MsNatSocialist (Discord ID: 279874893846413313), page 1

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2017-05-14 00:40:26 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Hello @Brad Small - thank you for the welcome.

2017-05-14 02:03:37 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]

2017-05-14 02:42:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

He's trying to taint me

2017-05-14 03:38:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

It's not gonna happen bro

2017-05-14 03:39:28 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SLUG2_ - hope you loved that last pic... you have to stop sending me your dick too.

2017-05-14 03:40:35 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SLUG2_ - back off @Brad Small will get upset

2017-05-14 03:42:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SLUG2_ it was a private event. You weren't invited, because you're a shit cunt

2017-05-14 03:43:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

That's cool, I'll chop your dick up and send it to all your lovers in a box... game of thrones style

2017-05-14 03:44:50 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'll 4D this shit so hard that you'll wonder why you didn't play backgammon

2017-05-14 03:46:57 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

4th degree burns?

2017-05-14 03:48:23 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Poor @SLUG2_ - do you want me to give you ice?

2017-05-14 03:48:36 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

You can now pull the victim card

2017-05-14 03:58:59 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

No, I'm Australian

2017-05-14 07:55:03 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'll be pissed if (((they))) ban him.

2017-05-14 07:58:14 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Lauren Southern is Alt-lite all the way.

2017-05-14 07:59:40 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I don't really trust her

2017-05-14 08:02:20 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Agreed. Or she'll become another Tomi Lahren, she talked too much

2017-05-14 08:02:39 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Too much talk, not enough base action

2017-05-15 09:12:55 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Come like my page 😊

2017-05-15 09:58:43 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

AFS needs to get a life by taking their own lives.

2017-05-15 11:12:03 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

😡 that makes me so angry!

2017-05-15 11:15:02 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  
2017-05-15 11:26:41 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm very aware @Campin' Carl 😂

2017-05-15 11:28:10 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

😱 I was not being mean!

2017-05-15 11:29:24 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Did Hitler proclaim "emojis are for thots" ?

2017-05-15 11:30:08 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Well if he didn't say it, then I'll keep using it.

2017-05-15 11:31:06 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm 25, I'm not a girl.

2017-05-15 11:31:57 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Seniority rules haha

2017-05-15 11:33:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I was probably in school when you were born. It was a different time back then.

2017-05-15 11:36:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

> not looking 25 and looking 20
> haha

2017-05-15 11:38:29 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I waste more of my life getting ID'd, drives me insane.
Police keep thinking I should be an L plater, they keep having to check my license

2017-05-15 11:40:45 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm a One Nation member, I have no hope

2017-05-15 11:42:39 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Nope, I know 10 others like me. Mostly in Queensland

2017-05-15 11:44:25 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

QANDA is always boring hun, would rather watch Parliament Question Time.

2017-05-15 11:45:43 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I feel sorry for you @Brad Small

2017-05-15 11:48:02 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Nah, if you need booze to watch that shit - you need to be watching air strikes in the Middle East. Much better.

2017-05-15 11:54:58 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Hahaha! I doubt it... I just don't like them because they threaten my safety. I don't feel safe with them around.

2017-05-15 12:00:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SledgeHammer - Stay off the black pills mate, not good.
We'll get through this together. Everything will be okay.

2017-05-15 12:01:31 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

You have to care, if you don't care - then who will? I care... I want society to be white and I want to contribute to that. Don't give up brother.

2017-05-15 12:03:18 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SledgeHammer - dear white brother, we all have our issues - the making thing is making ourselves better for our future children. We can do this... we have make each other accountable

2017-05-15 12:04:10 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Well I can purify spiral together

2017-05-15 12:04:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-15 12:06:21 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I feel the need to bake and feed you all. You all need to chill.

2017-05-15 12:07:38 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Brad Small - what you're doing, it's not gonna work on me... I'm an NS woman, I'm not silly.

@Jarl_Ballin' - I'll bake you some

2017-05-15 12:09:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I don't have children right now, so I'm maternal as hell to everyone. I'm fairly sure people just want me to have kids to stop me from baking them stuff. I ruin many people's diets.

