antifa notes (may 10, 2017) : United Patriots Front kicked off Facebook &c

United Patriots Front ~versus~ Zuckerberg

The keyboard warriors of the United Patriots Front (UPF) have been experiencing some technical difficulties on Facebook of late.

Ruh-roh. Poor old Facebook Patriots. Previously a ‘safe space’ for flag-waving twats, a few weeks ago the UPF Western Australia page was unpublished and then, a week or so ago, the UPF media page — which mostly published fanboy material and dank neo-Nazi memes — was unpublished. Finally, in the last day or two, the main UPF page, which had attracted over 120,000 ‘Likes’, has also been given the boot. Presumably, the UPF, which in terms of its public presentations has been reduced to two neo-Nazis in Melbourne (fuehrer Blair Cottrell and his sidekick Thomas Sewell) and one of their boofhead mates in Perth (Dennis Huts), will carry on as before, publishing new Facebook pages, and continuing to whinge and whine about bloody Muslims, rotten Communists, and African migrants. (Note that the UPF QLD page and UPF Bendigo pages remain up and running.)

As their principal means of communication with the Australian and, increasingly, American public, Facebook has been absolutely critical to the popularisation of the UPF and, moreover, its neo-Nazi leader Cottrell. Thus despite declaring, on more than one occasion, that accumulating Facebook ‘Likes’ was not the main goal of the UPF, after hitting peak derp in Bendigo in October 2015, its ‘Likes’ appear to have risen in inverse proportion to its ability to actually draw a crowd: the last UPF rally in Melbourne in November 2015 attracted barely a few dozen supporters, while the campaign to launch their political party ‘Fortitude’ in February 2016 was a complete fail. Since that time, most of their activity has been dedicated to circulating fake news and propaganda on Facebook, organising media and publicity stunts and, most recently, celebrating Hitler’s birthday at a local German restaurant.


*Ralph Cerminara‘s Facebook page ‘Left Wing Bigots & Extremists Exposed’ also appears to have been unpublished.
**Fuehrer Cottrell, along with ex-UPF members Chris Shortis (Australia First Party) and Neil Erikson, are due back in court on May 23 to face charges of serious religious vilification, defacing property, willful damage and behaving in an offensive manner in public following a UPF publicity stunt outside Bendigo council offices in October 2015.

Reclaim Australia ~versus~ True Blue Crew

True Blue Crew Reclaim Flag-waving

For reasons best known to themselves, the Sydney-based arm of ‘Reclaim Australia’ has cancelled its proposed rally in Melbourne on June 12. Undeterred, the True Blue Crew (TBC) has organised a flagwit rally in Melbourne on June 25. Last year’s flagwit rally attracted around 100 or so participants, the TBC busing in several score supporters from Bendigo and Melton, their numbers supplemented by Christian fundamentalists belonging to Catch The Fire Ministries (AKA ‘Rise Up Australia Party’), a small group of whom used the occasion to engage in the traditional Australian practice of a haka (presumably in honour of their Pope, Sri Lankan migrant Reverend Daniel Nalliah). Also joining the TBC on the day was one of their most vocal supporters, alleged ‘terrorist’ Phillip Galea. Appearing on April 28, Galea ‘told a court he won’t be using mental health as a defence’, and will be back in court sometime in August for a committal hearing.

Above : Phill Galea in happier times at the TBC flag rally, June 2016; just a few weeks later, he was arrested and charged with terrorisms.

Mastika ~versus~ Golden Dawn

“Mastika? We thought it said swastika!”

Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn (GD) is in all sorts of legal trouble in Greece, but in Australia is trying hard to move from the margins of Greek cultural and political life into its centre. Recently, a small group of GD members went on a publicity tour of Belmore in Sydney; the group then posted pictures of themselves distributing the Golden Dawn newspaper, including to two cafe workers at Mastika, who seemed quite happy to be receiving neo-Nazi propaganda. For its part, the cafe has disavowed any affiliation to or support for neo-Nazi politics. (It’s also closed its Facebook page.)

Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes ~versus~ Reality

“I’m not crazy! You’re the one that’s crazy!”

