• Friday, May 31st, 2019

    Friday, May 31st, 2019

    Mass die-offs of puffins in Alaska may be linked to climate change

    by Shreya Dasgupta/Mongabay

    Tufted puffin on St. Paul Island, Alaska. Image by Alan D. Wilson via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).

    Between October 2016 and January 2017, the carcasses of hundreds of severely emaciated seabirds, mostly tufted puffins, washed onto the beaches of St. Paul Island, off Alaska.

    Not all birds that die wash up on a beach and are discovered. So the researchers ran an analysis and estimated that between 2,740 to 7,600 tufted puffins died during that time.

    Upon examining the carcasses, the researchers found that the birds had most likely died of starvation linked to shortage in prey triggered by climate change and a warming ocean.


  • Friday, May 31st, 2019

    Friday, May 31st, 2019

    Buffalo Field Campaign Update: Another Season Winds Down with Calves Thriving

    from Buffalo Field Campaign

    baby buffalo

    Our twenty-second season in the field with the last wild buffalo is coming to a close.  What a strange season this has been.  Such a slow start to migration, with very few buffalo around for many winter months.  This slow migration kept hundreds of buffalo away from Yellowstone’s trap and from many hunters, so hundreds more than expected survived this year.  Though the killers did make every opportunity to destroy as many as they could, they never met even half of their goal.  The buffalo did not allow it.  But, this spring, they allowed us all to be surrounded in their awesome presence, watching family groups with pregnant moms journey to their spring calving grounds.  For weeks we waited for the first calves to arrive, and — as best as we can describe it — like popcorn popping, calf by calf started to arrive and then exploded upon the greening landscape.  We were enfolded in days of joy as these little red miracles graced the loving earth.  Now, the buffalo are beginning to go their own way, in the time that is right for them.  Family groups are slowly heading east, towards their summer pastures and rutting grounds inside Yellowstone National Park. (more…)

  • Friday, May 31st, 2019

    Friday, May 31st, 2019

    CALL TO ACTION: JUNE 15 – Unist’ot’en/Wet’suwet’en Frontline Solidarity Request

    submitted to the Earth First! Newswire

    Greetings from unceded Unist’ot’en territory,

    The Unist’ot’en are counting on supporters to mobilize in a big way for the next step in our legal battle. From June 11-14, the BC Supreme Court will rule on the interim injunction. It will either be extended to an interlocutory injunction, giving a pass to more RCMP violence, or dismissed, ending the human rights violations. But regardless of the outcome in the courts, it is not up to colonial government and industry giants to determine our fate. We remain unceded, undefeated, sovereign and victorious.

    On January 8th, you took action! You organized rallies and marches. You made solidarity statements. You wrote your representatives. You put on fundraisers and donated to the Legal Fund. You pledged to stand by the Unist’ot’en.

    Now, we need you to stand up again, on June 15 regardless of the court outcome. The time is NOW to recognize indigenous sovereignty around the world. It is up to the Wet’suwet’en and our supporters to determine What’s Next. (more…)

  • Thursday, May 30th, 2019

    Thursday, May 30th, 2019

    “Freedom Gas”: The Trump Administration’s Ridiculous New Plan to Rebrand Fossil Fuels

    by Kate Yoder / Grist

    William Campbell / Corbis via Getty Images

    The Trump administration has rebranded natural gas with a new, patriotic-sounding name: “freedom gas.” In a Department of Energy press release on Tuesday, Under Secretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes talked about exporting U.S. natural gas as “spreading freedom gas throughout the world.”

    Keep reading the release, and you’ll find another official calling natural gas “molecules of U.S. freedom.” No, you’re not reading The Onion. All this in a Department of Energy announcement that it’s approving exports from a new liquefied natural gas plant south of Houston. (more…)

  • Thursday, May 30th, 2019

    Thursday, May 30th, 2019

    Yellow Finch Tree Sitters Hold Strong as Police and Pipeline Company Attempt Eviction

    by Appalachians Against Pipelines / It’s Going Down

    May 29, 2019

    Today police aided by Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) employees attempted to evict the Yellow Finch tree sit but were not successful. What follows is a report from Appalachians Against Pipelines.

    The tree sitters are holding strong. We are still here. Today is day 267.