2017-05-15 12:11:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I want a husband 😥 but I have high standards and people my age aren't wanting that or wanting kids. I have to date like... 35+ year olds

2017-05-15 12:11:56 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-15 12:14:25 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I want daughters to teach how to cook, sew and to do girly stuff. To watch my sons learn to be men with their father...

2017-05-15 12:15:30 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

My 20 year old brother is getting married. My older sister has two children. I fail....

2017-05-15 12:17:33 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm not sure what happened, but I'll pray for you.

2017-05-15 12:18:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Oh dear Lord. I'm so sorry

2017-05-15 12:20:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

3 days. 5 days is when you start having bodily functions force shut down.

2017-05-15 12:21:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Go take a lay down. Nap. Just block everything out for a few hours.

2017-05-15 12:22:24 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SledgeHammer - have a tea with rosemary in it, it helps with calming and helps you sleep

2017-05-17 13:49:11 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I only own one pair of jeans. The rest is skirts and dresses. Pants feel weird. How do guys wear them everyday?

2017-05-17 13:51:31 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Men should wear nice looking pants, ripped jeans make you look untidy and I'd feel awkward randomly meeting my father if I was on a date with a guy with ripped jeans

2017-05-17 13:52:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Oh gosh, White Sharia?

2017-05-17 13:52:11 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-17 13:55:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Tiki torches remind me of that time I went to Bali about 8 days after the Bali bombings. Sad times... many white peoples lives lost.

2017-05-17 13:57:00 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Race mixing is vile, who could bring themselves to do that. Disgusting!

2017-05-17 13:57:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

How hard is it to stay in your race lane?

2017-05-17 14:01:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Anime is degenerate @Brad Small - how many times do you need to be told darling...?

2017-05-17 14:02:34 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I like The Sims, I like creating houses and killing my sims... haha.

2017-05-17 14:04:25 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@blitzkrieg - maybe we could kill our POC sims together one day?

2017-05-17 14:04:50 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

White nationalism!

2017-05-17 14:05:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Stalker? I don't stalk, I'm not a bird

2017-05-17 14:06:08 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I don't play games, I bake... has more of a benefit to many more people.

2017-05-17 14:06:46 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Brad Small I'll bake swastika cupcakes for you

2017-05-17 14:07:59 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I know what he is, I just like baking. Lol.

2017-05-17 14:08:55 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I went to a Hitlers birthday BBQ

2017-05-17 14:09:58 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Brad couldn't stop being a thot if he tried. He's too thotty to function

2017-05-17 14:11:22 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

They all say that.

I had one @Jarl_Ballin' - we had bacon too. Halal and kosher free

2017-05-17 14:11:41 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Brad, I was at that party

2017-05-17 14:11:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

You're lucky I wasn't doxxed

2017-05-17 14:17:38 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

My ex was actually a pedo, creepy as fuck when I found out

2017-05-17 14:18:22 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

My ex boyfriend was a pedo... for real. And he claimed to be NS too.

2017-05-17 14:18:38 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

No... I've always loved Hitler 😂

2017-05-17 14:19:45 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

My dad is an ex skinhead, he stopped when he had us children. He taught us the right way. Grew up on WW2 documentaries.

2017-05-17 14:21:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Guys in military uniforms. 👌🏻

2017-05-17 14:21:38 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-17 14:23:42 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Awesome work!

2017-05-17 14:24:32 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Did you tell him to shove a baguette up his ass?

2017-05-17 14:25:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Hitler should've kept France

2017-05-17 14:26:12 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-17 14:28:53 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Hahaha! I'll just bake hitler a Führer cake and all will be good.

2017-05-17 14:29:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Being a Dingoess is pretty great. Being Australian is badass. Everything is trying to kill you here, the people and the wildlife.

2017-05-17 14:30:56 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Vanguard - sure we can arrange this

2017-05-17 14:31:39 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Scared Brad?

