The following is a list of all articles published on ZA, starting from the latest article to appear:

  1. US-manufactured Crisis in Venezuela: Creating a “Need” for Intervention
  2. On Duty for the CIA: German Nazis and Italian Fascists
  3. CARICOM Confronts the Big House: Trump Attempts to Split the Caribbean over Venezuela
  4. Americans Can Do Two Things at the Same Time
  5. Regime Change Reality Checks: Lessons from Hanoi, Caracas, and Beyond
  6. The Kursk Disaster: Facts Sunk Beneath Waves of Drama
  7. Fake Humanitarianism Fails its Big Test in Venezuela
  8. Venezuela: The Next Move and the Final Word
  9. Fiction Plus Coercion Makes Reality: The Illegitimacy of the US-led Coup in Venezuela
  10. A War for Oil: The US Economic War on Venezuela
  11. What are the Prospects for a US War with China?
  12. Against Intervention in Venezuela: The Case of the Caribbean Community
  13. Ghost Exchange: Complexity, Velocity, and Risk
  14. Trump’s Coup in Venezuela
  15. Review of 2018, Part 4 (October–December): Nationalism, Deglobalization, plus the US exit from Syria
  16. Review of 2018, Part 3 (July–September): The Trade War plus Cold War II
  17. Review of 2018, Part 2 (April–June): Dealing in Danger and Diplomacy
  18. Review of 2018, Part 1 (January–March): Unloading the American Empire
  19. The Thickest Review of 2018: An Overview
  20. Publicity or Marginality? On the Question of Academic “Silencing” in Anthropology
  21. The War of the Public Intellectuals: A Review of “Best of Enemies: Buckley vs. Vidal” (2015)
  22. “Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded” (2014): Reversing Empire and the 1980s’ Drug War
  23. Syria: The New Terra Nullius
  24. Book Review: Afghanistan Post–2014—Misreading Afghanistan’s Crypto-coloniality
  25. Canada Imports the White Helmets from Syria: A Dangerous, Criminal Decision
  26. Robert Reich’s “Inequality for All”: A Documentary Review
  27. The Helsinki Summit: Trying to Turn the Page on the New Cold War
  28. Book Review: Patriots, Traitors and Empires—The Story of Korea’s Struggle for Freedom, by Stephen Gowans
  29. The Trade War is Here: Some of the New “Facts of Life”
  30. Which Door Has Opened? Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump, and the Singapore Summit
  31. “One Day This Door is Going to Open”: A Review of “Dennis Rodman’s Big Bang in Pyongyang” (Documentary)
  32. Better Off Without NAFTA, Part 3: Mexico—Armed Rebellion, Mass Migration, Flat GDP
  33. Better Off Without NAFTA, Part 2: Canada—Localized Profit, but a Net Outflow of Capital
  34. Better Off Without NAFTA, Part 1: Introduction—the US, Trump, and Facts and Fictions about Winners and Losers
  35. Trade War and the Nationalist Exchange: Trudeau Trails Trump
  36. Documentary Review: “Inside Job” is Still Relevant
  37. North Korea: The Undaunted State Tests the Limits of Empire
  38. Book Review: Washington’s Long War on Syria, by Stephen Gowans
  39. Documentary Review: “The China Hustle” is a Problematic Cautionary Tale
  40. Progress, Progressivism, and Progressives
  41. Deactivism: The Pleasures of Life without Social Media
  42. Risk, Trust, and Fulfilment: Reality Tourism, Continued
  43. This Does Not Represent the Views of the University
  44. What Happened to the American Empire?
  45. Privilege: White, American, or Imperial?
  46. Populism, Nationalism, Globalization, and Imperialism: A Thick Review of 2017
  47. Democratization vs. Liberalism in Canada
  48. Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Exploitation, Cultural Genocide: Problems of Neoliberal Diversity Management
