Anarcho-Syndicalist Review 51-60

ASR 51 (Winter 2008-09)
Editorial: No grounds for hope, No reason to despair
Wobbles: Workers’ Occupation Victorious, Making the boss press tell the truth, ACORN corruption, Political strikes illegal, Longhaul raided
International Notes: Mondragon’s capitalism, The CNT-F & labor law “reform,” Convicted of picketing, Global Day of Action against Starbucks, Racketeering suit against Wobblies tossed
Articles: Wanted: $20 a gallon gas, and free public transportation, by Mike Long
On Paul Krugman’s Nobel prize in economics: Class, power & “free” markets, by Iain McKay
Militarized Strike-Management & Strike-Breaking in Post-WW II United States, by Dan Jakopovich
Symposium: The Industrial Workers of the World: One Hundred Years of Revolutionary Unionism by Gerald Ronning, Mike Hargis and Eric Chester with a comment from Jon Bekken
Symposium: Murray Bookchin: His Legacy and Final Work by Iain McKay and Graham Purchase
Reviews: The Bolsheviks in Power by Iain McKay
“Class Struggle Anarchist Conference”
Primitivism, Post-Modernism, Chomsky and Anarchism by Graham Purchase

ASR 52 (Summer 2009)
Editorial: EFCA is not the solution
Wobbles: Obama: Hope dies hard, “Change to Win” labor fed collapses, Infestation of cops, Crime does pay…
International Notes: We won’t pay for their crisis!, Vietnamese garment workers wildcat, F.O.R.A. rebuilding in Argentina, Swedish Nazis firebomb syndicalists, Assassination of workers in Venezuela, General Strike Against the Crisis and the Government… compiled by Mike Hargis
Factory occupations spread like wildfire by John Kalwaic
Statement from workers occupying Kherson Machinery
Zombie Capitalism by Jon Bekken
French workers confront the economic crisis
SPECIAL SECTION: Darwinism at 150
Hierarchy, collectivity & nature by Graham Purchase
Mutual Aid: An introduction & evaluation by Iain McKay
Social Biology and solidarity. Review essay by Graham Purchase
Intelligent Design and the Attack on Materialism. Review by Jon Bekken
The God Delusion & anarchism. Review Essay by Iain McKay
ANARCHIST CLASSIC: The Malthusians By P. J. Proudhon
REVIEWS: The Roots of Anarcho-Syndicalism in Catalonia Review by Martin Comack
Magon and the Mexican Revolution Review by Mike Hargis
Bombers, Then and Now Review by Mike Long
Leter: Class Struggle Anarchist Conference

ASR 53 (Winter 2010)
Editorial: The Zombie Stomp
Wobbles: Mountains into moonscapes, Socialism gains popularity, Testing kindergarteners, Arbitration…
International Notes: Outlawing the Free Workers Union of Germany, Chinese construction workers occupy Israeli crane, Scottish Wobs block bins, Polish syndicalists campaign for free public transport, Criminal complaint against IWW organizer, Argentine metro workers strike, Repression hits Serbian syndicalists, French CNT-PTT (Post) regains union rights
100 years of anarcho-syndicalism in Spain
Swedish syndicalists adopt new statement of principles
Ssangyong Motors strike in South Korea ends in defeat and repression, by Loren Goldner
Venezuela’s first “socialist” maquila, by Rafael Uzcátegui
The economic crisis in Spain, by E. Alabort, L. Buendía, G. Fuster, M. Obispo and Ll. Rodríguez, Institute for Economic Sciences and Self-Management, Barcelona
The economics of anarchy, by Iain McKay
Reforming health care, by Jon Bekken
The European Union under U.S. sovereignty, by Jean-Claude Paye
REVIEWS: Revolutionary Syndicalism: A history & examination, Review essay by Graham Purchase; The IWW in Philadelphia, Review by Joe Golowka; Libertarian education, Review essay by Mike Long
OBITUARIES: Toivo Halonen and Abel Paz

ASR 54 (Summer 2010)
Editorial: Time to Take Responsibility
Wobbles: Murder in West Virginia, Union Scabbing, Cooperation is Contagious, Workers Won’t Serve SEIU Pie Cards…
International Notes: Pissed-off workers attack Greek labor fakir, French workers threaten to blow up factory over pay dispute, Wildcat strikes, Repression in Serbia and Venezuela… compiled by Mike Hargis
In Defense of Collective Ownership, by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici, Italy
Athens: Emancipatory Gymnasium, by Tierra y Libertad
The Economics of Freedom, by Jon Bekken
Capitalists, Global Warming, & the Climate Justice Movement, by James Herod
Green Flame: Kropotkin & the Birth of Ecology, by Graham Purchase
The Myth of Venezuelan ‘Eco-Socialism’, by Maria Pilar Garcia Guadilla
REVIEWS: Health Under Capitalism, Review by Nick Matthews
A History of the International Workers’ Association, Review by Jared Davidson
A “History” of “Anarchism,” Review by Jon Bekken
Post-Anarchism & Other Blind Spots, Review essay by Graham Purchase