A few weeks ago, Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes was revealed as being a member of the (White) Australia First Party, Jewish, and a contributor to the world’s leading neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer. From this vantage point, Sykes tried his best to crank up The Internet Hate Machine and to direct it at various Australian public figures to whom he’d taken a particular dislike; a tricksy neo-Nazi, Sykes assumed the nom de guerre of ‘Hamish Patton’ while crafting his tasty insults. One of Sykes’ earliest targets was Muslim lawyer Mariam Veiszadeh, whom he lovingly described as a ‘towel-headed halal-harpy’ and a ‘country-shopping daughter of a goat-herding family of conniving peasant trash from the dunghills of Kabul’. Hurr hurr. In an article titled Waaambulance Please! Mariam Isn’t Happy! These Feels! and published on the Daily Stormer site on March 11, 2015, Sykes went into bat for a Queensland woman called Jay-Leighsha Bauman, who on that date appeared in Ipswich Magistrates Court ‘charged with using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence’:

The charges stem from an alleged online hate campaign she directed at human rights activist Mariam Veiszadeh in early January [2015].

The allegedly expletive laden, anti-Islam campaign by Ms Bauman was unleashed on Ms Veiszadeh’s personal Facebook page, where police will allege she referred to the human rights activist as a whore, a prostitute and a rag-head and urged her to return to her “sand dune country”.

Later that month, Bauman was convicted and sentenced to 180 hours of community service.

Sykes’ Waaambulance article called upon the neo-Nazi readership of Daily Stormer to rally behind Bauman and boasted of the campaign’s success in being featured on ABC’s Lateline (Hate groups launch global attack on Muslim advocate, March 10, 2015). Perhaps wanting to avoid any legal repercussions for himself, however, at some point between March 11 and April 3, 2015, the authorship of the article was changed from ‘Nathan Sykes’ to ‘Hamish Patton’.


… & After.

antifa notes (april 24, 2017) : fakes and frauds and fascists and facebook

1) fake

A fake ‘Melbourne Antifa’ page has been published on Facebook:; you can leave them a one-star review if you like. In any case, try Melbourne Antifa Info instead.

2) faking

Nathan Sykes – AKA Hamish Patton from the from Aussie Lads on Vimeo.

Jewish neo-Nazi, Australia First Party (AFP) member and Daily Stormer writer Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes (AKA ‘Hamish Patton’) has been confirmed as one of the contributors to the ‘United Nationalists Australia’ blog and Facebook page (which largely functions as an online shitsheet for the AFP).

Otherwise, Sykes’ mate Andrew Anglin, founder of the Daily Stormer website, is being sued in the United States (SPLC sues neo-Nazi leader who targeted Jewish woman in anti-Semitic harassment campaign, April 18, 2017):

The Southern Poverty Law Center, along with its Montana co-counsel, filed suit in federal court today against the founder of a major neo-Nazi website who orchestrated a harassment campaign that has relentlessly terrorized a Jewish woman and her family with anti-Semitic threats and messages.

The lawsuit describes how Andrew Anglin used his web forum, the Daily Stormer – the leading extremist website in the country – to publish 30 articles urging his followers to launch a “troll storm” against Tanya Gersh, a real estate agent in Whitefish, Montana. Gersh, her husband and 12-year-old son have received more than 700 harassing messages since December.

See also : The man behind the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website is being sued by one of his ‘troll storm’ targets, Abby Ohlheiser, The Washington Post, April 18, 2017.

Fortunately for the mixed-up Jewish neo-Nazi, Sykes’ own organisation and promotion of similar troll campaigns directed at various public figures in Australia remains entirely lawful and er, kosher. Further, Anglin is happy to have a Jewish man contribute to his hatesite.


3) whatever happened to … ?

April 4, 2015 was the date of the first series of ‘Reclaim Australia’ rallies; a second took place on the weekend of July 18/19, and the third and final series of rallies on November 22, 2015. Since that time, one other rally has been organised under the auspices of Reclaim, in Sydney on January 29, 2017, while a further rally is scheduled to take place on June 12 in Melbourne. Otherwise, the network has given birth to a range of other groups and projects, including the United Patriots Front (UPF), True Blue Crew (TBC) and Soldiers of Odin (SOO), each of which has staged its own events and activities.

Oh, and speaking of the TBC, their #BFF Phillip Galea was in court again last week:

An alleged extremist accused of plotting an attack against Melbourne’s anarchists engaged in “preparatory” acts rather than an actual terrorism attempt, a court has heard.

Phillip Michael Galea, 32, appeared in the Melbourne magistrates’ court on Wednesday via video link charged with collecting or making documents to prepare for terrorist acts between November 2015 and August 2016.