  49. The 10th Anniversary of Zero Anthropology
  50. Canada, First in Anthropology
  51. Videos: The Adventures of the Master Class Reconsidered
  52. The Razor’s Edge LLC Brings You “Reality Tourism”™
  53. How to Make Extremism Mainstream and Fake a Debate about Islamophobia
  54. In Memory of Manuel Noriega, Looking Back after 27 Years
  55. Donald Trump, Empire, and Globalization: A Reassessment
  56. How to Read Donald Trump Like Donald Duck
  57. Donald Trump vs. Cultural Imperialism
  58. The Dying Days of Liberalism
  59. 2016: The Ending of the Year of Beginnings
  60. Anthropologists and “Illegal Immigrants”
  61. Open Borders, Global Citizenship, and the Working Class
  62. Trump and Anthropology
  63. 101 Things We Learned from WikiLeaks’ Podesta Emails
  64. 6 Documentaries for the 2016 US Presidential Election
  65. Haunted by Gaddafi
  66. Neoliberalism, Brexit, and Higher Education
  67. Donald Trump and Empire: An Assessment
  68. Economic Citizenship and Resource Nationalism
  69. Cosmopolitan Imperialism: Obama Does Anthropology in Laos?
  70. Immigration and Capital
  71. The Working Class, Identity Politics and New Victorian History
  72. Social Imperialism and New Victorian Identity Politics
  73. The New Victorianism, Imperialism, and Identity Politics
  74. The New Victorianism
  75. The World Changed Overnight
  76. The Ultimate Proletarian and the Neoliberal Condition
  77. Review of a Film by Michael Moore: “Where to Invade Next” (2016)
  78. Canadian Anthropology and Cultural Imperialism: Criticisms
  79. Why Donald J. Trump Will Be the Next President of the United States
  80. Half-Heads: A Dominant Force in US Politics
  81. Encircling Empire: Report #27 — Donald Trump’s “America First” Foreign Policy
  82. Humanitarian Ownership
  83. Globalization: Beyond Discontent
  84. The Wall: A Monument to the Nation-State
  85. Did the Belgian Authorities Purposely Trigger the Brussels Attacks?
  86. Nativistic Movements
  87. Terminal Condition: Neoliberal Globalization
  88. To Understand Donald Trump is to Not Explain Donald Trump
  89. Crisis, ISIS, Synthesis: Where is Libya Going?
  90. The Shape of Things to Come in Libya (Part 2 of 2)
  91. The Shape of Things to Come in Libya (Part 1 of 2)
  92. Canadian Anthropology or US Cultural Imperialism?
  93. US Anthropology is Imperial, not Universal
  94. US Anthropology: Political, Professional, Personal, Imperial
  95. 2015: Just Another Year for Empire
  96. Debating the End of the Human Terrain System, Part 2
  97. Debating the End of the Human Terrain System, Part 1
  98. Bagram Santa
  99. The Babysitter
  100. Bare Feet
  101. Encircling Empire: Report #26 — Reviewing Force Multipliers
  102. BDS, the AAA, and Academic Imperialism
  103. Force Multipliers and 21st Century Imperial Warfare: Practice and Propaganda
  104. The Dismal “Physics” of Blowback and Overstretch
  105. Military Capitalism
  106. Connected Capitalism?
  107. Empire’s “Mimic Men”
  108. Force Multipliers and Stealth Imperialism
  109. Force Multipliers and Cuba
  110. The “Science” of Global Domination
  111. Scientific Imperialism
  112. Instrumental Partners: An Imperial Science of Agency
  113. Eight Questions and Seven Theses about Force Multipliers
  114. (New Book) Force Multipliers: The Instrumentalities of Imperialism
  115. Rula Ghani: Preaching for Christianity, Israel and Empire
  116. The Libyan Disaster: This Time Imperialism Pretends Anti-Interventionism
  117. Encircling Empire: Report #25 — Remembering Panama
  118. Our Report for 2014
  119. The Real World of Democracy (and Anthropology)
  120. Democracy in Cuba (and at Home)
  121. Cuba and the US: Castro and Obama on Establishing Diplomatic Relations
  122. 25 Years without the Berlin Wall
  123. Useful Atrocities
  124. About Those Good Intentions
  125. Realism or Iconography? The Pentagon’s Implicit Theory of Visual Representation
  126. Road to Victory: Syria’s Zenobians Stand to Win International Rugby Tournament
  127. The US Military as Great Chief, Father, Doctor, and Babysitter
  128. The Visual Imperium
  129. Pentagon Photography and Visual Anthropology
  130. Scotland Needs a Cultural Revolution
  131. Pamphleteer Anthropology and the Production of Knowledge about Afghanistan
  132. On Eritrea: Cross-Talk Without Dialogue
  133. Militarization: It’s All the Same, Everywhere. Or Is It?
  134. The Terrorism We Support in Syria: A First-hand Account of the Use of Mortars against Civilians
  135. Militainment: Militarized Romance that Kills
  136. The Terrorist, the Tyrant and the Thug
  137. A Neoliberal Coup: The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
  138. Eva Bartlett: Interview with Syria’s Minister of National Reconciliation
  139. Queers of War: Homonationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism
  140. Voluntourism as Neoliberal Humanitarianism
  141. The Militarization of Humanitarian Aid to Haiti
  142. Iatrogenic Imperialism
  143. Imperial Abduction: The Globalization of Residential Schooling
  144. Civil Society, NGOs, and Saving the Needy: Imperial Neoliberalism
  145. The Syndrome of Humanitarian Interventionism
  146. Nature, Culture, and Imperial Beliefs
  147. New Book: Good Intentions (Norms and Practices of Imperial Humanitarianism)
  148. Resistance, Rupture, and Repair: The Story of the Caribs of St. Vincent
  149. Weaponizing Anthropology: An Overview
  150. Against Any Further US Intervention in Iraq
  151. Bury Me Rolf Harris in Wolf Creek, Zeke
  152. An Interview with Iraqi Lawyer, Sadiq Al Timimi, on the Current Crisis in Iraq
  153. Anthropology: The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets (Part 3)
  154. Anthropology: The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets (Part 2)
  155. Anthropology: The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets (Part 1)
  156. Kagan’s False Paradox and the Pro-War Media’s Confirmation Bias
  157. The Explicable Absence of R2P in Ukraine
  158. Targeting Lev Tahor, from Israel to Canada
  159. Decolonizing Thought in the New World
  160. Venezuela: A Call for Peace, by Nicolás Maduro
  161. Rwanda, 20 Years On: From Tragedy to Useful Imperial Fiction
  162. Encircling Empire: Report #24—Regime Change
  163. Regime Change: 10 Things You Need to Know about Ukraine
  164. Humanitarian Imperialism in Libya: Another Review of Slouching Towards Sirte
  165. A Tribute to Hugo Chávez Frías by Eva Golinger
  166. Hugo Chávez: Memories, One Year Later
  167. Surveillance, Dissent, and Imperialism
  168. Re-encountering Ward Churchill
  169. Book Review: The Tribal Imagination—Civilization and the Savage Mind, by Robin Fox
  170. Sochi, Sexuality, and Empire
  171. New Book: Emergency as Security–Liberal Empire at Home and Abroad
  172. Zero Anthropology: Top Articles for 2013 That You Probably Missed and Shouldn’t Have
  173. Distorting Theory and Misreading Society in Afghanistan
  174. Will the “Knowledge Economy” Save Us?
  175. Thirty Years After the U.S. Invasion of Grenada, the First Neoliberal War
  176. The Chinese Reconstruction of Iraq?
  177. The Great Nothingness of Libya, Two Years After Muammar Gaddafi
  178. Iraq Should Be In No Hurry to Reach 6 Million Barrels per Day Output
  179. History Will Absolve Me: Sixty Years Later
  180. Colonial Feminism, Liberal “Progress,” and the Weakness of the Left
  181. Book Review: Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya – Lessons For Africa In The Forging Of African Unity, by Horace Campbell
  182. On UNSCR 2118 and Syria: Reality, Resolutions, Representations
  183. Never to be a Colony Again: Dignity, Defiance, and Self-Determination
  184. Which States? Which Secrets? Secrets from Whom?
  185. A Russian Lesson on the Anthropology of International Relations
  186. Deflating Empire: The Syrian Threat to the United States
  187. Humanitarian Intervention: The Human Rights Gift that Keeps on Giving to U.S. Imperialism
  188. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, or the “Top Thinker” in the World Scouting for the Empire in Afghanistan
  189. An Iraqi Farmer Mourns the Loss of the Al Galal River
  190. The “Arab Spring” and the Seduction of the Western Left
  191. Who Is An Indian? Race, Place, and the Politics of Indigeneity in the Americas
  192. Review: Learning From Iraq – A Final Report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
  193. Encircling Empire: Report #23—Obama’s Scramble for Africa
  194. Bradley Manning and the Meaning of Bravery
  195. Decolonize Human Rights
  196. An Open Letter to the Media on the “Irony” of Snowden’s Request for Asylum in Venezuela and Ecuador
  197. What is the society you are dreaming of?
  198. Landscapes of Emergency
  199. From Racism to Neoliberalism to National Security: AFRICOM and R2P
  200. Slouching Towards Washington
  201. Encircling Empire: Report #22—Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights, and Ice Cream
  202. I Died For Our War Crimes
  203. Obama is a War Criminal: Clare Daly Speaks for All of Us
  204. The Adventures of Liberal Humanitarianism in Africa: Bombing Libya to Freedom
  205. The “Global War on Terror” Is Not Endless? A Pan-African View
  206. General Carter Ham’s Case for Dismantling AFRICOM
  207. Militarizing Africa and African Studies and the U.S. Africanist Response
  208. Bradley Manning: The U.S. on Trial for War Crimes
  209. When Did Today Begin?
  210. Encircling Empire: Report #21—Search and Distort Missions
  211. Africa, Liberal Humanitarianism, and NATO’s Anthropology
  212. Drones and the Production of Terror in Afghanistan
  213. “Take It Easy on U.S. Imperialism”: Theocratizing the Middle East
  214. Venezuela: What Does a Victory Mean?
  215. Getting It Right: Hugo Chávez and the “Arab Spring”
  216. Nicolás Maduro: Under My Presidency, Chávez’s Revolution Will Continue
  217. A Massacre for a Moral Martyr: ‘Person’ versus ‘Population’ in Humanitarianized Afghanistan
  218. John’s Final Epistle to The Anthropologists, Part II: The Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) at the Climax of the Neolithic
  219. John’s Final Epistle to The Anthropologists, Part I: The Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) at the Climax of the Neolithic
  220. Fidel’s Acceptance of Election to the People’s Assembly
  221. Encircling Empire: Report #20—The Chávez Years
  222. March 19: The Festival of Minerva, a Festival of Forgetting
  223. My Apologies for the Papal Bull
  224. A Pope for a New World: On the Significance of the Choice of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis I
  225. Hugo Chávez Frías: An Unforgettable and Victorious Permanence
  226. Thoughtful, Respectful, and Progressive: Regarding the “Responsibility to Protect”
  227. Documents: Investigations into the U.S. Army’s Human Terrain System
  228. The End of Debates About the Human Terrain System?
  229. The Bad University Department
  230. Libya: The Second Anniversary of a Bloody Coup
  231. The Ant Problem and Zoosemiotics
  232. Virtual Solitary Confinement of Local Hearts and Minds
  233. Amerika, Hu Akbar! A people of Mammon, or Love in a Land of Fear
  234. Encircling Empire: Report #19—Militainment
  235. Podcasts: NATO, AFRICOM, Racism, and the War on Libya
  236. The State Department’s “Report” on the Attack in Benghazi, Libya: The Effects of Diplomacy as Subversion
  237. A War for Human Rights?
  238. The State of Palestine: A Media Patch
  239. ANTHROPOLOGY–The Definitive Definition (2nd edition)
  240. Anthropology, Global Scouts and Expeditionary Democracy
  241. Global Ethnographic Surveillance
  242. Militanthro: Anthropology and the Study of NATO and the U.S. Military
  243. The Other Moral Squalor of U.S. Militarism
  244. Encircling Empire: Report #18—Elections, Independence, Counterinsurgency
  245. Education as Oppression: One Bedouin’s Perspective on Progress
  246. “Operation Caesar”: A Current Military Occupation of a Part of the French Countryside
  247. Now on YouTube: Libya–Race, Empire, and the Invention of Humanitarian Emergency
  248. Fact-Check This Debate: Romney’s Failures versus Obama’s Extreme Revisionism
  249. LIBYA: Race, Empire, and the Invention of Humanitarian Emergency
  250. Remembering Gaddafi, One Year Later
  251. Regarding Mr. Columbus
  252. Congratulations President Chávez! Another Victory for Bolivarian Socialism
  253. The Apotheosis of St. Christopher of Libya
  254. Mugabe: Humanitarian Imperialism, R2P, the Murder of Gaddafi, and the Destruction of Libya
  255. Herding Humans, Global Economies and the Elimination of Alternatives
  256. Encircling Empire: Report #17—Consequences
  257. Libya: Imperial Humanists and Helpless Others
  258. Libya: Empire or Dignity
  259. Great Ceasar, Cease!
  260. Encircling Empire: Report #16—War, Hegemony, Ideology, and Resistance
  261. Dear AAA: Sink or Swim?
  262. Speaking for Themselves: Indigenous Resistance, Indigenous Reality, and Free Dub
  263. Stay Up, Zimbabwe: Pan-Africanism, Caribbean Solidarity, and Dignity
  264. Less Than Zero Anthropology
  265. Separate Realities, Centers of Gravity and Global COIN’s Cultural “Solvent”
  266. The Fire This Time: COIN Operations, Carquinez Strait, Niger Delta
  267. White Lies
  268. Still Standing: Zimbabwe
  269. Zimbabwe: “Keep your money, keep your power, and keep away from us”
  270. A Tear for Africa: Humanitarian Abduction and Reduction
  271. Invisible Freedoms
  272. The Goat Caught in Bushkazi: Personal Effects of One’s Role in the Great Game
  273. Keep Your Money: A Series on Dignity
  274. Vending Distorted Afghanistan Through Patriotic ‘Anthropology’
  275. Peace Corps and Afghanistan
  276. The U.S. War of Terror in Afghanistan
  277. The Ties That Bind
  278. Complying with “Counter-Terrorism”: State Securitization of Canadian Academia (part 3)
  279. Complying with “Counter-Terrorism”: State Securitization of Canadian Academia (part 2)
  280. Complying with “Counter-Terrorism”: State Securitization of Canadian Academia (part 1)
  281. Zero Anthropology Resumes Publishing
  282. Taking a Pause for the Cause
  283. Punishing Publication, Banishing Ideas: YouTube Censors Your World for the CIA
  284. Libya: What Revolution? Whose Revolution?
  285. Libya and the Passive Repeaters: Deploying Depleted Information Warheads
  286. The Humanitarian-Militarist Project and the Production of Empire in Libya
  287. The Libyan Revolution is Dead: Notes for an Autopsy
  288. Encircling Empire: Report #14—Foreign Military Intervention in Libya: A Report on Neo-colonial dependency and humanitarian imperialism
  289. The Exodus Story and Western Conceptions of Progress, Movement, Revolution
  290. Globalization, Compression, and the Desire for Intervention
  291. Encircling Empire: Report #13—Revolution, Intervention, Anthropology
  292. Sixteen Shares
  293. Empire and the Liberation of Veiled Women: Lutz & Collins
  294. Declaring the U.S. Army’s Human Terrain System a Success: Rereading the CNA Report
  295. Congressionally Mandated Report of the U.S. Army Human Terrain System: Center for Naval Analyses Investigation is Online
  296. Egypt and the Clinton Doctrine
  297. UK NGO Seeks U.S. Army Funding: Somalia Opportunity, Shadow Anthropology
  298. America, Guernica and the War of Terror
  299. The American Anthropological Association and Egypt: It’s Mostly About the Artifacts?
  300. Shadow Anthropology
  301. Egypt Protesters Will Spark Global Mass Movements: Internet and Globalization’s Positives
  302. Challenging America’s Pharaoh: A Revolutionary Movement and the Future of Egyptian (In)dependence
  303. Encircling Empire: Report #12, FOCUS ON EGYPT: Revolution and Counter-Revolution
  304. The Song of the Nonaligned Nile
  305. Egypt: Real Change Comes from the Street
  306. The Heroic People of Egypt
  307. An Alternative Approach to Afghanistan
  308. EE: Report #11, Focus on Egypt
  309. The Fall of the American Wall: Tunisia, Egypt, and Beyond
  310. Journalist, Hacker, Spy, Racketeer
  311. American Educated Afghans and the Destruction of Afghanistan by the United States: The Case of Zal Khalizad
  312. Encircling Empire: Report #10, 07—18 January 2011
  313. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr: Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence, 04 April 1967