2017-05-17 14:32:17 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I bet you tell all the Dingoesses that Brad

2017-05-17 14:34:11 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I own a knife, I wouldn't even know how to get a gun in my bloody state

2017-05-17 14:35:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I prefer people call me by my real name tbh

2017-05-17 14:36:36 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I used my real name on TCR too

2017-05-17 14:38:18 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Brad Small - I basically use the same name and handle for all my social media. I like my real name, so I'll keep using it.

2017-05-17 14:40:15 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Wtf, how do you get a PhD in Diversity? Does she change colours like a mutant now?

2017-05-17 14:40:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm a business graduate

2017-05-17 14:41:55 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I wish I taught PhD in Home Economics and Etiquette

2017-05-17 14:43:02 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'll just teach people how to use an oven... a big shiny large enough to fit people in oven

2017-05-17 14:43:37 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Vanguard, same. Finishing school for 4 summers.

2017-05-17 14:44:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I can bake both! "Get a girl that can do both" haha

2017-05-17 14:46:20 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

And mathematics, you fuck measurements up and it turns bad, real fast

2017-05-17 14:49:08 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Night everyone! Lovely chatting with everyone and meeting new people. Have a an amazing evening/day! 14/88

2017-05-17 14:49:40 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Sheila's or Dingoesses

2017-05-17 14:51:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Hahaha! That's funny. You have a good evening Vanguard.

2017-05-18 22:01:43 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I have a flute, hahaha. It's a weird instrument.

2017-05-18 22:16:48 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Lots of photos please!

2017-05-18 23:13:10 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Death squads now?

2017-05-19 00:22:00 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I am a girl @Barcode

2017-05-19 00:22:26 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-19 00:23:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I've been here for ages. Lol

2017-05-19 00:23:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

And? I'm a Dingoess.

2017-05-19 00:24:20 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

What one?

2017-05-19 01:19:25 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm not sending anyone DM's lol.

2017-05-19 01:19:40 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

My pic is my profile picture. Deal with it

2017-05-19 01:20:41 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I just woke up, no shit

2017-05-19 02:09:59 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Everything in Aus wants to kill us

2017-05-19 02:53:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-19 16:06:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@YUGE - Brad didn't fail anything. He did well.

2017-05-19 16:08:26 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-19 16:10:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-20 01:31:57 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm at work and I'm constantly surprised by how dumb people are when it comes to their credit cards. These excessively rich people have no clue how their cards actually work and when their cards don't work... they go into a full scale freak out. Like wow.

2017-05-20 01:33:56 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Maybe I should put my IQ on my resume. 😂

2017-05-20 01:36:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@YUGE - brother, it went well... you can unsink Brads boat. 😂

2017-05-20 01:38:34 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Oh dear, you're already anticipating his death already.

2017-05-20 03:02:57 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm always yellow online. Irl I'm so white I'm almost transparent

2017-05-20 03:03:14 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Oh wow, I'm orange today... bad spray tan!

2017-05-20 11:33:25 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SLUG2_ - after we're married

2017-05-20 11:34:57 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I think that's about right.

2017-05-20 12:01:20 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Lies and slander!

2017-05-20 17:07:33 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Night everyone

2017-05-20 23:25:44 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Morning everyone

2017-05-20 23:37:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SledgeHammer - wtf... settle

2017-05-20 23:40:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Thank you for following me on Twitter. Lovely to finally speak to you.

2017-05-20 23:43:59 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Brad's mobile - ensure me that you'll give me a firm hand when I disrespect you, right?

2017-05-20 23:45:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm so happy I've met someone in full support of white Sharia baby.

2017-05-20 23:46:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Yeah, you did @queenarchitect
Yes, he did.

2017-05-20 23:59:14 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SledgeHammer - why are you against WS? It's good, what's so wrong about a woman being obedient to her man?

2017-05-21 00:04:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 00:05:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

And? I have enough respect for Brad, to know when I can and cannot talk.

2017-05-21 00:05:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Why would I be raped when I'll be in the safety of my home.

