
When people now talk about the Holocaust, they often point to the long history of antisemitism (but as if this had been specific to Germany). We could also see this as the culmination of dehumanising others which has an even longer history. The path to killing is, however, a slippery slope; killing is not where it starts. Where it starts is with measures which mark others out as not being part of the group, by legitimising their being treated differently, their being excluded, with little or no obligation owed to them. Eliminating the Other from the community is peddled as a means to improve the situation of those who supposedly belong - and since austerity started, the calls for exclusion have intensified and even more so after Brexit:…/hostile-environment-david-c…
While Theresa May is seen as the sole architect behind the ‘dehumanising’ policy, ex-ministers detail how the coalition prime minister was its driving force