  314. The Big Society Bites Back
  315. Hortense Powdermaker and the Mechanized Mind: The Problem of Method and the Prizing of Know-How
  316. BLEAK
  317. When it Comes to Political Violence, the U.S. Sets an Example for Itself
  318. The Excuse is Wikileaks. The Object is Freedom of Speech. The Subject is Authoritarianism.
  319. Encircling Empire: Report #9, 01—07 January 2011
  320. U.S. Army Female Engagement Teams Expand: King Xerxes’ Queen Esther Cited
  321. Recommended ISAF Guidance for Female Engagement Teams
  322. 2010 In Review
  323. Afghanistan: The Imperial Occupation’s Own Dancing Boys
  324. This Christmas Leaks
  325. Anthropology, Secrecy, and Wikileaks
  326. So You Want to Join the Human Terrain System: Welcome, Anthropologist
  327. Wikileaks and the Moral Dualism of the U.S. State Department
  328. Caring for Aboriginals? The Politics of Anthropology in Australia
  329. The Wikileaks Revolution, Part 2: Notes from the Insurrection
  330. Zero Anthropology is Wikileaks
  331. At AJP: Expanding the Human Terrain System and Militarizing Anthropology in Canada
  332. U.S. Army Starving its Civil Affairs Functions: Prefers New Age HTS, PRT’s
  333. WikiRebels: The Documentary
  334. The Wikileaks Revolution
  335. WikiLeaks Disrupts U.S. Propaganda Machinery
  336. Julian Assange: The Truth Will Always Win
  337. The Leavenworth Diary: Double Agent Anthropologist Inside the Human Terrain System
  338. How to Find Wikileaks and Follow Cablegate
  339. Professor Tom Flanagan: Glib about Murdering Julian Assange
  340. Updates to U.S. Army Human Terrain System News
  341. The Human Terrain System: Global Counterinsurgency, Global Espionage, Global Occupation
  342. U.S. Army Human Terrain System News: Hamilton Deserves Credit, CG TRADOC in Trouble, Training Woes
  343. Wikileaks: Intelligence Needs Counter-Intelligence
  344. Just Released: The New Imperialism, Vol. 1: Militarism, Humanism, and Occupation
  345. The Motion is Passed: The AAA on SOUTHCOM and Florida International University
  346. In Afghanistan: Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?
  347. Wikileaks: Defend Julian Assange
  348. Where the Cure is the Disease and the Doctor Sickens the Patient: The Pathology of Occupation in Haiti
  349. Welcome to Our Newest Blogger: Eliza Jane Darling
  350. Deepwater Uni
  351. Embedded Anthropology in Australia: The Debate Continues
  352. Wikileaks Roundup: Man of the Year, Assange the Swede, Blocked at Harvard, Telling the Truth
  353. Cultures of Militarization: In Canada and Beyond
  354. Encircling Empire: Report #8, 21 October-11 November 2010
  355. Cyber Warlords Push Counterinsurgency, Social Science: Human Terrain System as a Cautionary Tale
  356. Militarism’s Tea Party
  357. Justifying Corporate Welfare for the Military: What the Logic Sounds Like
  358. Further Militarization of the Academy: Florida International University, SOUTHCOM, and Strategic Culture
  359. Torturing the Whistle Blowers: The Case of Vance and Ertel in Iraq, Substantiated by Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs
  360. The U.S. Cost of the War in Afghanistan
  361. Roundup of Posts on Wikileaks: The Iraq War Logs
  362. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: On War News Radio
  363. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: The U.S. Government’s Crisis of Legitimacy
  364. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: Al Jazeera’s The Listening Post
  365. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: Pentagon Response to Publication of Logs
  366. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: UN High Commissioner Calls for Investigation Into War Logs Allegations
  367. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: U.S. Troops Hand Over Detainees to Interrogation Squad
  368. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: U.S. Apache Guns Down Surrendering Insurgents
  369. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: Hundreds of Civilians Gunned Down at Checkpoints
  370. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: One Day in Iraq: 128 Dead, Including Three Women and One Child
  371. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: 15,000 New Civilian Deaths Uncovered in Leaked Files
  372. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: The War in Numbers
  373. Wikileaks: The Iraq War Logs Documentaries
  374. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: Obama Administration Handed Over Detainees Despite Reports of Torture
  375. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: 76 Cases of Abuse Challenges U.S. Report on Iraqi Prisons
  376. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: Torture Widespread in Iraqi Detention Facilities
  377. Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs: U.S. Troops Ordered Not to Investigate Iraqi Torture
  378. What is Missing in Wikileaks’ Iraq War Logs
  379. And There It Goes! Nothing to Report
  380. Here It Comes! Next Wikileaks Release, More on the Human Terrain System
  381. US Army Can’t Fix its Human Terrain System: How can it win multiple wars?
  382. Encircling Empire: Report #7, 16-21 October 2010
  383. Holy Mother of Israel
  384. A Digital Face Lift for the Human Terrain System
  385. Encircling Empire: Report #6, 09-16 October 2010
  386. Defense Contractors from Dante’s Circles of Hell: Sequel to Human Terrain System I?
  387. U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM): Commemorating Columbus Day 2010
  388. Ariel Dorfman: Christopher Columbus in Iraq
  389. Ethnographies of Resistance Movements: Legible to the Authorities
  390. Encircling Empire: Report #5, 01-08 October 2010
  391. The University as Finishing School for the New Imperialists?
  392. Sources Sought to Run Human Terrain System: Insiders Glevum and McNeil Technologies in the Hunt
  393. Memo to the Parents of Cannon Fodder
  394. The Nation Builders
  395. Burlesque Afghanistan: Pulp Fiction from an Embedded “Reporter”
  396. The Many Faces of the Human Terrain System in Iraq
  397. Anthropology in Canada: Number of Students, Female Percentage
  398. Are You Afraid of the Digital Taleban?
  399. Encircling Empire: Report #4, 23-30 September 2010
  400. Second Decade of the New American Century: A Clockwork Orange Meets American Psycho
  401. What Ahmadinejad Did Not Say at the UN, that Some People Instead Chose to Hear
  402. Encircling Empire: Report #3, 18-23 September 2010
  403. Fear and Loathing of Margaret Mead
  404. Protest the Repression of Dissent in Bahrain: Free Blogger Ali Abdulemam
  405. Encircling Empire: Report #2, 11-18 September 2010
  406. Ann Laura Stoler: Supporting Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel
  407. If I Had a Trillion Dollars: Involving Youth in Discussions about the Costs of War
  408. Colonial and Anti-Imperial Anthropology
  409. Anthropology, Philanthropy, and Empire
  410. Anthropology? Whatever
  411. Encircling Empire: Report #1, 03-11 September 2010
  412. Patriotism and Twitter Säuberung: Keeping the Wrong Words Out of View
  413. The ‘Dirty Secrets’ that Purify a Dirty War: A Colonial Tale of Dancing Boys, a Journalist, and the Human Terrain System in Afghanistan
  414. In the Conflicts Around Wikileaks, Is Julian Assange Really the Problem?
  415. Montgomery McFate: Gone from the Human Terrain System
  416. Neocolonialism: It’s Post-Independence, Not Post-Colonial
  417. Withdrawing from Afghanistan: Three Movies on the Soviet Occupation
  418. The Loaded Goat: Revisiting Pine Cone Anthropology in Afghanistan
  419. Israeli Penetration of the American Media: Documents Released
  420. Don’t Hide Behind the Women: What is Relevant in the Story About Julian Assange and the Rape Accusation?
  421. Human Terrain System in the Media
  422. The Diary of Ted the Tongue: Pinecone Anthropologist
  423. The Pentagon’s Letter to Wikileaks
  424. Wikileaks: Bradley Manning, Sweden as Safe Haven, and Pentagon Propaganda
  425. Heroism in Doubt: Canadian War Mythology Takes a Hit from Wikileaks
  426. Suppressed Realities in the American Media: The Uncensored Acts of War
  427. Another Insider’s View of the U.S. Army’s Human Terrain System
  428. Bush’s Ugly America: Is It Obama’s?
  429. Fidel Castro: A Call to the President of the United States
  430. Is TIME’s Afghan “cover girl” really a victim of mutilation by the Taleban?
  431. When I hear the word “culture”…
  432. Diary Dig: Searching the Wikileaks Afghan War Diary Made Easy
  433. Visual Intelligence: IED Attacks from Wikileaks’ Afghan War Diary
  434. Continued: Debating the Pros and Cons of Wikileaks’ Afghan War Diary
  435. News: IED Blast Strikes Human Terrain Team, Injuries Reported
  436. Pride and Prejudice in U.S. Army’s Human Terrain System
  437. Revealing the Human Terrain System in Wikileaks’ Afghan War Diary
  438. Human Terrain System in Wikileaks’ Afghan War Diary: Searching for Evidence of the Positive
  439. USA Fears Loss of Sri Lanka
  440. Wikileaks’ Afghan War Diary: Problems to Note, More to Come on Human Terrain Teams
  441. Human Terrain Teams in Wikileaks’ Afghan War Diary: Raw Data
  442. Andrew Garfield’s Commercial Plea for War Research, and the Reality of Ethics in Human Terrain Teams
  443. America’s Defense Associations: Key Elements in US Security and War Machinery
  444. Counterinsurgency: It’s Bloody Horrible
  445. More European Press Coverage of the Human Terrain System
  446. Saving Lives, or Ending Them? Martin Schweitzer on Special Operations and the Human Terrain System
  447. Grace McFate: Anthropology, Avatar, and the Human Terrain System in the Italian Press
  448. Defending the Indefensible: The Talking Points of State Terrorism
  449. Causes and Consequences of the Destabilization of Afghanistan
  450. Independent Assessment of Human Terrain System: Findings to Pentagon on 19 July 2010
  451. Taleban–Not Taliban
  452. The Killing Fields of Marja
  453. Whose Hearts and Minds?
  454. General Petraeus’ Magic Bag: Human Terrain System and Covert Ops
  455. The Military’s Media Whores: On Ethics, Power, Rapport and Responsibility
  456. Marjeh, Afghanistan: X-ray of McChrystal’s Bleeding Ulcer
  457. Militarism and Democracy: More on the McChrystal Affair
  458. General Stanley McTerror: The Shocking Admissions the Media Treated as Unremarkable
  459. Center for Naval Analysis to Run HTS Independent Investigation: McFate Says, “We All Have Red Blood”
  460. Worried about Iraqis writing their own history? Then let’s violate international law, again
  461. USA Undermines Democracy in Turkey: It’s Turkey Stupid, Not Israel
  462. Human Terrain System on War News Radio
  463. Ghassan Hage: A Massacre is Not a Massacre
  464. Collateral Murder, Part 2: Admission of U.S. War Crimes in Iraq
  465. Senator Barbara Boxer Doesn’t Understand the Meaning of “Federal”: Turns Away Complaints about Human Terrain System
  466. Human Terrain System Program Manager Dismissed: Georgia Tech Wants Out
  467. Team USA at the 2010 FIFA World Cup: Motivation Unthinkable without the Military
  468. Militainment: U.S. Military Propaganda in the News Media, Hollywood, and Video Games
  469. Human Experimentation for CIA Torture: Physicians for Human Rights Videos, Petition, Write to Obama
  470. Video Propaganda: Human Terrain System on National Geographic
  471. Physicians for Human Rights to File Federal Complaint: On CIA-led Human Experimentation and Research to Design Torture Techniques Used against Detainees
  472. Anthropology and the Representation of Migrations from Afghanistan
  473. Georgia Tech Ends Relationship with U.S. Army’s Human Terrain System
  474. A Major Report of a Minor Exception, or a Minor Report of a Major Problem? The American Anthropological Association’s CEAUSSIC vis-à-vis the Human Terrain System–Part 2
  475. A Major Report of a Minor Exception, or a Minor Report of a Major Problem? The American Anthropological Association’s CEAUSSIC vis-à-vis the Human Terrain System–Part 1
  476. Human Terrain System Managers, Contractors Inflating Costs: HTS Referred to as Shit, Active Duty Soldiers Maligned
  477. Human Terrain System Video News: John Stanton, and the AGS Bowman Expeditions in Mexico
  478. Human Terrain System: Senior Managers to Paris, Security Clearance Troubles
  480. HTS’ MAP HT Failure: People Not Being Paid, MAP HT Cost Overrruns
  481. SCRATs: AFRICOM after the Human Terrain System
  482. Changing Fortunes in Washington: The Evolution of House Armed Services Committee Reports on the Human Terrain System