ASR 55 (Winter 2011)

EDITORIAL: Cutting Out the Middle Man
WOBBLES: Mad Bombers, The Richer the Boss, the Meaner he is…
INTERNATIONAL NOTES: Precarious work & coops, Cuban anarchists meet, Repression in Iceland, FAU Berlin wins, Portuguese General Strike, French pension battle…compiled by Mike Hargis
OBITUARY: Ken Coates by Nick Mathews
Self-Management in Argentina Continues Strong
The Crisis of the Euro by Jean-Claud Paye
The Rise & Fall of the IWW As Viewed Through Membership Figures by Eric Chester
Democracy & Accountability in the Syndicalist Movement by Jon Bekken
The Spanish Civil War, Cartooning & the Cultural Imagination by Kristin Williams
Songs of Labor & Rebellion by Charlie King
The Internationale: Labor’s Libertarian Anthem by Iain McKay
Solidarity Forever: A Wobbly Labor Anthem by Jon Bekken
The Rabble Have Run Amok! by Steve Kellerman
REVIEWS: Creative Rabble Rousing Review by Len Wallace
Revolutionary Communities Review by Jon Bekken
The Coming Insurrection Review by Iain McKay
The Limits of Post-Anarchism Review by Graham Purchase
“I Am an Anarchist!”: 170 Years of Anarchism by Iain McKay

ASR 56 (Spring 2011)
Editorial: Are We Entitled?
Wobbles: The Terror of Unionization, Economic Booms, Prison Labor, Mutual Aid, Wretched Excess
International Notes: General Strike in Italy, Burmese Garment Workers, Temp Workers Solidarity, Polish Nurses Seize Parliament, Rebellion in Spain, Brazil
Building Workers Riot compiled by Mike Hargis
Cuba: A Socialist Look at the Reforms by Armando Chaguaceda & Ramón I. Centeno
COSATU’s Response to the Crisis: An Anarcho-Syndicalist Assessment by Lucien van der Walt
Class Struggle in Wisconsin by Mike Hargis
Education Workers Under Attack Across U.S.
Revolt in the Middle East
Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions by CGT (Spain) working group for international relations with North Africa
Mutual Aid Traditions in Egypt by Harold Barclay
Interview with Egyptian Anarchist
Tunisia’s UGTT: Caught between struggle and betrayal by Mouatamid, CGT Working Group
The Committees to Safeguard the Revolution
The Libyan People’s Committees should be the foundation of a new life Interview with Syrian anarchist Mazen Kamalmaz by José Antonio Gutiérrez
The Syrian revolution by Mazen Kamalmaz
Israel: Anarchists Against the Wall
Reviews: Contemporary Anarchist Anthropology: Rejecting Tribalism and Primitivism Review Essay by Graham Purchase
Syndicalism & radical unionism by Nick Matthews
The Socialist Alternative? by James Herod
Venezuela’s Phony Revolution by Mike Hargis
The Dispossessed Reconsidered by Jon Bekken
Two Classics by Proudhon: On Property and Economic Contradictions Reviews by Iain McKay
CNT & the Asturias Uprising by Iain McKay
Letter: 30 Years of Australian Syndicalism

ASR 57
Editorials: 2011: Year of Rebellion; You Might Say We’re Dreamers
WOBBLES: Obama’s War on Immigrants, Fighting for Lower Wages, Wisconsin Workers Fight Back
SYNDICALIST NEWS: Spanish General Strike, Strike at “Greek Steel,” Guatemala Unionists Murdered, Hyundai Strike, Argentine Syndicalists, IWW Janitors, Scab Train Blocked… Compiled by Mike Hargis
Solidarity with those in Cuba
ARTICLES: We are the 99% by Jon Bekken
The Occupy Movement: Holding Space or Evicting Capitalism? by Chris Longenecker
Greece: Let’s go one step further by Dimitri – MACG
Occupy? Wall Street? by John Clark (from The Raging Pelican)
Situations, Occupations & Revolution: Steps to Fight the End of the World by Jeffrey Reinhardt
Humanitarian War: A contradiction in terms by Jean-Claude Paye & Tülay Umay
Anarchist Theory: Use it or Lose it by Iain McKay
The Earthworker Cooperative & the Green Syndicalist Future By Brendan Libertad
REVIEWS: Soccer: Opiate of the people? by Mike Long
The Politics of Food by Jon Bekken
Radical Economics & Labor by Iain McKay
Milstein’s Ethical Anarchism by Wayne Price
Property is Theft! by Mark R. Wolff
Joe Hill’s revolutionary legacy by Richard Myers
The Third Revolution? by Iain McKay
Biutiful: The Exploitation of Illegal Immigrant Labor Film Review by Jeff Stein
Yardbird Blues by Jon Bekken
Letters: Anarchist history, PareCon

