The Tote Hotel (Johnston St, Collingwood) played host to Hellraiser IV, an ‘extreme Melbourne metal showcase’ featuring Iconic Vivisect, Order of Orias, Sanguinary Misanthropia, The Seaford Monster and headliners Perseverance. ‘Hellraiser IV’ was organised by a local promoter called White Noise, an explicitly neo-Nazi record label and promotion that organised previous metal gigs (including Order of Orias and Sanguinary Misanthropia) and also manages the headline act, Perseverance, and released its first album, The Fading Light (2011). (White Noise also organised Hellraiser III @ the East Brunswick Club, October 4, 2009.)

Established in 2008, White Noise was initially a metal promotion with no explicit political agenda. In December 2009, Gareth Sansom was interviewed for the Metal Obsession site by Taigen Gould (inter alia, the guitarist in local neo-Nazi band Ravenous):

White Noise Productions is a Melbourne-based event management company, run by local musicians, for local musicians with no administrative body taking a hefty cut from events that they run while giving the opportunity for high class management for individual bands and artists, both signed and unsigned within the industry. Now with 16 gigs under its belt and two more within months, White Noise Productions is known for hosting big Australian names of the local scene, such as Embodied, Urgrund, Order or Orias, Vrag, Iciclan and even international Anno Domini Mortus.

In the subsequent period, White Noise (Gareth/Jack Sansom) has openly adopted a neo-Nazi perspective, promoting bands associated with and events organised by the local franchise of the international Blood & Honour network and the bonehead gang the Southern Cross Hammerskins.

You may remember the Southern Cross Hammerskins from such reportage as Victorian neo-Nazi used as medic in Afghanistan (The Age, March 23, 2011):

Kenneth Stewart, 36, has worked as a military-trained paramedic, accompanying aid workers around Afghanistan. His Facebook page shows a swastika flag in his room in Kandahar, and another picture shows him surrounded by Afghans he refers to as ”my nignogs” with a friend adding the comment ”it’s lovely to see a white man back in control of the subhuman”. On Stewart’s Facebook page he regularly makes disparaging comments about Afghans, Aborigines, Jews and others.

Sansom’s other band is Waffenbrüder. It played the Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial gig in October 2011 and is releasing its debut album, This Time The World, in January. In addition to Waffenbrüder, Sansom also distros neo-Nazi agitprop (principally NSBM) via War Doctrine.

Note that the White Noise promotion has undergone several incarnations on MySpace and Facebook: one of the latest appears to have been deleted since Saturday. A screenshot of the page reveals the nature of the promotion and its commitments, including to the notion that there should be six million more Jews murdered…

As for White Noise, Stiff Little Fingers done it best:

See also : Mecca-Cola for Sweetman? (January 24, 2006).

This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 2 Available Now!

The second installment in the Scott Hull (PIG DESTROYER, AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED) curated series of compilations, ‘This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 2’ collects the very best from today’s sprawling underground grindcore, hardcore and punk scenes. ‘This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 2’ features new and exclusive material from legends like DESPISE YOU, LACK OF INTEREST, CROM, and APARTMENT 213 as well as material from NOISEEAR, OWEN HEART, EXTORTION, and more that must be heard to be believed. ‘This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 2’ is an indispensable look at the worldwide underground, and fast becoming the crucial compilation series of this generations grind scene.

Note that the most recent fascist entry into the local metal scene was conducted by way of Gareth Sansom’s ‘White Noise Productions’ []. Despite the *nudge nudge / wink wink* name, normally, budding entrepreneurs of this kind have the noûs not to parade their views too openly, but Sansom made the mistake of promoting local neo-Nazi network ‘Blood & Honour’ on his MySpace page.


The fact that the Victorian organiser of ‘Blood & Honour’, Justin O’Brien, is the man behind the counter at Hold Fast Body Art in Burwood, or that he’s promised to violently put an end to my blogging activities, does not appear to have resulted in any significant downturn in trade, however, so maybe Sansom should have simply stuck to his guns… or is there really no Lebensraum for fascists in heavy metal these days?

See also : This Comp Kills Fascists Vol. 2 on Facebook | Metalheads Against Racism | This Comp Kills Fascists | “What Will The Nazis Think?” (I don’t care!) (April 28, 2010) | N – – – – r lovers and faggots // Bullets in your head! (December 29, 2009).

Click Here to View The Video Titled: THIS COMP. KILLS FASCIST 2