  483. The Pentagon’s “Other” Human Terrain System?
  484. Time Line and FAQ for the Human Terrain System and Responses by the Network of Concerned Anthropologists and the American Anthropological Association
  485. Gun Running, Drugs, and Flamenco: U.S. Army Human Terrain System Has it All
  486. Human Terrain System Criticized by U.S. Congress
  487. Imperial Instruction: The Human Terrain System’s Academic Trainers, Part 2
  488. Imperial Instruction: The Human Terrain System’s Academic Trainers, Part 1
  489. Human Terrain Teams Feared More than CIA: John Stanton
  490. The Perfect Gift for the Anthropologist with a Smart Idea
  491. Iraq 1492
  492. Coming soon on Al
  493. US Army Human Terrain System Smoke and Mirrors: John Stanton
  494. US Army Human Terrain System Oddities: John Stanton
  495. US Army Generals Not Informed HTS was Spy/Intel Program: John Stanton
  496. Anthropologists for Justice and Peace (AJP)
  497. Interviewed Today on Al Jazeera: Social Media, Soft Power, and American Empire
  498. Welcome to our newest blogger, John Stanton
  499. The Human Terrain System is a Military Intelligence Program: John Stanton
  500. Collateral Murder: U.S. Soldiers Killing Civilians in Cold Blood
  501. 100 percent (Militarized) American
  502. Information, Communications, and Targeted Killing
  503. Human Terrain System Leadership: Worst Ever? John Stanton
  504. CIA Feminism
  505. Mercenary Humanism
  506. AFRICOM, Human Terrain, Empire, and Anthropology
  507. Information Traffickers of the Imperial State: American Anthropologists and Other Academics
  508. Human Terrain System Under Investigation: HTS Link to JIEDDO & US Death Squads
  509. Innocently Informing State Terrorism: Journalism, Knowledge, and Counterinsurgency
  510. Do professional ethics matter in war? Hugh Gusterson
  511. Multiplying Human Terrain Dreams of Victory and Fortune
  512. Mapping the Terrain of War Corporatism: The Human Terrain System within the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex
  513. On the lighter side of darkness: “I LUV A MAN IN A UNIFORM!” is back
  514. David Price: Human Terrain Systems Dissenter Resigns, Tells Inside Story of Training’s Heart of Darkness
  515. HTS Hostage Issa Salomi Lived Off Base: John Stanton
  516. Bibliography and Archive: The Military, Intelligence Agencies, and the Academy (with special reference to anthropology) – Documents, News, Reports
  517. New Details Emerge in Salomi Hostage Case: John Stanton
  518. Iraqi Insurgents Capture Human Terrain System Member: John Stanton
  519. ACTION ALERT: Sign the Anthropologists’ Statement on the Human Terrain System
  520. John Stanton: The New Face of the Human Terrain System
  521. So much to write, so little time…
  522. This Blog’s Top Posts for 2009
  523. Where are the Pueblo Clowns?
  524. Human Terrain System Suffers Another Casualty
  525. Professor Richard Antoun, murdered Fri. Dec. 4, 2009: We Will Miss You, May God Bless You
  526. 0.171: Anthropology and the Will to Meaning: Vassos Argyrou
  527. 0.178: The Social Production of Science and Anthropology as Knowledge for Domination
  528. 0.179: Imperialism, Americanization, and the Social Sciences
  529. 0.18: Anthropology and the Rise of the Social Sciences within the Structures of Knowledge – Immanuel Wallerstein
  530. 0.185: Terms of Incorporation, Concepts of Domination
  531. Reality Check for the Human Terrain System: Marilyn Dudley-Flores Responds
  532. Claude Lévi-Strauss: à la prochaine fois
  533. Anthropology on Stage, Human Terrain System on Screen
  534. 0.189: Stanley Diamond & Claude Lévi-Strauss on the Nature and Future of Anthropology
  535. 0.19: Questions about Colonialism and Anthropology: Epistemology, Methodology, and Politics
  536. 0.20: “Potentially Dangerous Implications for the Practice of Anthropology Today”
  537. Is this Taliban video of an “annihilated” U.S. base a fake?
  538. Afghan Vignette 7: How to Buy Peace in Afghanistan
  539. News from the Military-Academic Complex: McFate’s PhD, HTS Contracts, Minerva Grants, Afghanistan
  540. Welcome to ZERO ANTHROPOLOGY: The End of the Beginning of the End
  541. McFate: “Does good anthropology contribute to better killing?”
  542. John Stanton: US Congress Rewards Failure, Puts Personnel in Harm’s Way
  543. Afghanistan’s Eighth Anniversary with Another Crumbling Empire
  544. Afghan Vignette 6: What “Unwinnable” Looks Like (2.0)
  545. This Fraud Is On You: The 2009 Afghan Elections and the U.N. Cover Up
  546. U.S. Congress and the Human Terrain System
  547. Harper Needs Somebody to Love
  548. Torture for Democracy (1): Michael Ignatieff’s New Imperialism
  549. Torture for Democracy (2): Video Post
  550. John Stanton: U.S. Congress to Assess Human Terrain System
  551. Permission to Copy Denied to the “Open Anthropology Cooperative” (OAC) (1.1)
  552. Plagiarism on the “Open Anthropology Cooperative”
  553. Afghanistan: The Unwinnable War
  554. Obama as Opiate: Imperialism Denies Itself as Imperialism
  555. (Re)Imperializing Anthropology and Decolonizing Knowledge Production
  556. Public Propaganda, The Human Terrain System, and Staged Democracy in Afghanistan
  557. Blind Spots: Ethical Research in the Midst of Counterinsurgency
  558. This Be The Verse
  559. Putting Schools in the Line of Fire in Afghanistan
  560. Beloved Discordia
  561. Afghan Vignettes 4 & 5: How to Build Trust
  562. Noam Chomsky: Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect
  563. Afghan Vignette 3: Protecting Civilians, Winning Hearts and Minds
  564. Embedded With the Taliban
  565. Losing Hearts and Minds in Afghanistan
  566. Afghan Vignette 2: They Are Animals!
  567. Afghan Vignette 1: Those Cowardly Taliban
  568. Afghanistan and the Emergence of the Taliban: Reviewed Works
  569. Let the Clone Wars Begin: How the Open Anthropology Project can be Cooperative
  570. A More Formal Welcome to the New Blogger: M. Jamil Hanifi
  571. Misrepresentation: Prostituting “Open Anthropology” to the Military
  572. Response: The OAC’s Name
  573. The Particulars of a Name
  574. There Can Be Only One!
  575. Demonstration Elections
  576. Afghanistan Elections 2009
  577. Like a Diamond Bullet to the Forehead (2.0)
  578. Questions about the Taliban: Struggle against the USSR; Reagan; how popularity was gained
  579. Afghanistan’s Little Girls on the Front Line, Part 2
  580. Capitalism Sickens Canadians
  581. The Political Economy of the Bullet in Afghanistan
  582. M. Jamil Hanifi: Questions for Military Anthropology
  583. Bait & Switch from the Anti-Colonial Hearts & Minds
  584. Glimpses of What the Mainstream Media Might Have Told Us About Afghanistan
  585. We Are Protecting Afghan Civilians…from Ourselves
  586. In Afghanistan It’s Now All About the Little Girls (1.5)
  587. An Anthropological Preview of the Post-9/11 World
  588. John Stanton: Human Terrain System in the Kill-Pacify Chain
  589. Patricia Omidian, Applied Anthropologist in Afghanistan, on the Human Terrain System
  590. R2P: Responsibility to Protect
  591. Survey: Applied Anthropology and Military Engagement in the Human Terrain System
  592. Conservative Anti-Imperialism
  593. Links: Debates on Iran and Leftist Politics
  594. M. Jamil Hanifi: Engineering Division, Instability, and Regime Change with Naheed, Neda, and Allah
  595. M. Jamil Hanifi: Interrogating Conventional Wisdom about Terrorism
  596. Dabashi is Wrong on the Left
  597. M. Jamil Hanifi: Editing the Past: Colonial Production of Hegemony Through the Loya Jerga in Afghanistan
  598. M. Jamil Hanifi: What Caused the Collapse of the State Infrastructure of Afghanistan?
  599. Looking Back at June 2009, Looking Forward
  600. Annotated Bibliography: Twitter and the Iranian Election Protests
  601. Cross-Cultural Understanding for Peace: So why does HTS go to Afghanistan?
  602. Does Wade Davis Do Gaza?
  603. Fundamentalism versus Academic Freedom: More on Ward Churchill
  604. Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens
  605. Ward Churchill and American Justice
  606. Iraq National Sovereignty Day: Irony and Promise
  607. Congruent Methodologies: Impactful Pre-invasion Imperialist Guerrilla Warfare Tactics in Iran
  608. Causation or Correlation, a Useful Crisis Notwithstanding: U.S. Democracy Promotion in Iran
  609. Source Verification: Notes for Activists Using Photo and Video in Protests
  610. America’s Iranian Twitter Revolution
  611. Summary for May 2009
  612. Extreme Canada: Ruling Party Interferes with Social Science Funding
  613. Peru’s Amazonian Massacre: Links to Reports and Action Resources
  614. Dis Location: Arrival as Independence
  615. What are the Pentagon’s Minerva Researchers Doing?
  616. The Peruvian Massacre and a “Socialist” Fig Leaf for World Capitalism
  617. Resisting Free Trade, Racism, and the State: Peru’s Amazonian Indians Fight Back
  618. John Stanton: “US Army’s Human Terrain System Like Swine Flu”
  619. The Funding of the University: Shaping the Conditions for Higher Education
  620. How to Get More Frequent Flyer Miles for Your Zombie
  621. News: Militarizing the Social Sciences and Humanities in Canada
  622. These Fine, Young, Humanitarian…Zombies
  623. Zombie Humanitarians: It’s Obama’s Human Terrain System Now
  624. David Price: The Press and Human Terrain Systems – Counterinsurgency’s Free Ride
  625. Open Anthropology Cooperative
  626. Single-Cell Resistance in the TimeSpace of Kairos
  627. April 2009 in Review: Academic Freedom, Imperialism, and Militarization
  628. Remix: Introducing Open Source Cinema
  629. A Vehicle for Protest: The Van in Vancouver
  630. Audio: Anthropology and Counterinsurgency
  631. “Useless Anthropology”: Strategies for Dealing with the Militarization of the Academy
  632. Canadian Responses to the Militarization and Securitization of Anthropology: Report #2 from the CASCA-AES Conference in Vancouver
  633. On the Militarization of Anthropology: Report #1 from the CASCA-AES Conference in Vancouver
  634. “Deep Obeah,” by Roi Kwabena
  635. The War Criminals’ Roundup: Serbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Israel
  636. No Time in Jail for a U.S. War Criminal: A Mercenary Gets Away with Murdering a Detainee in Afghanistan
  637. Whitewashing a U.S. War Crime in Afghanistan: The Trial of Don Ayala, “Human Terrain” Mercenary
  638. Here is not “West India”: Roi Kwabena
  639. Anthropology, Militarization, and Canadian Responses: CASCA-AES Conference, Vancouver, 13-16 May, 2009
  640. May Day 2009: International Workers’ Day and Montreal’s Festival of Anarchy
  641. Dominating the Information Terrain of the “Human Terrain System”: John Stanton and this blog
  642. When it comes to Israel, there can be no academic freedom or dissent? The case of William I. Robinson and UC-Santa Barbara