ASR 58 (Summer 2012)
EDITORIAL: Corporations Are Governments Too
WOBBLES: Jailing Chomsky?, Employer Spy Booted from NLRB, Wisconsin Recall, Exploiting “Guest” Workers…
SYNDICALIST NEWS: General Strikes in India, Portugal & Spain, RyanAir, May Day, Free Subway Rides, Quebec Student Strike, Asturian Miners, Greek Hospital Occupation… Compiled by Mike Hargis
ARTICLES: The recent elections in Greece and the social movement by Dimitri
NATO Comes to Chicago by Mike Hargis
Pay Inequality: Where it comes from and what to do about it by Iain McKay
Capitalists were always criminals by James Herod
The economy works, just not for us by Jon Bekken
Britain: A cold economy encrusted by a half-baked ideology by Iain McKay
Anarchy: A Bibliography by James Herod
REVIEWS: Building Global Unionism by Jon Bekken
23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism by Iain McKay
A History of Capitalism by James Herod
Reforming the 1% by Jon Bekken
Anti-Capitalist Movements by Mark Mason
The Age of Empathy by Iain McKay
Reaching for Consensus by Jon Bekken
Bakunin’s Critique of Marxism by Iain McKay
Letters: Solidarity with Cuban workers

asr59ASR 59 (Winter 2013)
EDITORIAL: The 2012 Presidential Elect-Chains
OBITUARIES: Vincent (Ted) Lee, Scott Rittenhouse
WOBBLES: Disappearing Working Class, No Twinkies, Education “Reform,” IMF says “Oops,” Wellness…
SYNDICALIST NEWS: Victory Against Workfare, Murdered by Capital, South African Wildcat, Expropriation, Low Wage Workers Organizing… Compiled by Mike Hargis
European strike against austerity
World Labor News: Egyptian Unrest, Alternative Unions in Italy, Wal-Mart Sweatshop Protests…  by John Kalwaic
ARTICLES: Chicago Teachers Fight for Public Education by Mike Hargis
Right to Work Laws & the Future of the Labor Movement  by Alexis Buss
The Crisis of Capitalism  by Eric Chester
Direct Struggle Against Capital  by Iain McKay
The Use of the Strike   by Petr Kropotkin
Workers Organization   by Petr Kropotkin
Obama & Separation of Powers  by Jean-Claude Paye
Infrastructures of Resistance by Jeff Shantz
REVIEWS: Anarchist Seeds Beneath the Snow: Two Centuries of British Libertarianism  Review essay by Mike Long
A Comparative Perspective on Syndicalism at the Turn of the Century  Reviews by Martin Comack and Iain McKay
The revival of the Latin American Anarchist Press
Paths Toward Utopia  by Jon Bekken
Passion for Master  Film review by Jeff Stein
Chinese Anarchism Collection  by Jing Zhao
An Anarchist Encyclopedia by Jon Bekken
Letters: Global Union Solidarity

asr60 coverASR #60 (Summer 2013)
EDITORIAL: A booming economy?
OBITUARIES: Audrey Goodfriend, Mott Green; Nunzio Pernicone by Robert Helms
WOBBLES: Oiligarchs Fund “Stink Tanks,” Murderous Capital, Vanishing Labor Law, Chinese workers seize CEO
SYNDICALIST NEWS: USI-AIT hospital workers strike, Employer opens fire on migrant workers, Workers’ Control in Greece, Garment workers strike after factory collapse, Wobbly News… Compiled by Mike Hargis
Interview with Egyptian anarchist by Mark Mason
Do Fast Food Strikes Signal U.S. Labor Revival? Seattle Teachers Refuse Standardized Tests by John Kalwaic
ARTICLES: Seething anger, wildcat strikes, and growing struggles in South Africa’s mines by Shawn Hattingh
Thatcher: Putting the fun back into funeral by Iain McKay
Thatcher: Reagan with a brain by Mike Long
Proudhon on Race and the Civil War: Neither Washington nor Richmond by Iain McKay
REVIEWS: Lucy Parsons: American Anarchist Review essay by Iain McKay
Anarchism & Syndicalism in the Colonial World Review by Jon Bekken
Environmental Anti-Humanism Review by Graham Purchase
The IWW & the Spanish Revolution Review by Jon Bekken
Anarchist Science Fiction Review essay by Iain McKay
LETTERS: Consensus, Occupy Shareholders Meetings