Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

Appalachians Against Pipelines Holds Noise Demo for Arrested Water Protectors

by Appalachians Against Pipelines / It’s Going Down

A report back from a recent noise demonstration organized by Appalachians Against Pipelines.

A fragment of people in our society have lost their rights because they have “broken” the law.

In the past week two of our friends fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline have spent time behind bars. Holden was arrested in Monroe County, WV on Thursday after locking to equipment and halting construction. As we write this update, he is still in jail. Our other friend served a six day sentence for stopping MVP construction in February and was released this morning.

When our comrades are thrown in jail for protecting the earth from being ravaged by the capitalistic tool called the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and when parents are separated from their children for defending their future, it becomes clear that the laws themselves are broken. Those breaking them are the true heroes.

Our comrades have been kidnapped by a system that is a pawn for big corporations’ game of monopoly. 22% of the world’s prisoners are found in the so-called United States of America even though it holds only 4% of the world’s population.

We will not stand back and watch without a fight!

On Saturday morning, we went to the Lynchburg Adult Detention Center to support our friend who was then locked inside and to stand in solidarity with ALL those who are victims of an unjust system.

Inside, Outside. We are all on the same side!

After chanting, banging pots and pans, and playing of sweet anarchist songs in support of folks in the jail; we heard the voices from our friends on the inside calling back to us.

Our comrade who was released this morning has given us an update on the noise demo from the inside: they were ecstatic about the noise demo and could hear every word! At first they were confused, but as they heard the “Fire to the Jails! Fire to the Prisons!” chants they became more and more excited. They’ve asked us to return, to give hope to a place that seems so hopeless.

Often times we get so lost in our own lives and the chaos of the now, that we forget to stand in solidarity with people locked in cages. We forget about the pregnant human in jail who is supposed to get two portions of food (though the correctional officers think she only deserves one), the father kept from his kids at home, and the political prisoners who will live the rest of their lives in jail for trying to change a broken system.

A small thing like a letter or a noise demo is the least we can do with our freedom for those whose freedom has been taken away.

Support prisoners! No Prisons No Pipelines!

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