  643. NATO and Afghanistan’s Shia Marriage Law: The Collapse of a Master Narrative
  644. Happy Birthday to Mumia Abu-Jamal: We are all prisoners
  645. Counterinsurgency for the Masses: Educating Americans for Campaigns of National Interest
  646. Sour Chutney: The Ethnopoetics of Exploitation, Transplantation, and Violence
  647. On Colonialism as Genocide: Ward Churchill Speaks at Concordia University, Montreal
  648. March 2009 in Review: Academic Freedom, Militarization, Economic Crisis, and Jokes
  649. Cheb Khaled (خالد حاج ابراهيم), King of Raï (راي‎): Algerian Freedom, Fusion, and Fête
  650. Sex Beats Money, Hitler Beats Gandhi: More Google Insights
  651. Worldwide Popular Interest in Anthropology, 2004-2009: Online Search Statistics
  652. When Reality Strikes: Ward Churchill on Radio
  653. Institutional Dementia: CU Plans to Challenge Ward Churchill’s Reinstatement
  654. American Association of University Professors Calls for Ward Churchill’s Reinstatement
  655. Academic Politics Gone Wild and Ward Churchill’s “Grand Slam”
  656. Ward Churchill’s Court Victory: Benjamin Whitmer, Eric Verlo, Michael Roberts, and Juror Bethany Newill
  657. Ward Churchill’s Victory is Our Victory
  658. The Verdict is in: WARD CHURCHILL WINS !
  659. US Army 101st Airborne Investigative Report on Human Terrain System
  660. Ward Churchill’s Case is Now in the Hands of the Jury: Closing Arguments Concluded
  661. University of East London Shuts Down Alternative G20 Summit
  662. Ward Churchill, George Galloway: Speaking at Concordia University
  663. Sugar Sammy’s Art: Making Jokes of Ethnicity, Sex, and Conflict
  664. The next two posts about Ward Churchill…
  665. Anthropologist Under Attack: University of East London Punishes Chris Knight Over His Public Speech
  666. Ward Churchill v. “The Good Americans”: How Churchill’s Critics Made His Case
  667. Ward Churchill Rests His Case: News from Days 12 and 13 of Churchill’s Wrongful Termination Suit Against the University of Colorado
  668. Ward Churchill Testifies: News from Day 11 of the Churchill Lawsuit Against the University of Colorado
  669. A Minor Bun Engine Made Benny Lava, May He Poop on My Knee: Cross-Cultural Translation Under Conditions of Contemporary Electronic Globalization
  670. Economics Blogs in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Development, Globalization, and Transformation
  671. The Twin Terrors: Financial Blowback Sweeps the Neighbourhood
  672. News from Days 9 & 10 of Ward Churchill’s Lawsuit Against the University of Colorado
  673. Islands of Shame and the World as a U.S. Military Base: A look at some of the work of David Vine
  674. Anthropologists Against Human Terrain & Other Military Anthropology Abuses: On Facebook
  675. News from Days 7 & 8 of Ward Churchill’s Lawsuit Against the University of Colorado
  676. “Our Job is Repression…the Police is a Paramilitary Organization”
  677. Washington Post: Nationalizing the Human Terrain System
  678. News from Day 6 of Ward Churchill’s Lawsuit Against the University of Colorado
  679. News from Day 5 of Ward Churchill’s Lawsuit Against the University of Colorado
  680. Lt. Col. Bob Bateman “Apologizes for the Future”?
  681. Nation-building, Democracy, Free Markets: A Note to the Occupiers
  682. News from Day 4 of Ward Churchill’s Lawsuit against the University of Colorado
  683. Frantz Fanon: “Concerning Violence”
  684. Hugh Gusterson: “Empire of Bases”
  685. News from Day 3 of Ward Churchill’s Lawsuit Against the University of Colorado
  686. News from Ward Churchill’s Court Case Against the University of Colorado (Days 1 and 2)
  687. Anthropology and the Military: Current Reports (Updated)
  688. The Teacher is Not Your Friend: An American Teaches Iraqi Police About Loyalty to Iraq
  689. Top Posts for February 2009
  690. The 9th Annual Critical Race Conference: Compassion, Complicity and Conciliation The Politics, Cultures and Economies of ‘Doing Good’
  691. The 5th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week is Now On
  692. The Human Terrain System: Undermining the Military, Antagonizing Academics
  693. The Deafening Silence of the “Milbloggers”: Inconvenient Truths?
  694. “The Counter-Counterinsurgency Manual”: New Book on Anthropology, Militarization, and the Human Terrain System
  695. Some Breaking News on the Human Terrain System: Death Threats Against Female Colleagues
  696. Attacking Ward Churchill…By Losing Your Marbles?
  697. Questions and Allegations about Robert Young Pelton’s Reporting on a Human Terrain Team in Afghanistan
  698. Misunderstanding and Misrepresenting the Charges Against Ward Churchill
  699. Facts, Fictions, and Footnotes: Revisiting the Firing of Ward Churchill
  700. Chomsky v. Dershowitz, 2005: On Israel and Palestine
  701. Academic Freedom News: Ward Churchill, Joel Kovel
  702. Robert Fisk at Concordia: “Obama, Us, and the Middle East Wars”
  703. Pocius’ Theory of Human Value
  704. Marketing the Martyr: Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale…Paula Loyd
  705. Unhappy New Year for Counterinsurgency’s Social Scientists
  706. Teaching Gender Equality to Afghan Men: Using Gunshots to the Head
  707. “American Radical”: Norman Finkelstein Movie in 2009
  708. Beyond Molehills, the High Ground: Dershowitz, Finkelstein, Plagiarism, and Academic Freedom (1.7)
  709. Dr. Rat: Defender of the Rat People
  710. Against Occupation: Voices within Israel and the Diaspora
  711. Latest News on the Human Terrain System: No Longer Private Contractors
  712. The Genocide Apostles’ Creed
  713. Show Me the Human Shields! The Propaganda has Expired for Israeli State Terrorism
  714. Canadian Anthropology, the Human Terrain System, and the Minerva Research Initiative: Canadian Responses
  715. Online Documentaries of the Israeli Occupation
  716. University Students in Solidarity with Gaza: More News
  717. Reflecting Genocide: Side by Side, Yesterday and Today
  718. Students Celebrate Starthclyde Uni. Liberation: In Solidarity with Gaza
  719. David Price interviews Roberto González on the Human Terrain System
  720. Canadian Academic Boycott of Israel: Why We Need to Take Action
  721. “Civilian Contractor” Pleads Guilty to Voluntary Manslaughter of Afghan Detainee
  722. January 2009 in review (updated)
  723. “In Complete World” at the International Ethnographic Film Festival of Quebec, 2009
  724. An Unfolding Pattern of Genocide: Notes from Gaza
  725. Gaza, West Bank: Settlements and Borders
  726. Round Table: “The Anthropologist in Mined Fields” (updated)
  727. AMERICAN COUNTERINSURGENCY, by Roberto J. González (U. Chicago Press, 2009)
  728. Contemporary Colonial Scholarship and the Spreading Human Terrain System: AGS Bowman Expeditions, Zapotec Indians, and onto the Caribbean
  729. Israel: What is being defended? Who is the victim?
  730. Message to Obama: From an Undefeated Hamas
  731. Gaza Q & A by Stephen Shalom
  732. Boycott Israel: Montreal Professors and Academic Employees
  734. Because They are Dirty Arabs…
  735. Noam Chomsky: Obama’s position on Gaza is “approximately the Bush position”
  736. Bumming a Ride with the Occupation Parade: A Look at Human Terrain Teams in Afghanistan
  737. Why do “Leftist” Professors Predominate in Academia?
  738. On which planet does the Associated Press live?
  739. Kenneth Anderson: Imperial Clash on the Congo Resource Front
  740. News from the War of Choice: Gaza Links for 18 January 2009
  741. Obama as Intermission for Gaza: Mass Murder Hits the Pause Button
  742. America’s New Counterinsurgency Doll: On Store Shelves this January 20
  743. The Afghanistan Scam and the American Path to Failure
  744. Get Ready Montreal for Sunday, January 25: Next Demonstration Against the War in Gaza
  745. GazaTalk: New Media Resistance
  746. Gaza is Dying: Global Movement to End the War
  747. John Stanton: Hamas’ IT Tops Human Terrain System IT in Internet Capability, Savvy (2.1)
  748. Campus Gaza: Academic Boycotts and Complicit Silence
  749. Montréal Solidarity Demonstration for Gaza, January 10, 2009
  750. Gaza Solidarity Protests Across Canada Today
  751. Live Cam on Gaza
  752. subMedia News for Jan. 9, 2009
  753. One Year Later: Viva Roi Kwabena!
  754. Uprising News for Jan. 9, 2009: Greece, Gaza
  755. Gassing Puppies, Burning Women, and Playing Tennis
  756. The Unreported Death of Staff Sgt. Paula Loyd of the Human Terrain System: Third Researcher to Die
  757. Accepting the Might to Exist: Some Israeli Lessons for Anthropology
  758. Currently Covering and Commenting on the Gaza Massacre
  759. Tweets of Conflict in the New Online War Zone
  760. The Two Terrors of 2008: End of Year Post
  761. Avatara: Ethnographic Film in a Virtual World
  762. Cyberspace Ethnography (2.0): Course
  763. Anthropology, Counterinsurgency, and Poor Joan of Arc (1.4)
  764. Christmas is for War and Poverty: Bending Values Toward the New Normal
  765. Derek Walcott’s response to my question on the BBC
  766. Christmas 2008: What a Riot!
  767. Japan’s 2008 Riots: Rendered invisible?
  768. Announcement of first awards under the Pentagon’s Minerva Program
  769. Sock and Awe!
  770. When the Shoes Dropped: Notes on a protest in Montréal (Updated)
  771. Annunciando la prima edizione di «I migliori dei blogs di antropologia»
  772. Québec-Vermont: An Even Better Union, Against State-Sponsored Fear
  773. Transnational Shoes in Flight from Iraq to Quebec: Videos from a rally in Montreal
  774. Best of Anthropology Blogging: Call for Submissions
  775. Shoes @ G.W. Bush in Montreal, Dec. 20, 2008
  776. Losing Confidence, Lacking Trust, Smelling Fear, and Ducking Shoes
  777. New School Protesters Claiming Victory
  778. Important Updates from the New School Occupation
  779. Reclaiming the University: The New School Occupation Continues
  780. Live Camera on Greek Protests Right Now
  781. Occupation of the New School University, NYC
  782. Another Banner Day for Greece: The Acropolis of Resistance
  783. Going Global and Virtual: Greek Solidarity Protests in Second Life
  784. “Everyone to the Streets!”- Greek protesters take over state television
  785. The Greek Uprising Continues and Widens Here, There, Everywhere
  786. Some “new” links for the Human Terrain System
  787. Because there is a shortage of grenades in Baghdad…
  788. Hannibal Lecter at Fort Leavenworth?
  789. David Price: The Leaky Ship of the Human Terrain System
  790. The Greek “Intifada”: News, Views, Overviews, Day 7
  791. More on the Greek Uprising
  792. Stay in touch with the Greek riots and international solidarity actions
  793. John Stanton: Fraud, Abuse, Waste in the Human Terrain System
  794. Human Terrain Handbook: Online Here
  795. “Citizen journalism”: A Malaysian interviews protesters in Athens
  796. Solidarity with Fire: The Insurrection to Come
  797. Blackbird: Battles over a browser
  798. Any sign of political climax in Greece?
  799. “Anthropologize” This!
  800. This is war also: U.S. bombing civilians in Iraq
  801. “This is war”: More news on the Greek uprising
  802. Blackbird: Browser for Black People
  803. Anarchist News on the Greek Uprising
  804. RAGE
  805. Colonialism in the News: Roundup No. 2
  806. Watching Oppression Burn: Across Greece, Across Europe
  807. Dangerous Consent
  808. Welcome to “Zimbabwe North” and the “Pro-Rogue” State: Stalling Regime Change
  809. Rally for Regime Change in Canada!
  810. “Top 100 Anthropology Blogs”? No, I don’t think so.
