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STD: Stop the Donald 🔥 🤣🤣🤣

#std #stopTheDonald #dumpTrump

Chris Davidson a partagé une photo.
Photo de We Demand UK.
We Demand UK a changé sa photo de profil.
Chris Davidson a partagé une publication.

Devon and Cornwall to welcome squadrons of homeless hoverboard enthusiasts...
( Reuters )

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Chris Davidson

You're welcome anytime lads☝️🤐😎

Chris Davidson a partagé une publication.
Jay Russell a partagé un lien.
Cornwall is set for a construction tidal wave with the announcement that the Home Office is finalising plans to construct hundreds of new prime location coves. ”Just imagine the view,” a spokesman for the department told LCD Views, “and then imagine spending your summer with a pick and a shove...
Chris Davidson a partagé une publication.
Chris Davidson
Everyone is lasting , till the day is done.
Tick tock Tories.👊
Chris Davidson a partagé une publication.

You're next Boris you twunt ☝️

L’image contient peut-être : 2 personnes, personnes souriantes, personnes debout et plein air
Chris Davidson

You're next Boris, you lying treacherous CUNT☝️👊😎

Chris Davidson a partagé une publication.
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Publié par Thanks, Brexit.
394 572 vues
394 572 vues
Thanks, Brexit.

Alexa, translate to Welsh: Boris Johnson carrot 100...

Fylip Mab Brian a partagé un lien.
They 'know nothing about being British' and have 'no say in whether we stay or leave'
Angus McBean a partagé un lien.
Five occasions when anti-Semitic aristocrat Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists got turned over by the British working class in the 1960s. Suppor...
Fylip Mab Brian a partagé un lien.
"As a citizen of the Mexican State, I demand that my language, our languages ​​and peoples, have the same opportunities to survive and exist without the fear of being extinguished. "