    At the Yellow Finch tree sits in the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, cops have left the scene (for now). MVP is still lurking down the road. We are still asking for local support — if you are available and can come out today during the day, we’d love to see you. If not, donate. (more…)

  • Thursday, May 30th, 2019

    Thursday, May 30th, 2019

    A Forest Beset by Oil Palms, Logging, Now Contends with a Coal-Trucking Road

    by Elviza Diana / adapted by Basten Gokkon / from Mongabay

    An aerial view of part of the Harapan forest in southern Sumatra. Image courtesy of Hutan Harapan Initiative.

    • The Harapan forest in southern Sumatra, Indonesia, faces threats from illegal logging, encroachment by oil palm growers, poaching of its wildlife, and the loss of funding for conservation initiatives.
    • An indigenous community, conservation managers and activists have highlighted another danger that risks fragmenting the biodiverse lowland rainforest: a coal-trucking road that would slice through the area.
    • Local authorities reviewing the project proposal have called on the company behind it to consider a road that skirts the forest instead, but the company has not yet published a revised plan.
    • The forest’s Batin Sembilan indigenous group says the creation of a road will increase access into the forest, exacerbating long-simmering tensions with migrant communities they accuse of trying to grab the land.


  • Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

    Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

    Announcing the 2019 North American Forest & Climate Movement Convergence!

    Submitted to EF! Journal

    Carbondale, IL—The Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Justice Ecology Project and Shawnee Forest Defense! today announced The Resurgence: 2019 North American Forest & Climate Movement Convergence, to bring together activists, groups, Indigenous peoples, communities and others to create strategies to address the climate and biodiversity crisis. It will be held in the Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois from October 11 through October 14 – culminating on Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

    The Convergence Coordinating Committee Call to Action stated:


  • Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

    Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

    ‘Resisting to exist’: Indigenous women unite against Brazil’s far-right president

    by Karla Mendes/ Mongabay

  • Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

    Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

    Construction on New Resistance Camp on Wet’suwet’en Territory Begins: Support Still Needed

    by Anonymous/ It’s Going Down

    We are pleased to announce that work has begun on a new resistance camp on Wet’suwet’en territory. Members of the Likhts’amisyu clan are currently re-occupying their traditional territory, near the logging town of Houston in Northern B.C.

    For almost ten years, the Wet’suwet’en have been resisting an array of oil and gas pipelines with the purpose of transporting diluted bitumen and fracked gas to the Northwest Coast for export. The focal point of these efforts have been the Unist’ot’en Camp, a long-standing territorial re-occupation which was built directly in the path of the proposed pipeline corridor. Years of resistance have caused multiple multi-billion-dollar projects to be delayed and/or cancelled. Things came to a head this winter, when the Coastal GasLink pipeline corporation obtained an injunction. On January 7th, 2019, the RCMP raided the Gidim’ten Access Checkpoint, which had been established on the road leading to the Unist’ot’en Camp. Several days later, CGL and the RCMP breached the gate at the Unist’ot’en Camp.


  • Monday, May 27th, 2019

    Monday, May 27th, 2019

    Despite BC Court Loss, Opposition to Trans Mountain Pipeline Remains Strong

    from stand.earth

    A Kinder Morgan protest in 2018. Photo from the Canadian Press.

    Tens of thousands of Canadians have pledged to do ‘whatever it takes’ to stop pipeline

    UNCEDED COAST SALISH TERRITORY (Vancouver, BC) —  The British Columbia Court of Appeal ruled today on a reference case brought by the province, which sought to clarify whether or not the province could put a temporary ban on new shipments of diluted bitumen (dilbit) while further scientific studies were conducted into the ability to clean up dilbit spills. The court found that the proposed regulation exceeded the province’s power to regulate interprovincial pipelines.

    “British Columbians remain deeply opposed to the Trans Mountain Pipeline and the risks of a devastating oil spill that come with it,” said Sven Biggs, Climate and Energy Campaigner for Stand.earth. “While we are disappointed by the court’s ruling, we know that Premier Horgan remains committed to protecting the BC coast and he will continue to use every tool in his toolbox to achieve that goal.”

    Today’s ruling comes just weeks before the self imposed June 18 deadline for the Federal Cabinet decision on whether or not to reapprove permits for the pipeline, which were quashed by the Federal Court of Appeal in August 2018.


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