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Adani blamed for Labor's wipe-out in Queensland

Mark Ludlow
Mark LudlowQueensland Bureau Chief

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the Labor party would have to do some soul-searching to win back blue-collar voters in Central and North Queensland, following Saturday's electoral wipeout for the party.

Although Labor was hoping to win back a swag of seats in Queensland, the mixed position on the Adani mine and the unpopularity of Bill Shorten lost them ground in the northern state.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (right) and Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said federal election result was disappointing. Glenn Hunt/AAP

Major recriminations are expected for the party's conflicted position on the Adani mine which was a major factor in the federal  defeat, and could also hurt Labor in the state election due in October next year.

"There is policy tension between the environmental Left and the industrial Left of the party," said a senior ALP strategist. "It's having a real impact on the policy agenda and the program of the state government."

The ALP looks set to lose two seats in Queensland - the Townsville-based seat of Herbert and the outer-Brisbane seat of Longman - which leaves them languishing with just six out of 30 federal seats.


As voting continued on Sunday, it was also just clinging onto Wayne Swan's old seat of Lilley. Apart from Adani, the proposed changes to franking credits hurt them in seats with a high proportion of retirees, like Longman.

Ms Palaszczuk  said Labor needed to simplify its message to voters if it wanted to win back their support.

"Of course, everybody in the Labor movement is disappointed with the result, I know I am," she told reporters in Brisbane on Sunday.

"I think there has been a clear message that has been delivered to Labor and that is we have to focus more on what's important to Australians and Queenslanders. There is number one issue people care about are jobs.

"Labor had a very complex message and it needed to be a simple message."

Queensland's primary vote of 27.4 per cent was the lowest in the nation, and many Labor strategists aid the Palaszczuk government will have to sign off on the Adani mine if the party is to have any chance of winning the next year's state election.

They admitted that delays in approving the mine was  a major reason voters deserted them in regional Queensland, despite Mr Shorten and federal Labor saying they would not block approvals.

Bob Brown's "Stop Adani" convoy to Central Queenslanders just angered voters even more.


"We thought we had the policies but the biggest problem was Labor didn't connect with Labor voters," said one ALP insider.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton says Queensland voters didn't like Bill Shorten. AAP

But Ms Palaszczuk played down the impact of her government's policies on the election result, saying there was "swings against Labor across the nation".

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad, who struggled to hold her own inner-city seat in the 2017 state election over the Adani issue, denied there was extra hurdles for Adani's project.

"Adani needs to go through all of the regulatory requirements that any project needs to go through. That's up to Adani now to engage with the regulator and get all their environmental management plans approved," she said.

ALP scrutineers in regional Queensland said the perceived "inner-city Green agenda" of the Palaszczuk government was not playing out well in regional Queensland.

The replacement of the unpopular Malcolm Turnbull also helped the Liberal National Party to not only hold a string of coal seats but increase their winning margins, including in the Mackay-based Dawson (11.3 per cent swing), the Rockhampton-based Capricornia (10.7 per cent swing) and Gladstone-based Flynn (5.2 per cent swing).

Preferences from Clive Palmer's United Australia Party (which won 3.5 per cent primary vote) and Pauline Hanson's One Nation (which won 8.7 per cent) also helped the LNP with its dominant result.


Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton stole former Labor prime minister Paul Keating’s famous line and declared his re-election in the outer-Brisbane seat of Dickson as the “sweetest victory of all”.

Despite predictions Mr Dutton could be one of the biggest Coalition scalps in Saturday’s election, the senior Liberal National Party MP romped it home to win a seventh term in the seat he has held since 2001.

Mr Dutton, who challenged former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in the leadership ballot last year, praised Prime Minister Scott Morrison, saying voters didn’t want anything to do with Mr Shorten.

“Scott Morrison has been able to spread the message around the country of our vision for the future of this country and people overwhelmingly supported that,” Mr Dutton told rowdy supporters at his election party.

Mr Dutton took aim at the dirty tricks campaign of Labor, GetUp! and the Greens which he said had been overwhelmingly rejected by Dickson voters.

“There’s been a lot of mud thrown at us and tonight the people of Dickson have rejected their negative campaign,” he said.

Mark Ludlow writes on politics, energy and infrastructure based in Brisbane. Connect with Mark on Twitter. Email Mark at
Mark Ludlow

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