2017-05-21 00:06:17 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Marriage is consent

2017-05-21 00:07:47 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SledgeHammer#2270 - I think you need to go rape a white woman and make her yours.

2017-05-21 00:08:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Awww he's gone

2017-05-21 00:08:08 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 00:09:16 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Love you too, my kind sir.

2017-05-21 00:12:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Someone need to have a tea spoon of concrete.

2017-05-21 00:14:17 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

😘 xx @Brad Small

2017-05-21 00:22:47 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 00:32:03 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I love that! Can I be your Eva to your Hitler?

2017-05-21 00:33:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Love your name @queenarchitect

2017-05-21 00:33:55 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Brad keeps me in line

2017-05-21 00:35:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

The lady of Brad needs only a firm guiding hand by her man.

2017-05-21 00:35:33 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

He will.

2017-05-21 00:40:54 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 00:41:01 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 00:42:10 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

It does indeed

2017-05-21 00:52:30 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 00:53:01 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I love it

2017-05-21 00:54:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Come on chat

2017-05-21 00:56:16 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

"You believe in genocide and killing other races"

2017-05-21 01:05:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 01:05:09 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 01:05:24 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 01:05:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 01:05:29 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 01:18:10 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

White Sharia is perfect @Athena Marie

2017-05-21 01:19:32 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Convo - I'm taken.

2017-05-21 01:21:44 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Awww! This chat is perfect

2017-05-21 01:23:10 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Brad is way taller than me, haha.

2017-05-21 01:23:31 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Yeah, I'm 5 foot 2

2017-05-21 01:24:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

We should have a women's chat here...

2017-05-21 01:26:34 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

White burkas

2017-05-21 01:27:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

She has a nice back and subtle features.

2017-05-21 01:27:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 01:46:29 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Convo, you can't kill the meme

2017-05-21 02:06:01 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Brad, do you want me in that dress or the burka?

2017-05-21 02:07:26 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Anything for you Brad

2017-05-21 02:09:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

You can wear whatever you want under a burka, it'll be only for your man though. The way it should be

2017-05-21 02:15:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I want the stripped dress.

2017-05-21 02:16:28 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

We need to change the fashion world

2017-05-21 02:48:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 04:42:39 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-21 04:43:15 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Don't counter signal me @Campin' Carl

2017-05-21 04:50:53 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm not Brad. I'm his lady.

2017-05-21 04:54:13 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SLUG2_ - marriage first with my man, then babies.

2017-05-21 04:54:37 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm Catholic

2017-05-21 04:57:18 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Bed early and early morning, organise a yummy cooked breakfast to sweeten the deal and then take him to church.

2017-05-21 04:58:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I cook pancakes with bacon and fried tomatoes and mushrooms.

2017-05-21 04:59:22 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'd rather not feel like a starving Ethiopian child until lunch time.

2017-05-21 07:07:32 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@D'Marcus Liebowitz - can we have a Kitchen and another broom closet in this chat?

2017-05-21 07:12:55 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Feels sad man

2017-05-21 10:59:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I agree with @Athena Marie - go to bed

2017-05-21 11:00:18 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Good evening @Athena Marie - how was your evening last night?

2017-05-21 11:03:34 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

That sounds ridiculously fun! Glad you enjoyed yourself.
I spoke to Brad and also just had dinner with family.

2017-05-21 11:05:50 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I finally downloaded the discord app on my macbook. Thank fuck. The phone thing was driving me bananas! Was going to kill a kike

2017-05-21 11:07:41 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I agree

2017-05-21 11:11:23 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm sure Brad would agree that we should have warrior babies.

2017-05-21 11:11:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

What if we both killed kikes?

2017-05-21 11:12:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

While... I'm pregnant?

2017-05-21 11:14:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Eh? wtf

2017-05-21 11:16:59 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Brad has a trophy, that trophy is me

2017-05-21 11:20:00 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

We'll get them back baby, we'll just kill a few kikes and put it in the trophy they'll get and swap it for the original.