The anti-Islamist [sic] is also charged with acts in preparation for a terrorist act between September 2015 and August last year.

Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg said Galea was charged with plotting, not with attempting to commit an attack. Galea’s defence team requested access to tapes and other prosecution materials.

Rozencwajg granted the request amid hopes the case could be expedited. He said Galea had allegedly engaged in preparatory acts of plotting attacks against various locations inhabited by Melbourne’s anarchists [?!] and the Melbourne Resistance Centre.

Prosecutors are relying on evidence contained in secretly recorded phone conversations during which Galea allegedly talks to other people about his plans.

Galea allegedly said: “They thought what I was planning before was dangerous. They’ve got no idea.”

Police allege Galea also researched homemade bombs, ballistic armour and guns.

The matter was adjourned until 28 April.

When Reclaim Australia first emerged, its figurehead was Shermon Burgess (AKA ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’), while in October 2015 Novocastrian John Oliver (Patriots Defence League of Australia), Wanda Marsh from Adelaide, and Liz Shepherd (AKA ‘Catherine Brennan’) in Sydney appeared as its putative leaders on Seven’s Sunday TV show. In 2016, the trio appear to have gone their separate ways, and there now exists two iterations of ‘Reclaim Australia’: one an incorporated association (including Oliver), the other under the control of Shepherd. It was this latter grouping that organised the rally in Sydney in January and is organising the Melbourne event in June (which has drawn the support of whatever remains of the TBC and assorted other dregs).

Prior to this, in May 2015, Burgess abandoned Reclaim to establish the UPF, which held its first, ‘anti-communist’ rally in Richmond that month, a feat which the TBC attempted to replicate in Coburg a year later. (Burgess abandoned the UPF to neo-Nazi and convicted stalker Blair Cottrell in late 2015.) The UPF held two more major rallies in Bendigo that year, on August 29 and October 10, both in opposition to the construction of a mosque, and one tiny rally in Melbourne (in November). The October rally attracted as many as 1,000 participants — the largest rally to be organised by either the UPF or Reclaim. Buoyed by this apparent groundswell of support, in November the UPF announced that it would be forming a political party, ‘Fortitude’, and in February 2016 they held meetings in Orange, NSW, Toowoomba, QLD and again in Bendigo in order to promote it. Sadly, the party never formed, and the UPF spent most of the rest of 2016 shedding members, engaging in publicity stunts, tagging along on other demonstrations, being a minor nuisance, and gathering tens of thousands of ‘Likes’ on Facebook.

Recently, Burgess has been posing online as one half of Facebook page ‘Nationalist Uprising’ (previously: ‘Australian Settlers Rebellion’), talking up the threat (((bankers))) pose to the Western world, and opining that national socialism is actually A Jolly Good Thing. This has provoked local (Melbourne) crank and Pauline Hanson fanboy Avi Yemini to denounce Burgess as a ‘Nazi’. At the same time, the other half of ‘Nationalist Uprising’, Neil Erikson, has been trying to further distance himself from his neo-Nazi past (he has a criminal conviction for harassing a Melbourne rabbi and was active in various neo-Nazi projects for around 15 years or so), partly by way of cuddling up to … Avi.

Erikson hopping into bed with Yemini is slightly … odd … but comprehensible given how much they share in common, including but not limited to a pathological hatred of Muslims (along with dirty rotten stinkin’ commies: Public Enemy No.1 according to the new #BFFs), and joint opposition to non-White immigration (Yemini has likened African migrants to human garbage). Given that Yemini and UPF fuehrer Blair Cottrell — whom Erikson has denounced on many occasions as a ‘Nazi’ — have been making eyes at one another these last few months, it may even be that Erikson and Cottrell will kiss and make up at some point — perhaps while the pair are sitting together in court?

Of course, the other person Erikson and Cottrell have been jointly charged with — following the UPF stunt in Bendigo in October 2015 — is Chris ‘The United Nations is attempting to install the Pope as leader of a new world government!’ Shortis, who left the UPF to join the AFP last year. Slightly coy when under Cottrell’s fuehrership, the Christian fundamentalist bizarr0 is now openly promoting White nationalism (Cottrell continues to wear a mask), and has very grave concerns over the ‘Judeo-‘ in Judeo-Christianity, the poor boy. Note that all this is occurring just as fellow AFP member & Daily Stormer writer Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes has been exposed as … a Jew!

