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Image of past Fifth Estate covers

This section of our site contains articles from Fifth Estate’s past issues, grouped by the number of the issue in which they were published.

You can also purchase selected back issues of our print edition .



1, November 19-December 2, 1965
2, December 2-16, 1965
3, January 1966
7, April 1966
30, May 15-31, 1967
33, July 1-15, 1967
34, July 15-31, 1967
35, August 1-15, 1967 — City Ablaze: Detroit Rebellion
36, August 15-31, 1967
37, September 1-15, 1967
38, September 15-30, 1967
39, October 1-15, 1967
53, May 1-15, 1968
54, May 16-31, 1968 — Insurgency on the streets, campuses, in the military
55, June 4-18, 1968 — Poor people in D.C.; more repression
56, June 19-July 1, 1968 — Opposition to Vietnam War; Assassination of Robert Kennedy
57, July 4-18, 1968 — Continuing repression; reflections on assassination
58, July 19-31, 1968 — Berkeley Revolt; Underground press invade prime time Public TV
59, August 1-14, 1968 — “New cries of battle and victory”
60, August 15-September 4, 1968
61, Sept. 5-18, 1968
62, Sept. 19-Oct. 2, 1968
63, October 3-16, 1968
80, May 29-June 11, 1969 — Murder in Berkeley; Algiers murder trial
81, June 12-25, 1969 — More on Berkeley; American Servicemen’s Union; Algiers trial ends
82, June 26-July 9, 1969 — Ann Arbor struggle continues; GI free speech victory
83, July 10-23, 1969 — SDS Takes New Turn; Real radicals in high schools; Workers Feel Squeeze


126, March 4-17, 1971 – Women’s Issue – Largest FE issue
266, September, 1975
267, November, 1975
268, January, 1976
269, February, 1976
270, March, 1976
271, April, 1976
272, May 1976
273, June 1976
274, July 1976
275, August, 1976
276, September 1976
277, October, 1976
278, November, 1976
279, December, 1976
280, February, 1977
281, March, 1977
282, April-May, 1977
283, June, 1977
284, July, 1977
285, August, 1977
286, September, 1977
287, October 28, 1977
288, December, 1977 — Terrorism: The State marches on
289, January 24, 1978 — Women in a distorted world
290, March 2, 1978 — Star Wars; Technology & the State
291, April 30, 1978 — More debate on porn, sexism, fascism; Society against the State
292, June 19, 1978 — Interactive TV, Internet foretold; Assaults on rebels in prison
293-294, August 21, 1978 — Italy: Return of the social revolution; anarchists arrested in U.K.
295, November 3, 1978 — Battle of France, May-June 1968; FBI disruptions disclosed
296, January 29, 1979 — “State-Fetishism;” Jonestown massacre; British comrades update
297, April 18, 1979 — Nuclearism and its State; Feds plan for atomic disaster
298, June 19, 1979 — Prison revolt; First Affluent Societies; Daily Barbarian #1
299, October 22, 1979 — Mexican oil spill disaster; more on Walla Walla prison revolt
300, December 4, 1979 — Crisis in Iran, war threatens…None for me, thanks


301, February 26, 1980 — Phony war crisis; British anarchists found not guilty
302, June 1, 1980 — Controversial feminist march; The Promise of the ’80s
303, October 20, 1980 — Poland: triumphs & defeats; Doomsday technologies
304, December 31, 1980 — Poland on the Edge; On the Future of the Earth
305, March 18, 1981 — Austerity and War Ahead; Tech debate continues
306, July, 1981 — Against the Megamachine: critiques of industrial civilization
307, November 19, 1981 — Critique of tech defended; prisoner support movement
308, January 19, 1982 — Draft registration resistance; Gift Exchange and Imagination
309, June 19, 1982 — FE and anti-nuke war movement; Collapse in Poland
312, Spring, 1983 — Primitive vs. Civilized War; Nuclear drama on TV
315, Winter, 1984 — Symbolic Protest & The Nuclear State; U.S. Out of the Americas!
316, Spring, 1984 — Draft still an issue; 1984 worse than expected? Daily Barbarian
323, Summer, 1986
325, Spring, 1987
326, Summer, 1987 — War on the Poor; Indigenous Resistance
327, Fall, 1987 — How Deep is Deep Ecology?
328, Spring, 1988

331, Spring, 1989


333, Winter, 1990 – Stopping the Industrial Hydra
333-A — Earth Day Special, 1990
338, Winter, 1992 — War on the poor; Prisons; France ’68
339, Spring, 1992  Fall of Communism; Triumph of Capital
346, Summer, 1995 — Looking Back on the Vietnam War
347, Spring, 1996 — Mumia saved from the electric chair; Quebec nationalism; criticism of Bookchin
348, Fall, 1996 — Beyond Bookchin excerpts — Unabomber & future of tech society
350, Fall, 1997- Primitivism & the Ideological Vortex: Swamp Fever
351, Summer 1998 – Media and The Fourth World War


362, Fall 2003 – Insubordination
363, Winter 2003/2004 – Deconstructing Race
364, Spring 2004 – The Politics of Conspiracy
365, Summer 2004 — Reconsidering Primitivism
366, Fall 2004 — Radical Education
367, Winter 2004-2005 – Anti-Capitalist, Then, Now, & Forever
368-369, Spring-Summer 2005 – Special 40th Anniversary Issue
370, Fall 2005 – Wobblies & Work
371, Winter 2006 – The Psychology of Freedom
372, Spring 2006 – Venezuela, Spain & Haymarket
373, Fall 2006 – Literature
374, Winter 2007 – New York City Issue
375, Spring 2007 – Revelations
376, Halloween 2007 – End of the World
377, March 2008 – Escape
378, Summer 2008 – Money
379, Fall 2008 – Play!
380, Spring 2009 – Subtext, Subversion, & Sabotage
381, Summer-Fall 2009 -Pirates


382, Spring 2010 – Tribute to the radical imagination of Ursula K. Le Guin
383, Summer 2010 – Belief/Disbelief/Unbelief.
384, Spring 2011 – D.I.Y.
385, Fall 2011 – Anarchist Fiction
386, Spring 2012 – Occupy! Time for Revolution!
387, Summer 2012 – Anarchist Summer Reading
388, Winter 2013 – Education
389, Summer 2013 – Sex & Anarchy
390, Fall 2013 – Mad
391, Spring/Summer 2014 – Anarchy!
392, Fall/Winter 2014 – Art & Anarchy
393, Spring 2015 – Anti-Marx
394, Summer 2015 – Technology
395, Winter 2016 – 50th Anniversary
396, Summer 2016 – No Borders
397, Winter 2017 – The Left and the Syrian Revolution; Clown Army; Myth of Che Guevara
398, Summer 2017 – Revolution, Revolts, Riots, & Rebellions
399, Fall 2017 – Anarchy & Solidarity in Action
400, Spring 2018 – Anti-fascism yesterday and today
401, Summer 2018 – Anarchist summer reading; France, May-June 1968; Red-Brown politics
402, Winter 2019 – Anything Can Happen!
Resource pages
Bibliography 1995-2005
I.W.W. Resource Page
Remembering Federico Arcos
Spanish Revolution Resource Page
Vietnam Resource Page
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