  811. General Petraeus’ Favorite Mushroom: The US Army’s Human Terrain System
  812. The Revenge of the Local, the Horror of the Provincial, and Western Cosmopolitanism at Risk
  813. Mahmood Mamdani on the “lessons of Zimbabwe”
  814. John Gledhill: “Anthropology and Espionage” and some comments on anthropology as ethics
  815. Happy Belated Birthday, Claude Lévi-Strauss
  816. UAE’s The National on the Human Terrain System (2.0)
  817. Human Terrain System: Murder, Espionage, Paranoia
  818. On the conduct of military “contractors” in Afghanistan: In the words of Paula Loyd (1.7)
  819. Henry A. Giroux: “Against the Militarized Academy”
  820. Who Is Still Running the World? An “Anthropologically Unjust” Reality
  821. Gerald Sider: “Can Anthropology Ever Be Innocent?”
  822. Canada’s own Human Terrain System: White Situational Awareness Team in Afghanistan
  823. Me Today … You Tomorrow
  824. Living in the Wasteland of the Free
  825. Selectively Outraged, Half Humane, All American (1.7)
  826. HTS “Contractor” Who Murdered Afghan, Now in Custody, Awaiting Trial (plus Stanton’s sixth article on the Human Terrain System)
  827. Is the Human Terrain System Imploding? (Let’s hope so.) — John Stanton’s fifth article on HTS
  828. The HTS Racket: John Stanton’s fourth Article on the Human Terrain System
  829. If you cannot stand the heat…
  830. If you don’t want to get burned…
  831. Updated: Human Terrain Researcher Set on Fire in Afghanistan; plus new Articles on the Human Terrain System
  832. Dance Fever: Obama, McCain, and Palin work it right out
  833. Yes You Can. Yes You Did.
  834. World Crisis, Theory Crisis
  835. Anthropology’s Many Deaths and the Birth of World Anthropologies (1.4)
  836. Panic about the world ending on Nov. 4, 2008
  837. Pranksters, Jokers, Clowns … True Believers
  838. Minerva Research Initiative Violates International Law and Iraqi Sovereignty
  839. Oh no! The Kear Bears are Coming! (On the voyage of the intrepid USS Kearsarge in the Caribbean)
  840. Curtains already? The Human Terrain System heads to a close in Iraq, but “revives” in other ways at home
  841. One More Scholar to Bash…on the Way to the Dustbin!
  843. In Support of Bill Ayers
  844. U.S. Marines in Trinidad & Tobago
  845. MMM Pt. 2: “So you think you can be president?”
  846. Too Much Madness for a Monday Morning
  847. Derek Gregory: The Cultural Turn in Late Modern War and the Rush to the Intimate
  848. Minerva and the Terrorism Industry: “The rule of experts as a means to covert imperial rule”
  849. Hugh Gusterson: “Minerva Controversy,” and the SSRC
  850. What do anthropologists care about cosmopolitanism?
  851. Methodological Cosmopolitanism in Anthropology
  852. Cosmopolitan Anthropology as Responsibility to the Other
  853. Ethics and the Other
  854. Monday Pre-Dawn Madness: Opposition Celebration, Creation Destruction
  855. INTERFACE: A Journal For and About Social Movements
  856. FIFEQ 2009: International Ethnographic Film Festival of Quebec, call for submissions
  857. DIGITIZE THIS BOOK!: The Politics of New Media, or Why We Need Open Access Now
  858. Priming the Propaganda Pumps: Four More Sales Pitches for the Spreading Human Terrain System (2.0)
  859. The “Tree of Academics”: Introducing
  860. Reflections on Elections in Canada, Oct. 14, 2008: 1D4TW
  861. Resisting AFRICOM, Part 2: Resources Against the New American Imperialization of Africa
  862. Monday Night Madness: The End
  863. American psychologists against torture, write to Bush; American torture sites; documentaries online
  864. The Making of the Imperial Presidency, the National Security State, and the Transition to Authoritarianism, Part 3
  865. The Making of the Imperial Presidency, the National Security State, and the Transition to Authoritarianism, Part 2
  866. The Making of the Imperial Presidency, the National Security State, and the Transition to Authoritarianism, Part 1
  867. The Imperial Presidency & the National Security State on 1D4TW
  868. Preparing for Domestic War in the U.S.?
  869. Cultural Self-Criticism: Escaping from Fear Fascism
  870. Christian Clarity Opposes the Human Terrain System and Anthropology
  871. The Pentagon’s Culture Wars: An Article in NATURE for Oct. 2008
  872. AFRICOM: Africa, U.S. Imperialism, and Resistance
  873. Resisting AfriCOM: The U.S. Military’s Imperial Reoccupation of Africa
  874. Third Article by John Stanton on the Human Terrain System: More Colonial Madness
  875. AAA Open Access: Good, but Not “Historic,” Not “Unique,” Not “Among the First”
  876. Links for today: A failed ideology and a failed war
  877. And You Think You Have it Hard Now, Just Wait…
  878. Exploring and Expanding the Boundaries of Research Methods
  879. New article by Hugh Gusterson: “The bursting global security bubble”
  880. More on the Open Anthropology website
  881. New website for Open Anthropology
  882. “Suddenly everyone on Wall Street is a ‘socialist’…”
  883. Chalmers Johnson, Dennis Kucinich: On Bailing Out Bankers and Butchers
  884. Slavoj Žižek and Joseph E. Stiglitz: Chickenhawks Coming Home to Roost…in the Tent City
  885. Turning the World Upside Down: The Monday Morning Madness of a Wall Street Bailout
  886. A Crisis of Vast Quantities in Academia?
  887. AAA Ethics Code Changes & the Militarization of Anthropology: “Imperialism makes you a dick”
  888. Researchers “Fear” Pentagon “Will” Infiltrate Anthropology? Behind The Times
  889. “Anthropology, the Military, and War”: Panel at the AAA
  890. Suspect Media: Making Propaganda for the Human Terrain System (2.2)
  891. More on Anthropological Research Ethics and Association Politics
  892. AAA to Vote on Revising its Code of Ethics
  893. A World Upside Down: Institutional Connections of Anthropology Bloggers
  894. WordPress Responds
  895. The Ethical Failure of Nerve at Canadian Universities
  896. Review of Johannes Fabian’s Ethnography as Commentary
  897. Your Nation on White Privilege
  898. A Shadow in the Dark
  899. (Surface) Images & Aboriginal Graffiti from Kahnawake: A Mohawk Rez outside Montreal, Canada
  900. Images of Resurgence and the Everyday: Warriors, Iron Workers, Bakers, and Cigarette Vendors in Kahnawake, Quebec
  901. “This is Your Nation on White Privilege,” by Tim Wise
  902. The World is Flat? by Aronica & Ramdoo (Book website and readings)
  903. Como protegerse contra un antropólogo: Un código de ética desde la base
  904. David Price: On the Costs of Serving Empire
  905. APA Votes to Ban Participation in Torture
  906. Johannes Fabian: Ethnography as Commentary — Writing from the Virtual Archive
  907. More on U.S. Militarization of Open Access
  908. Open Access Journal Publishing in Anthropology
  909. How to Protect Yourself from an Anthropologist: A Code of Ethics from the Bottom Up (2.0)
  910. George Orwell has a blog!
  911. UC Berkeley Begins Destruction of Native American Sacred Site
  912. The “Culture” Virus: The Human Terrain System spreads to Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean
  913. More on Eurocentrism: Jack Goody and The Theft of History
  914. The Wrong Way and the White Way
  915. Automatic Replay: “Two” Imperialist Speeches from the One Party State
  916. American Teens “Exiled” Among the Savages
  917. Welcome to Sevastopol
  918. Independence, Nationalism, Indigeneity: Pride in Patrimony or Prostrate before Princes?
  919. Italy Compensates Italy for Colonialism? Externalizing Injustice, Importing Rewards
  920. Asserting the Liberty of Things over People
  921. Calculating Colonial Injustice: Italy’s “Compensation” to Libya
  922. Italy “Compensates” Libya for Colonial Injustices
  923. Arresting Democracy Now
  924. Survival International Wins Apology Over “Hoax” Tribe Claims
  925. Italy Compensates Italy for Colonialism? Externalizing Injustice, Importing Rewards
  926. Independence, Nationalism, Indigeneity: Pride in Patrimony or Prostrate before Princes?
  927. Eurocentrism comes up for air in the Caribbean: “Keep Patois at Bay”?
  928. Militarizing the Social Sciences: Tom Burghardt
  929. (re)New(ed) Blog: Review of the Indigenous Caribbean Center
  930. Human Quicksand for the U.S. Army, a crash course in cultural studies
  931. Human Terrain System spreads to Africa: “Oil and Terrorism”
  932. Derek Walcott Blasts Tourism at Carifesta X
  933. A “Radical New Experiment” in “Anthropology”? What HTS is NOT
  935. The New Blog: One Day for the Watchman (1D4TW)
  936. Imperialism Reloaded: Media Roundup
  937. “Fuck Fox News”: Uncaged Voices from Denver
  938. Denver’s Real Democratic Convention: “Pockets of Sanity”
  939. Stuff White People Like: Anthropology, apparently
  940. Typographic “Errors” on Blogs
  941. Time to Bifurcate: Shed Dead Skin, Take on a New Identity
  942. NO TORTURE, NO COLLABORATION: Psychologists Rally Against Torture & U.S. War Crimes
  943. Globalization, Democracy, and Canada versus the People of Haiti
  944. Globalization, Democracy, and Canada versus the People of Haiti (original post)
  945. Imperializing Open Access and Militarizing Open Source: “What’s yours is ours. What’s ours is ours” (1.4)
  946. The McFarce Continues: Pravda publishes a second scathing article on the Human Terrain System; McFate feted by fliers
  947. Reflected Hypocrisy: Russia Holds Up a Georgian Mirror (1.6)
  948. Anthem of the Taíno Resurgence: Naboria Daca Ae Mayanimacaná
  949. Announcing a New ANTHROPOLOGY – SOCIOLOGY blog of blogs
  950. Indiana Jones’ Revenge: Stolen Taino Artifacts being sold from France; Conquering Garifuna Beaches; Undoing Columbus
  951. Ethnographic Wining: A German in Trinidad
  952. New Minerva article from Hugh Gusterson, plus congressional testimonies on HTS and national security research
  953. Name that Scientist!
  954. Minerva: Risks, Opportunities, Boycotts, and Mentally Handicapped Informants?
  955. The Leftist Discipline Debates Its Right Wing?
  956. Another Profile in Propaganda: Laurie Adler, U.S. Army’s “Human Terrain System” (2.0)
  957. “The Mongoose” from a Trinidadian, Indian, Greek Point of View
  958. “The Mongoose,” by Derek Walcott, has a bigger bite than one might think (1.2)
