Monday, May 6th, 2019

Monday, May 6th, 2019

Call for Submissions!


Eostar/Spring 2019 Issue

from EF! Journal

The Earth First! Journal is in need of your submissions again! We just sent out the Spring/Eostar 2019 issue of the Journal and we are getting the ball rolling on the 2019 Summer/Litha issue of our magazine, and we need your art, critical analysis, wingnut theories, poems, letters to the editor, and anything else you want to send our way. The submission deadline for this issue is May 18th!

Essays/articles should be between 300 and 3000 words, Dear Shit Fer Brains (letters to the editor) can be up to 300 words (please clearly mark your DSFB entries so we know we can publish your letter), reviews should be between 250 and 500 words (and can cover anything from books to magazines to documentaries to gear reviews), and we ask that any art or images be as high quality as possible (300 dpi for the magazine and 700 dpi for possible cover material).

Send whatever you come up with to collective[at]earthfirstjournal[dot]org or smash your computer and mail it to: Earth First! Journal, PO Box 1112, Grants Pass, OR 97528. Feel free to email or mail us with any questions or concerns.

For the Wild,

The Earth First! Journal Crew

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