2017-05-22 12:19:38 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@SLUG2_ - ask @Brad's mobile - he is the man, he makes the decisions.

2017-05-22 20:38:04 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]

2017-05-22 20:38:08 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

On my way to Blairs trail

2017-05-22 20:38:50 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Blair Cottrell - to be exact

2017-05-22 20:39:25 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Lol! Do you want me to try to live stream the trial?

2017-05-22 20:40:15 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'll see how I can wire myself up before going into the trial, then live stream it.

2017-05-22 20:40:44 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

If not, I'll just hold my phone inconspicuously in my hand.

2017-05-22 20:41:33 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

If I could have cameras in the court room, I'd Periscope it

2017-05-22 20:42:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Nah, open personal cameras are illegal in courtrooms here

2017-05-22 20:42:45 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

My state is a nanny state, run by the ultra left

2017-05-22 20:43:34 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Lol, no, but there is plenty of trannies here

2017-05-22 20:44:17 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

We have a rainbow flag on a flagpole in front of the state Parliament House

2017-05-22 20:47:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Welcome @Jeff Vandal

2017-05-22 20:49:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Gray - damn it, should've warned me new people were coming in - would've prepared a welcome basket of baked goods and a sacrificial Jew

2017-05-22 20:50:51 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Oh children! How exciting

2017-05-22 20:52:18 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I heard children and now I'm done for for the entire day. Thanks guys, I thought I'd go through an entire day without feeling maternal

2017-05-22 20:53:43 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

No, I don't want a degree - I already have one. In business. Lol.
No, I want at least 5.

2017-05-22 20:55:42 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

> Studied business degree
> unknowingly walks into a degree where the Jews inhabit
> instantly regrets it
> graduated top of my class
> pissed Jews off

2017-05-22 20:57:52 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

> degree provides me the ability to organise the hell out of a household and manage people (children).

2017-05-22 21:01:40 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I didn't know men actually wanted that still until I joined this movement. I thought men had been sucked into the cuck machine. I was surprised.

2017-05-22 21:04:05 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

In modern Elizabethan times, women would need to manage the manors whilst the husband was out on long journeys for business.

2017-05-22 21:06:00 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Accipiter - I'm terribly sorry to hear your struggle. I'll pray that you'll find a good life.

2017-05-22 21:08:18 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'll light a candle at church this Sunday for everyone in the movement safety and prosperity.

2017-05-22 21:08:36 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm Catholic

2017-05-22 21:10:12 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I kinda had no choice, Catholicism has been in my paternal family for centuries.
My mother was Protestant though.

2017-05-22 21:23:57 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Hand Banana - you mean my qualification or @Brad Small ? The latter was a better decision.

2017-05-22 21:26:07 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I wish our pope died though. He's a vile example

2017-05-22 21:27:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Don't get me started on the pope, I'll be here for days with my laundry list of irritations.....

2017-05-22 21:31:30 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Thanks Kenny! I'll give it a listen after the trail this morning.

2017-05-22 21:34:27 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Brad's mobile - hey have

2017-05-22 21:34:29 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  


2017-05-22 21:36:23 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

BAMM! I'm pregnant! 😂 hahahaha

2017-05-22 21:37:37 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I volunteer to lend my voice to this podcast

2017-05-22 21:38:53 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

@Athena Marie - ask your man if you can join

2017-05-22 21:46:55 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Nah, well call it "The Trad Hour"

2017-05-22 21:48:50 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Why do seppos post cars all the time? It's a strange phenomenon

2017-05-22 21:49:19 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I'm a lady

2017-05-22 21:49:24 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

A woman

2017-05-22 21:49:41 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Did you just assume my gender? 😂

2017-05-22 21:50:29 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Again, you're using the incorrect pronouns! 😱

2017-05-22 21:50:53 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

Here, I'll get you a shovel to dig your hole deeper... might get to China too

2017-05-22 21:53:49 UTC [Vibrant Diversity #general]  

I hate driving, unless it's fast driving - speed limits make me angry

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