The Christchurch massacre and fascist revolutionary politics

The manifesto posted by the accused New Zealand mass murderer isn’t just a racist, Islamophobic screed. It also puts forward an anti-egalitarian critique of capitalism and a strategy of fascist revolution through destabilizing society.

Brenton Tarrant, the man charged in the March 15 massacre at two New Zealand mosques, published an online manifesto that offers a rationale for the atrocity and urges others to follow his example. Titled “The Great Replacement” (which I’ll abbreviate to TGR), the document warrants close attention as a work of fascist ideology and propaganda, which both reflects and may help to shape political developments within the white nationalist movement internationally.

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Tory Leadership Contender Michael Gove: An “Orange” Unionist


By all accounts the headline-making confession of cocaine use by Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in Britain and one of the main contenders for the leadership of the governing Conservative Party, has had little effect on his close relations with the representatives of the Democratic Unionist Party in London and Belfast. The MPs and MLAs of the nominally evangelical DUP have apparently put their worries about Gove’s youthful – or middle-aged – indiscretions to one side, more concerned with his well-known and hardline pro-union credentials. The one-time journalist was one of the chief media critics of the Irish-British peace process in the late 1990s and early 2000s, characterising the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 as an act of surrender to the Irish Republican Army and its thirty-year campaign of armed struggle against Britain’s colonial territory in the north-eastern corner of the island…

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Water bosses’ pay 2018

Corporate Watch

Another year, another round of bumper payouts for water bosses.

The latest accounts of England’s nine water and sewerage companies show their highest paid directors shared £11 million between them last year.

Our research, commissioned by the GMB union and released by them earlier this week, shows water companies have paid their bosses £70 million in the last six years.

Highest paid director


Total pay 2017/18

Scott Longhurst

Anglian Water


Heidi Mottram

Northumbrian Water


Liv Garfield

Severn Trent


Chris Loughlin

South West Water


Ian Mcauley

Southern Water


Brandon Rennet

Thames Water


Steve Mogford

United Utilities


Andrew Pymer

Wessex Water


Richard Flint

Yorkshire Water


Click here to read our analysis of bosses’ pay after a similar exercise last year.

Transphobia and the Bookfair – a clarification.

Dorset Radical Bookfair.

It should be blindingly obvious to everyone by now that we are a trans-inclusive event. The collective has many transgender and non-binary comrades and they are welcome at the Bookfair.

We are mostly class-struggle anarchists and libertarian socialists, therefore anyone campaigning for the state to constrain transgender – or any other – people against their will, or to coerce them into prescribed paths and patterns of behaviour, would not be welcome.

We don’t see any need of exclusive facilities for cis-people, precisely because cis-people are the hegemonic group. For the same reason we don’t need white history month, straight pride month, international men’s day or exclusive clubs for gentiles. If attendees advocated for such things you would expect us to show them the door.

We should all beware of imposing our pet theories on other people’s lived experiences. You’re welcome to your ‘nuances’ (whatever that means) but don’t come around telling anyone they’re deluded or faking it. Please do not bring ‘gender-critical’ or ‘sex-essentialist’ propaganda to the Bookfair.

Enjoy the Bookfair, we’re going to!

Rozbrat Anarchist Squat Eviction

Anarchy in the Sticks!

Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement

Rozbrat, an anarchist squatted space in Poland, has called for solidarity in face of eviction threat.

Rozbrat is located in the western Poland city of Poznan. The property was squatted in 1994 and since then it became an alternative politics and cultural centre. It also serves as a home for over 20 people, and is both temporary and permanent shelter for homeless people.

The principal idea behind the space is grassroots organising and self-governing. It is a home to the local Anarchist Federation branch and Food not Bombs among others. The activists involved in Rozbrat have been very much part of the local and beyond projects, including Anarchist Black Cross, the Free Caucasus Committee and Workers Initiative Trade Union. The squat has also been hosting many grassroots initiatives, such as the anarchist library and publishing house, the printing workshop, self-education initiatives, bicycle workshop, a sports club…

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American Speaking Tour, Vegan Burgers & Environmental Action!

Bristol Anarchist Federation

Events coming up soon that you might want to get yourself to!

This Friday, the 21st of June, we’ll be hosting a speaker from the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. They’ll be telling us about life in Trump’s America, and the growing anarchist resistance to it!
Get down to BASE (14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JZ) from 6.30pm for Vegan Burgers, with the talk starting around 7.30!

On Sunday 30th June, we’re calling on all environmental anti-capitalists (and anti-capitalist environmentalists) to start a Bristol/West Country Green Anti-Capitalist Front.  The plan is to bring together the various anti-capitalist campaigns already running, in order to better support each other, and to make interventions in the wider ecological movement so it doesn’t get stuck in the usual dead ends of broken government promises, individualised responses or ‘green capitalism’.
We’ll be meeting at BASE (14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JZ)…

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Red And Black Telly: ” WHITE PRIVILEGE “