  959. Scripting the Cosmopolitan
  960. Resistance Blogging
  961. Updates: Spy in Our Midst; Washington Post on Minerva
  962. Spectroscopic Survey of Imperial (De)formations: A Wholly Dispassionate and Disinterested Report from the Links
  963. Washington Post: Military’s Social Science Grants Raise Alarm
  964. Secrecy, Anonymity, Spying, and Lying: An Overview of the “Ethics” of HTS Infiltration (1.2)
  965. National Security Research and the Geopolitical Context of Knowledge Production
  966. Wired: Anthropologists Launch ‘Human Terrain’ Probe
  967. Latest Minerva and National Science Foundation News
  968. Comments on “A SPY IN OUR MIDST”
  969. A SPY IN OUR MIDST: Montgomery Sapone/Montgomery McFate
  970. Scanning the Hard Drives of the Softest “Science”? Why are the irrelevant so relevant…and interesting?
  971. The New Imperialism: Max Boot, Niall Ferguson, Michael Ignatieff
  972. The Retreat of Globalization? The Possible Impacts on the Future of Anthropology
  973. Alien Abduction: Doing Calypso “the Right Way” in the USA
  974. HTS deletes criticized page
  975. Minerva Project and Looted Iraqi Documents (2.0)
  976. Pravda Publishes a Scathing Report on the Human Terrain System
  977. Italy to pay “billions” in compensation for colonizing Libya; Sanctions augmented against Zimbabwe
  978. Anthropologist Mahmood Mamdani, among Top 10 of World’s Public Intellectuals
  979. Hugh Gusterson: “When Professors Go to War”
  980. Current (Anti)Colonialist Discussions in the News: African Focus
  981. The Issue Joined
  982. Resistance Studies, Networking Futures, and Jeffrey Juris
  983. Enter the American Psychological Association: On Support for Torture
  984. Michael Taussig: The End of the Masterful Explanation
  985. A Shift Toward the Center (of Fascism)
  986. Finally, Ward Churchill’s lawsuit goes to court in 2009 (1.5)
  987. Show Me Your Motion! (Of Mentors, Peers, and Mimesis and Alterity in Trinidad)
  988. A few more notes on “wining”
  989. Amitabh Bachchan in Trinidad
  990. Jorgensen and Wolf: On Anthropological Counterinsurgency, Scientific Objectivity, and Imperialism
  991. “The Rendez-Vous between Fear and Opportunity”: David H. Price (notes and comments)
  992. More Minerva News and Discussion (2.1)
  993. Re-Animalizing the Human / Humanizing the Animal
  994. Political Reactions to SSHRC Funding: Bloc Québécois
  995. More on Caribbean Reactions to Zimbabwe
  996. “You can’t shoot kids … but you can pound them” — How insurgents are made
  997. Pragmatism in the “Shitstem” and Singing for Obama
  998. Monday Morning “Mor Tor”: Wine it up just so…for the Video Notes from the Indian Diaspora, Part 2
  999. Questioning the “Top Misconceptions” About the “Human Terrain System”
  1000. Sucker for an interesting name: “Monkey Smashes Heaven”
  1001. “Why can’t we shoot these kids?” (1.6)
  1002. The U.S. military: weaponizing culture
  1003. (Video) Notes from the Indian Diaspora, Part 1: Responding to Modernity and the Tyranny of Tradition
  1004. “Head-Decay-Shun”: Literacy, tool of the dependent and displaced?
  1005. The enigma that is Mugabe, internationally and in the Caribbean (1.2)
  1006. 1968 – 2008: From Vietnam to Concordia
  1007. Encounters and conflicts within and between disciplines: Experimental philosophy and ethnography (1.3)
  1008. Stockholm Bollywood: “Jumma chumma de de” and Memories of a Cultural Shock
  1009. Ataklan Walks Naked
  1010. And then McFate Retreated…
  1011. Two Ways of Doing Anthropology, Maybe a Third, and Still Losing
  1012. A second HTS Researcher has been killed
  1013. “The Field”: Doing “Anthropology” (1.2)
  1014. Attack Iran, Elect McCain, Wait for the Punch(line)
  1015. Spirited Encounters: American Indians Protest Museum Policies and Practices
  1016. National Aboriginal Solidarity Day: Montreal
  1017. National Security Research, Imperialist Emergencies and the Minerva Research Initiative: Some Further Consideration (1.1)
  1018. Minerva Project Now Official and Ready to Begin (1.1)
  1019. “Me so horny, me love you long time”: The Phallo-Fascism of a Vainglorious Anthropologist in the Academilitary
  1020. Left “Speechless” by “Deathpower”
  1021. Navajo Nation Steelpan, and Aboriginal Reggae
  1022. Another Caribbean musician “endorses” Obama
  1023. Aboriginal Film Festivals, 2008: Montreal, Winnipeg, London, San Francisco
  1024. Apology to Native Americans in the U.S.: current discussions
  1025. The Romance of Anthropology & Getting Real Public Attention
  1026. The Sun Starts to Rise
  1027. Rapsure Risin
  1029. Repossession, Decolonization, and Anthropology: The Return of First Nations Remains
  1030. Canada’s Apology to Aboriginals (3.1)
  1031. The Ethnographic Adventure of a “Rogue Sociologist”: Gang Leader for a Day goes Hollywood
  1032. Indiana Jones and the Colonial World
  1033. “Why can’t we move on? Why do we have to live in the past?”
  1034. What is “American Art”? Thin-Lipped Gravitas
  1035. “Canada” — Dealing with the Hate Crime: Prime Minister’s Apology to Aboriginals this Wednesday (2.2)
  1036. Decolonizing Japan?
  1037. “Canada” — The Name of a Hate Crime
  1038. Walk Cautiously Where Shame and Confusion Lurk
  1039. Barack Obama and American Indians: “You will be on my mind every day I am in the White House”
  1040. A Caribbean Love Affair with Obama? “We Need Barack! Jehovah Guide Him”
  1041. When does reciprocity not matter? When you’re a journalist and not an anthropologist
  1042. Is the “lone researcher” a myth?
  1043. And what if I do not want to do “collaborative anthropology”?
  1044. Colonialism and the Archaeological Wild Man: Canadian anthropologists react to Indiana Jones
  1045. Joshua Marx, Anthropologist Among the Nationalists, Jumbies, and Whores of the Postcolony
  1046. That’s Just Ole Rum Talk…
  1047. They Fell For It (Suckers): “New Tribe Discovered”
  1048. Questions about Race, Indigeneity, and Photography
  1049. Daniela Drinks with “Darkie”
  1050. Four New Tribes Discovered: 3 in the USA, 1 in Iraq
  1051. More Publications on Anthropology & Counterinsurgency
  1052. American Anthropology & the Pentagon: Let’s Professionalize “Terrorism” Research (1.6)
  1053. The United States’ Colonial Armed Forces: “Un-American” Troops? (1.2)
  1054. Fidel: Obama, the “Empire’s Hypocrite” (1.4)
  1055. Revolution (3-Canal): “This land is ‘mines’ “
  1056. Restoration: More Indigenous than the Ancestors, in the Eye of the Poet
  1057. Project Updates (2.0)
  1058. KOBO•TOWN: The Promise of Independence
  1059. Toward a More Public Social Science
  1060. Toward a Globally Connected, Public Social Science
  1061. Structures of Knowledge, the Social Sciences, Decolonization, and the World-System
  1062. Erkan Saka: Blogging as a Research Tool (1.1)
  1063. Australia: Social Sciences Robbed of “Usefulness”
  1065. The Craft of the Online Anthropologists: The New Medium is the Message
  1066. Looking Beyond SSHRC: Decentralizing and Opening Research Funding (1.3)
  1067. Apologies to The Queen, on The Day of Her Royal Highness
  1068. Marlon’s Monday Morning Medication
  1069. Eye Candy? Sweetie?
  1070. Caribbean Musicians for Barack Obama
  1072. Rethinking Academic Conferences
  1073. Human Terrain System: Video on YouTube
  1074. Useful Anthropology (and “Political Gonorrhoea”)
  1075. Anthropology is Dead, Long Live Anthropology! (Who Wants to Leave those Golden Rule Days in the Jungle?) – 1.3
  1076. Not Radical Enough: Disengaged Anthropology (1.5)
  1077. Talk Yuh Talk, Mocking Pretenders
  1078. Book Review: Citizen Indians: Native American Intellectuals, Race, and Reform
  1079. HTS Researcher Killed in Afghanistan
  1080. Dominica Carib Chief Seeks Legislation Barring Intermarriage
  1081. Academic Blogs: Purposes and Benefits?
  1082. Debating Public Anthropology: American Anthropologist
  1083. Disappearing disciplinary borders in the social science library – global studies or sea change?
  1084. Institutional Limits on Collaborative Anthropology: More on SSHRC Funding in Canada
  1085. Social Science Research Funding in Canada: Additional Notes (4.3)
  1086. Social Science Research Funding in Canada (2.0), or: “Where Devils Dare to Defecate”
  1087. SSHRC: International Collaboration?
  1088. Humour, Obscenity, and Localized Globalization(s)
  1089. It’s a 1-8-7 from the Undercover Blog…
  1090. CNN’s “Mondo Cane”: Screaming Muslim Babies in India, and Gawking Journalists (updated)
  1091. Maurice Bloch: “Reluctant Anthropologist” or “Anti-Anthropologist”?
  1092. CONCEPTUAL Challenges of Multi-Sited Ethnography
  1093. On “The Ivory Tower”: Marc Bousquet speaks with Tiziana Terranova
  1094. The Distraction of the Everday
  1095. Call for Papers: THEORY IN ACTION
  1096. Dreaming of a New World (Movement²)
  1097. The New OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY Website
  1098. Wikipedia, Scholarpedia, Citizendium, knol: Open Knowledge Production and Access
  1099. Shame on You, Barack Obama? More on Clinton’s (and the Mass Media’s) Racism (5.0)
  1100. The Changing Self: Fear of Death?
  1101. A White Woman’s Burden: Hillary Clinton, Imperialism, and Racism
  1102. New•World•Knowledge: A Caribbean Legacy and a Future Anthropology
  1103. Aimé Césaire Has Passed On
  1104. Public Anthropology or Anthropology in Public? (2nd update)
  1105. Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency: Paper Abstracts
  1106. 09-11-1984, The Calculus of Fear: When Trivial Terrors Become the “Real Threats”
  1107. Reviewing the AAA’s Report on Anthropology and the Military
  1108. More News on Anthropology and Counterinsurgency
  1109. American Anthropologists against Counterinsurgency: Part Two
  1110. Open Source & Open Access Textbooks
  1111. The Military-Academic Complex in the U.S.: “The Minerva Consortia”
  1112. Distributed Creativity and Design
  1113. Interviewing the Electronically Archived “You”
  1114. George Marcus: “No New Ideas” (2.0) & the After-Life of Anthropology (1.1)
  1115. Indigeneity, Créolité, and Independence: Mylène Priam
  1116. Plagiarism or Collaboration?
  1117. International Student Ethnographic Film Festival, 2008, London
  1118. International Survey of Open Access Journals, and the case of KACIKE
  1119. Theory in Action: Call for Papers
  1120. Internet Indigeneity & Anthropological Advocacy: text of a presentation at the University of South Florida (March 19, 2008)