They’re a weird mob, and the weirdness extends to Nick Folkes and the Peanuts (‘Party’) For Freedom, who like AFP (and UPF) also apparently oppose ‘White genocide’. (Folkes himself has ‘mixed race’ children — which would seem to suggest that there’s one law for Nick; another for the rest of us: LOL!) Thus, in the latest in a seemingly endless parade of dingbat publicity stunts, on Easter weekend in Sydney, Folkes and a half-dozen or so other Peanuts picketed a childcare centre, babbling on about its dastardly dedication to committing White genocide thru integrated care. The fact that non-White folk, presumably residents and/or citizens, joined in the idiocy is somewhat remarkable … though it should also be obvious that the patriotik and White nationalist milieu in Australia is shot thru with such absurdities and contradictions.

Finally, to return to Cooma, when he’s not picking fights with the TBC 600kms away in Melbourne, Burgess can of course be found blathering away on Facebook, regurgitating half-digested and very dank memes produced by cranks like Alex Jones (see below). Oh, but while it remains unclear if Burgess has cleared his debt of $170,000+ to Sutherland Shire Council, on the weekend the keyboard warrior from Cooma was kicked off that rascally ‘Zionist’ Zuckerberg’s site. Peter Grace explains:

See also : antifa notes (april 12, 2016) : hard times for patriots. Oh and on the subject of ‘Reclaim Indonesia’, see : Trump’s Indonesian Allies In Bed With ISIS-Backed Militia Seeking to Oust Elected President, Allan Nairn, The Intercept, April 19, 2017.

4) Some Dare Call It Stupidity

The King of the Konspiracy Kooks, Alex Jones, has had his lawyer admit in court that he’s, like, ‘playing a character’ (see : President Trump’s Favorite Conspiracy Theorist Is Just ‘Playing a Character,’ His Lawyer Says, Maya Rhodan, Time, Apr 18, 2017). This has not gone down too well with at least some of his fans, but the wanker who hounded families of the Sandy Hook massacre is also insisting others’ respect his privacy in his custody battle with his former wife (see : Sandy Hook truther Alex Jones asks for privacy in custody battle ‘for the sake of my children’, Cleve R. Wootson Jr., The Washington Post, April 22). For anyone who cares, an interesting profile of Jones was published in RS a few years ago. See : Meet Alex Jones, Alexander Zaitchik, Rolling Stone, March 2, 2011 (‘The most paranoid man in America is trying to overthrow the ‘global Stasi Borg state,’ one conspiracy theory at a time’). Otherwise:

What do you get when you combine an atomized, alienated public that possesses a deep and justifiable mistrust in institutions with a floundering press-political-entertainment complex that’s desperate to hold our nanoscopic attention spans? You get a nation of half-assed shamuses who’ve traded genuine political argument for paranoid fantasies about alien masterminds, lizard overlords, and government airplanes dispersing mind-control mist over population centers, not to mention presidential candidates who think and talk just like conspiracy theorists.

That’s Corey Pein (Protocols of Moron, Magical Thinking, The Baffler, September 20, 2016). His podcast, News from Nowhere, is also recommended listening, especially, in this context, episode one, in which he ‘considers the role of conspiracy theories in the 2016 US presidential elections, with special guest appearances by Alex Jones, Donald Trump, the John Birch Society and an assortment of Holocaust deniers and the politicians who pander to them, such as Green Party vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka.’ Closer to home, Jason Wilson contributes his conspiratorial insights in Conspiracy theories used to be a fringe obsession. Now they’re mainstream, The Guardian, April 13, 2017. See also : Alt Wrong, Richard Cooke, The Monthly, April 2017:

Given that Hanson is so often described as “speaking for” ordinary Australians, or ordinary people, or a silent majority, or a real Australia, one wonders why these constituencies have chosen a champion who isn’t much good at speaking at all. Hanson is not just inarticulate by the standards of a politician; she is inarticulate by the standards of ordinary people. It would not be difficult to enter an average pub or RSL club and find someone more knowledgeable, nuanced and capable of stringing a sentence together, and on just about any topic. But that is not what Pauline Hanson is for. Her similarity to Trump is much exaggerated (for one thing, she did not mount a hostile takeover of the Liberal Party), but they do share one critical component: their relationship with language.

