Josh Bornstein is an employment lawyer who heads the National Employment & Industrial Law practice at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers.

He is a director of the Australia Institute, a member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, University of Melbourne and the Centre for Future Work and he is Deputy Chair of the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board.

Josh was the inaugural President of, an advocacy organisation for victims of child sexual abuse within the Jewish community in Australia.

He has been ranked as Victoria’s top employment lawyer for employees by Doyle’s Guide to the Australian Legal Profession between 2013-19 – a ranking based on peer review within the legal profession.

Recent Writing

Small workplaces and corporate profit are driving wage stagnation

As Australia endures its seventh consecutive year of wage stagnation, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has pledged that the next election will be “a referendum about wages” and will focus attention on “who the economy should work for”. Since Reserve Bank Governor Phillip Lowe belatedly declared a “low wage crisis” in June 2017, the federal government’s…

In this age of surveillance capitalism, the law is left for dust

Can the immense power of the world’s largest oligopolies to plunder our privacy and shape our lives be reined in? In recent days, German antitrust authorities struck a modest blow in consumers’ favour. The ruling of the Federal Cartel Office will prohibit Facebook from aggregating personal information it collects from consumers with that collected by…

The Wages Crisis in Australia

I have a chapter about the changing nature of work in Australia called “Fractured Work” in the book “The Wages Crisis in Australia” published by The University of Adelaide Press. Download the Free PDF


Employees are losing: Have workplace laws gone too far?

My recently published article in the Journal of Industrial Relations analysing the causes of the loss of employee bargaining power in the Australian labour market. It is available online with free access for a limited time only! Jump to article

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