  1121. Questioning ICTs in the Classroom
  1122. Banning “Secret Research” in Anthropology
  1123. Academic “Social Network Sites”: Very Preliminary Impressions
  1124. Recent Internet News: Net Neutrality, the End of Netscape, Google’s Site Builder
  1125. The Library as Open Access Publisher, and Digital Publishing 2.0
  1126. Anti-Indigenous Film Broadcast in Sweden
  1127. Dr. Roi Kwabena Has Passed On
  1128. The Australian Apology to Aboriginals: News Extracts
  1129. Text of the Australian Government’s Apology to Aboriginals
  1130. Australia to Apologize to Aboriginals
  1131. Republic of Lakotah
  1132. More Developments and Debates on Open Access Scholarship…and One Outrageous Proposal
  1133. Articles on Open Access Anthropology
  1134. International Journal of Internet Science
  1135. Digital Scholarship: Roundup from Inside Higher Ed.
  1136. Turcisce Carnival by Ivo Kuzmanic: Comments from FFEM 2007
  1137. International Ethnographic Film Festival of Quebec: Comments
  1138. Cape Town Open Education Declaration
  1139. E-Textbooks — for Real This Time?
  1141. How the University Works
  1142. New Book: Hans Staden’s True History
  1143. Indigenous Section of the AAA Approved
  1144. Exposing the Network
  1145. If we reject the dogs of war then surely we will not accommodate their fleas
  1147. Anthropologist on Uncyclopedia: Mousy Pedant? Moi?
  1148. Canis Homo
  1149. New Journal: Collaborative Anthropologies
  1150. Of Mirror Images, Fanatics, and Cartoon Characters: Militarizing Anthropology
  1151. Government retreats on copyright reform
  1152. “Led by the military, war-weary US awakens to ’soft power’”
  1153. “Anthropologists on the Front Lines”
  1154. Ethnography: Entanglements and Ruptures
  1155. The First Australopithecus War
  1156. Riposte to Imperial Anthropology in Iraq: On the Civility of US Forces
  1157. France’s Imperial Leader Explains Africa to Itself
  1158. David Maybury-Lewis Passes On
  1159. The Narrative of Imperialism: Revisiting the Ugly American (Anthropologist)
  1160. Secrecy and Anthropology
  1161. Initial Reactions to AAA Report on Anthropologists & Counterinsurgency
  1162. Engagement of Anthropology with Security and Intelligence Communities
  1163. “Man Dies from Heart Attack in Second Life”
  1164. Indigenous Resistance/ Indigenous Reality: from The Fire This Time
  1165. “NZ anti-terrorism laws branded incoherent after raid fiasco”
  1166. On “Native Terrorism”: A Reader Responds
  1167. Indigenism and Essentialism, 2
  1168. Defeated Howard Worries that Recolonization is Over
  1169. Why Ethnography is Needed
  1170. Goodbye and Good Riddance John Howard!
  1171. HTS “Anthropologists”: Predictable & Contradictory Arguments
  1172. Fieldwork: Not an Inalienable Right, but an Expendable Rite
  1173. “Alleviating Harm”: Which Side are Anthropologists Supporting?
  1174. Cyberspace News, 1
  1175. Transforming Academia with New Technologies
  1176. Open Letter to Richard Shweder
  1177. Transforming Academia
  1178. The Political Economy of Academia
  1179. “I gots me a big new grant!”–Cha-Ching!
  1180. Dominica, Caribs, and a German U-boat? The problem of why “we always get people like you.”
  1181. Paths Ahead, 3: Decolonization and Open Knowledge
  1182. Paths Ahead, 2: Questions about “Academic Colonialism”
  1183. Conversation on Journals and Open Access Publishing
  1184. Bloggers Reacting to the American Anthropological Association’s Online Statement
  1185. Empty Scholasticism at its Best on the AAA Blog
  1186. Job Ads for Counterinsurgency Support on AAA Website?
  1187. Why is Anthropology Linked to Counterinsurgency?
  1188. Politics and Ethics: Anthropologists and Human Terrain Systems
  1189. Anthropologists React to the AAA Statement on the Ethics of Counterinsurgency Research
  1190. AAA Executive Board on Human Terrain Systems
  1191. ASAonline
  1192. Radical Anthropology
  1193. The Ethics of Conference Attendance
  1194. To “Abu Muqawama”: Tilting at Shadows of an Ivory Tower
  1195. Counterinsurgency Field Manual: Links to Discussions
  1196. What is Public Anthropology?
  1197. “A Surge in Plagiarism”…Or How to Make a Molehill out of a Mountain
  1198. “Important Ideas” in Anthropology
  1199. The Ethnographer’s “Job” Makes a Little Boy Laugh
  1200. Militarizing Anthropology: Links to news, essays
  1201. Paths Ahead? 1
  1202. “Models” of Anthropological Colonialism?
  1203. David Price: Anthropology, Counterinsurgency, the Kill Chain, and Plagiarism
  1204. Montgomery McFate: The New Heroine for a Collapsing Discipline (1.1)
  1205. Impermanence, II
  1206. Impermanence & Re-animalization
  1207. Visualizing Online Collaboration, Live
  1208. Shweder’s “True Culture War,” Part II
  1209. Richard A. Shweder: A True Culture War
  1210. Indigenous Decolonization
  1211. SSHRC Policy on Open Access
  1212. More Hysteria over the “Native Terrorist”
  1213. More Inconvenient Truths
  1214. Type P-A-I-N
  1215. Anti-anti-essentialism. 1
  1216. “Deep Hanging Out”? Yeah right.
  1217. Amorphography, 1
  1218. Who is my audience? What am I doing here?
  1219. Yes Master, Ethnography is Truth
  1220. “We Have Ethnography”
  1221. BBC News: US Army Enlists Anthropologists
  1222. David Price: Anthropologists as Spies
  1223. In the world of the mercenary, colonialism is past, present, and future
  1224. From Apter (1999): Fabian’s Dialogical, Performative Ethnographic Experiment
  1225. Anthropology and Colonialism: More from Diane Lewis (1973)
  1226. Another Revolution Missed: Anthropology of Cyberspace
  1227. Open Access: Statements from 2004
  1228. “It’s very easy to be an advocate…”
  1229. The Prisoner of Agenda
  1230. Diane Lewis: Anthropology and Colonialism
  1231. Network of Concerned Anthropologists: Online Pledge
  1232. “Extinction” isn’t what it used to be
  1233. Post-Tribal Stress Disorder
  1234. Guanaguanare: Universal Aboriginality
  1235. The Yanomami Controversy
  1236. The Colonization Will be Televised
  1237. Indigenous Activism at the United Nations
  1238. Against Recolonization: Australian Anthropologists Speak Out
  1239. Anthropology and Indigenous Sovereignty
  1240. American Indians confront UC-Berkeley over remains
  1241. Senate Panel Revisits Kennewick Controversy, Sides with Tribes
  1242. Anthropology’s Dirty Little Colonial Streak
  1243. Introducing the beginnings of the Open Anthropology Project

Imported entries that pre-date this blog:

  1. The Binding Symbolic Value of the UN Declaration
  3. UN Draft Declaration on Indigenous Peoples Rights
  4. UN General Assembly to take action on Indigenous Declaration
  5. Commemorative “Indigenous Days” without Indigenous Rights
  6. Twelve percent American Indian?
  7. Blogs for Indigenous News and Commentary
  8. The Imperialist Drive
  9. Indigenous Peoples and the USA on Trial
  10. Recolonizing Australia…or why Trojan horses never say “sorry”
  11. Ottawa to Appeal Expansion of Indigenous “Status”
  12. Canada: New Developments in Indigenous Status
  13. Canada, the UN, and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  14. Aboriginals in Australia: Still the Worst Off
  15. Who Is An Indian? Race, Blood, DNA, and the Politics of Indigeneity in the Americas
  16. News from Australia
  17. Indigenous Activism at the United Nations
  18. Brazilian Indigenous Leaders Condemn Pope
  19. Pope Against Indigenous Religious Traditions
  20. The Vatican and Indigenous Cultural Revival
  21. Vive la xénophobie: Cannibal myth-making…again
  22. Wade Davis: Cultural Conservation Rights
  23. Ward Churchill and the Witch Hunters
  24. Unfair Trade: EU against Africa, Caribbean & Pacific
  25. Interpreting the Gli-Gli
  26. Canadian Government and Native “Terrorists”
  27. Does Arima Matter?
  28. The Catholic Church and the Caribs in Trinidad
  29. Does Trinidad Recognize Its Indigenous People?
  30. Seminole Tribe Purchases Transnational Corporation
  31. Cherokee Nation News Release
  32. Cherokee Nation Revokes Citizenship of Freedmen
  33. Cherokee Nation Expels Native Citizens with African Ancestry
  34. Dialogue: Newest Issue
  35. New Book: Quest for Caribbean Unity
  36. Abu Ghraib, Trinidad & Tobago
  37. Apocalypto Aside from “Accuracy”
  38. Apocalypto
  39. Rosa
  40. Words of Wisdom from Guanaguanare
  41. Australian Aboriginals Win Claim to Perth
  42. Caledonia, Ontario: Beware the Big Bad Indian
  43. Garifuna Protest at Disney: Photographs
  44. “You Got Recognition”
  45. Letter from Cristo Adonis (Carib, Trinidad)
  46. Addendum: Caribs & Santa Rosa, 2006
  47. Caribs and the Santa Rosa Festival, 2006
  48. Venezuelan Aid for American Indians
  49. Rejecting Papal Bull
  50. “Natives” and “Terrorism”: Keeping the Hysteria Raw
  51. Farrakhan: Common Struggle with Navajos
  52. Trinidad Debates Eurocentrism and Indigeneity
  53. Garifunas Speaking Out Against Disney
  54. Pirates of the Caribbean: Commentary by Claire Yashar
  55. Soca Warriors, Amerindian Masking
  56. The UN’s Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  58. Breaking Bread
  59. Garifuna Protest Disney, Anaheim, CA, June 24
  60. “Canada” Opposes UN Draft Charter for Indigenous Peoples
  61. The Reclamation of an Indigenous Continent
  62. Boycott Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean
  63. Soca Warriors! Trinidad Pride at World Cup 2006
  64. The Native “Terrorist”: Anti-Indigenous Vocabulary in 2006
  65. What is Happening in “Canada”?
  66. “Canada”: The Name of an Invasion
  67. Dr. Roi Kwabena: Indigenous and African Heritages
  68. Calls to Change Dominica’s Name
  69. Cosmetic Respect for Indigenous Culture in Trinidad
  70. New Book: America is Indian Country
  71. Cannibalism: Interview with Neil Whitehead
  72. Seminoles With African Ancestry: The Right To Heritage
  73. Disney and Carib “Cannibals” Continued
  74. Freedmen descendants use DNA to show Indian blood
  75. Being conscious of origins in Indian affairs
  76. Cannibal Stories
  77. Cannibalism as Cultural Libel
  78. Indigenous Protest Against Disney
  79. Disney’s Carib Indian cannibals deserve boycott
  80. News-Dominica article: Pirates, Caribs & Cannibals
  81. Aboriginal Australians Charge Government with Genocide
  82. Indigenous Rights in the Caribbean
  83. Indigenous peoples oppose National Geographic & IBM research project
  84. Trinidad Express: Caribs Speak about Disney
  85. Carib Community of Trinidad Joins Indigenous Condemnations of Disney
  86. National Garifuna Council of Belize Protests Disney’s Cannibalism
  87. Garifuna Poetry
  88. The Dying Planet
  89. Dominica’s Minister of Tourism Defends Disney, Feb. 18, 2005
  90. Protesting Disney’s Cannibalism in St. Vincent
  91. In Memoriam: Hilary Frederick, past Chief of the Dominica Caribs
  92. Disney and its Cannibals
  93. Statement from Chief Charles Williams of the Dominica Carib Territory re: Disney
  94. Dominica Caribs Exoticized as Cannibals: More News and Other Links
  95. Caribs of Dominica to be Portrayed as Cannibals in Disney Film