On ‘conservatism’ in the US, also worth listening to is Corey Robin on the Reactionaries’ Minds Under Trump (The Dig, Jacobin, March 28, 2017): ‘What a moment to read, or to re-read, The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin, political scientist Corey Robin’s 2011 collection of essays — especially if you need to disabuse friends and family of the notion that Trump is some historic degradation of conservatism’s good name rather than a malignant, nasty outgrowth of a long history of violent reaction against left movements for equality.’

The Daily Stormer’s neo-Nazi Nathan Sykes : ‘one of Australia’s worst online trolls’ (also: Jewish!)

Below : Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes (L) and Dr Jim Saleam (R), attending a Reclaim Australia rally in Sydney, 2015 (see also : The rise of the Australian far right, Late Night Live, Radio National, November 26, 2015).

File Under : TOP KEK.

Sydney resident and Australia First Party (AFP) member Nathan Sykes — AKA ‘Hamish Patton’, ‘Stanley Dangerfield’, ‘Michael Slay’, ‘Great Australian Bite’ et. al. — has been revealed as both ‘one of Australia’s worst online trolls’ … and as being of Jewish descent:

In a ramshackle inner Sydney boarding house, surrounded by his collection of Adolf Hitler dolls, a 48-year-old unemployed neo-Nazi plies his trade as one of Australia’s most aggressive online trolls.

Nathan Sykes – a former journalist and bankrupt – has spent much of the past few years under various pseudonyms harassing and baiting left-wingers and Muslim activists through social media, and writing anti-Semitic articles on neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer …

But what makes Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes particularly unusual is that, despite his neo-Nazi persona, he himself is a Jew.

Sykes was born in December 1968. Virtually everything else about his upbringing is shrouded in mystery and he has gone out of his way through pseudonyms to obscure his identity.

But Fairfax Media can now reveal that Sykes is part of an international network of trolls, and has been crucial in the campaigns to vilify a number of high-profile Australians, including Racial Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane, Muslim activist Mariam Veiszadeh and Guardian journalist and left-wing commentator Van Badham …

See : Revealing the secrets of one of Australia’s worst online trolls, Luke McMahon, The Age, April 16, 2017.

A few additional notes:

• As noted, this is not the first time that a Jewish man has been revealed as being a major contributor to Andrew Anglin‘s Daily Stormer website, ‘the best-read English language neo-Nazi website in the world’, which fact is rather … odd.

• As well as contributing articles to the Daily Stormer, Sykes was also a contributor to the now defunct neo-Nazi Whitelaw Towers (WLT) blog. The WLT blog was established over ten years ago by neo-Nazis Peter Campbell (NSW) and Jim Perren (QLD), both formerly members of the ‘White Pride Coalition of Australia’ (WPCA : 2002–2004), an online forum for neo-Nazis, Klan members, and assorted other White supremacists. Campbell deaded in August 2013, with Sykes seemingly joining Perren at some point thereafter; all three have been fulsome supporters of Dr Jim Saleam’s White nationalist AFP. In February 2016, Perren was also responsible for helping to organise the United Patriots Front (UPF) tour of Toowoomba in Queensland.

• Sykes has also been active on the neo-Nazi/White supremacist website Stormfront since December 2011 as ‘Great Australian Bite’, posting over 12,000 comments. His contributions to Daily Stormer number well over one-hundred-and-fifty separate articles.

• Sykes wrote a piece about me for Daily Stormer back in March 2015 (slackbastard ~versus~ Australia First Party, Daily Stormer, Reclaim Australia (etc.).) I could be wrogn, but I don’t believe he’s much of a fan.

• Sykes is a big fan of fellow AFP member Chris Shortis, one of three men currently facing charges as the result of a UPF stunt in Bendigo in October 2015. Sykes attended court last month in Melbourne, along with Dr Jim Saleam, to express support for Shortis. Looking rather stylish in his blue suit, Sykes was also sporting several rings, including one with a Golden Dawn symbol. Prior to this, in December 2016 in Sydney, Sykes attended a rally outside the Russian consulate, where he was joined by other AFP members (including Saleam), Golden Dawn members, and assorted other far-right elements. Oh, and University of Sydney academic Tim Anderson.

But that’s another story

Above : (L to R) : Sykes (w camera); Tim Anderson, Simeon Boikov (Zabaikal Cossack Society of Australia), Dr Jim Saleam (AFP), Iggy Gavrilidis (Golden Dawn Australia).

antifa notes (february 17, 2016) : Neil Erikson ~versus~ Nationalist Alternative, United Patriots Front Etc.

Hell hath no fury like a neo-Nazi scorned amirite?

Neil ‘Nazi Boy’ Erikson has been busy over the last few days exposing local neo-Nazi elements in the patriotik milieu. Much of what he’s stated — Nationalist Alternative (NAlt) is a neo-Nazi gang; the United Patriots Front (UPF) is led by neo-Nazis (Blair Cottrell, Thomas Sewell); he was #BFFs with the defunct Melbourne-based neo-Nazi gang the ‘Crazy White Boys’, etc. — is already known. But he’s made a few other claims which are revealing:


• NAlt meets at a mansion (146 Toorak Road) in South Yarra which functions as the happy home of ‘The English-Speaking Union of Victoria’, the ‘Royal Society of St George’ and the ‘British Australian Community’ (formerly the ‘United Kingdom Settlers’ Association’). I’d never heard of these groups, but they seem somewhat reminiscent of arch-Tory groups like the ‘Conservative Monday Club’ in the UK; a group which had close links to the fascist ‘National Front’ in the 1970s. (Oh yeah. On its website, the BAC gives props to Swedish neo-Nazi warbler Saga.)

Above : Nathan Sykes (L) with AFP Führer (Dr) Jim Saleam (R).

• Sydney-based ‘Australia First Party’ (AFP) bizarr0 Nathan Sykes — who writes for AFP, Whitelaw Towers (WLT) blog and the US-based neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer — is in fact Jewish. This would, of course, be quite remarkable if true, though not unique: the 2001 film The Believer was inspired by the life and death of Daniel Burros (1937–1965), an American neo-Nazi of Jewish descent. (Burros committed suicide on October 31, 1965, hours after his Jewish heritage was made public. He shot himself in the chest and then the head. At the time, he was reportedly listening to music composed by Richard Wagner.)

Sykes is not. a. fan. of my blog and wrote a batshit piece about me back in March 2015 (see : slackbastard ~versus~ Australia First Party, Daily Stormer, Reclaim Australia (etc.), March 10, 2015). Inter alia, Sykes wrote that I was a “gutless squid” who “champions every cause in the whole spectrum of the social justice warrior rainbow, without being sincere about any. If it’s faggot marriage, Muslim asylum seekers crying in detention because they didn’t get to sneak in and rape a white woman, petrol-sniffing Abos demanding sit-down money or self-hating Whites marching in solidarity with Ferguson, he’s got his tender paw in the scene.” (I’m also denounced as an “ideological fraudster”, “professional mud slinger”, “champion of the Jew-run left-wing media”, “hipster skunk” and “limp-wristed poseur”. Touché! LOL.)

The Daily Stormer was in the news last year for publishing various crazed attacks upon Australian public figures such as Josh Bornstein, Tim Soutphommasane and Mariam Veiszadeh. Notoriously, the site also hosted writings by Joshua Goldberg. See : FBI says ‘Australian IS jihadist’ is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg.; Neo-Nazi, radical feminist and violent jihadist – all at once, BBC, September 21, 2015 (and elsewhere). Sykes — until 2008 the editor of B-grade pornographic magazine 100% Home Girls — has contributed dozens of articles to Daily Stormer using the handle ‘Hamish Patton’. A sample of some of his Nazi prose:


Nazis eh?


• In December 2015, Brisbane-based neo-Nazi Jim Perren (ex-‘White Pride Coalition of Australia’, WLT blog) was apparently part of the ‪‎UPF’s (vewy secwet) inner circle. You may remember Jim Perren from such events as the abortive joint rally by Australia First and Golden Dawn in Brisbane in May 2014. Assuming Perren remains a part of the UPF — and has not left or been removed by der Führer in the meantime — the ‘pagan’ neo-Nazi would be holding hands with fellow Queenslander and Christian fu-da-mentalist Scott Moerland: such a happy marriage! LOL.

On the whole, the cracks in the patriotik movement between neo-Nazis and Christian fundamentalists (whose chief embodiment at the moment is the UPF) on the one hand and ‘civic patriots’ (also sometimes termed ‘kosher patriots’ by their anti-Semitic and White nationalist rivals on the right), on the other hand, would appear to be further widening. Reclaim Australia appears to be in steady if not permanent decline — the national page was unpublished a few days ago, and the dumbs and mads who comprised the original committee are at war with one another over money, merchandise and fame — leaving the UPF, in whatever disarray it may be currently, holding the patriotik bag. Of course, fascists rarely play well together, and there are seemingly still many scores to settle among the ranks, so it’s highly likely that there’ll be more recriminations to come …

NB. The UPF is in Orange on February 20 and will be staging its third Little Nuremberg rally in Bendigo on February 27. See : March Against Fascism & Bigotry for more.

antifa notes (september 16, 2015)


• Joshua Goldberg eh? Unmasking a troll: Aussie ‘jihadist’ Australi Witness a 20-year-old American nerd, The Age, Elise Potaka and Luke McMahon, September 12, 2015 | FBI says ‘Australian IS jihadist’ is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg, Elise Potaka and Luke McMahon, The Age, September 12, 2015 | Joshua Goldberg, the fake Aussie jihadist, had a hand in every online fight, Elise Potaka, Luke McMahon and Michael Bachelard, The Age, September 13, 2015. See also : The Goldberg Variations: A 9/11 bomb plot exposes a “hate speech” hoax., James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal, September 14, 2015.

Note that Goldberg posted as ‘Michael Slay’ on US neo-Nazi website ‘Daily Stormer’ and was prolific on reddit as ‘European88’.

Like a large number of other neo-Nazis, fascists, White supremacists and other l00ns, Goldberg had a particular obsession with Australia and Australian politics, supposedly on the basis of laws considered to be overly-restrictive on ‘freedom of speech’ but just as likely because of its history as a White colonial-settler state. Joining him in batshit analysis of Australian conditions is Sydney-based Australia First Party member ‘Nathan Sykes’ (as ‘Hamish Patton’). Sykes/Patton’s latest series of contributions to the site include ‘Government Dumps Tony Abbott for Self-Described “Jew” Prime Minister’, ‘Jew York Times Jews Out on Oz’s ‘Stop the Boats’ Policy’, ‘Jews Again: Australian PM Compares ISIS to Nazis, Kikes Go Mental’, ‘Jews Cry “Double Holocaust” After Courtesy Mist Showers Installed at Auschwitz’, ‘Science Un-Racists White Babies in New White Genocide Program’ and ‘White Women Support Self-Genocide via Jew Programming’.

*rolls eyes*

As well as contributing to Daily Stormer, Sykes/Patton was one of X number of neo-Nazis present at Reclaim Australia rallies in Sydney this year. Speaking of which …

• The United Patriots Front (UPF) has declared that it will be forming a political party.



Like UPF leader ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’ (Shermon Burgess) and his promise to make a pornographic film to fund his movement, it’s far from certain how seriously the endeavour should be taken, but if it goes ahead then the UPF will be entering a fairly crowded market, one including the (deregistered) neo-fascist Australia First Party, the Q Society’s Australian Liberty Alliance, Nick Folkes’ (unregistered) Party For Freedom (PfF), Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and moar.

See : Far-right group UPF plans to run for Senate and campaign on right to ‘bare arms’, Bianca Hall, The Age, September 11, 2015.

• Speaking of Folkes’ and his Freedom, the PfF have organised an event in Cronulla to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Cronulla riots.


• In general, the far right is not. happy. that Tony Abbott has been junked by the Liberals for Malcolm Turnbull, widely understood to be a ‘communist’ , ‘left-wing’ and (hence) a ‘traitor’ to The Nation.

See : After Abbott: anti-Islam right-wingers confused about who to vote for, Michael Bachelard, The Age, September 15, 2015.


One local neo-Nazi who may be happy at Turnbull’s elevation to Prime Minister is Felicity Sharpe, here pictured with Turnbull at a function earlier this year. Sharpe featured in a blog post I done back in June: Felicity Sharpe, neo-Nazism, United Patriots Front … and (June 22, 2015). I took it down at her request … only to witness her re-appear at the UPF rally in Melbourne on July 18.

• Finally, some news from other islands, in this case Dover in England, where neo-Nazis held a li’l rally against all them foreigners …

Neo-Nazi mob riots at anti-immigration protest, libcom, September 13, 2015 | We Watched Nazis Fight Anti-Fascists in Dover on Saturday, Simon Childs, Vice, September 14, 2015.