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#Bremen, German territory: We vote to attack!

Bremen, German territory: In the night before the elections (Bremen state and EU elections) there were clashes between protestors and several attacks against police stations. A statement by autonomous groups. According to the cops several cops were injured. The cops also announced that they installed a task force to investigate and search the attackers…

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Call For Global Action Against Militarization in #Zapatista Territory on May 31

Chiapas, Mexican territory: What follows is the call for global action against the militarization of the Zapatista territory on May 31.

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Interview mit der Anarchist Communist Group – #ACG from the british territory

What follows is an interview that the comrades of “Die Platform” (German territory did with the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG), who are active on the british territory.

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#Berlin #Rigaer: Again confrontations at #Dorfplatz

Berlin: On Friday evening, there were again confrontations in Friedrichshainer Nordkiez. At Dorfplatz (village square) there was an unannounced gathering about the repression against Isa, later there was a fire. Cops were repeatedly attacked.

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#Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group – Non-violent action: Direct and “direct”

Melbourne, Australian territory: What is required is a movement that knows the police are the attack dogs of the enemy and they are to be resisted with all the strength and intelligence we can muster. We need a movement that wants to #StopAdani directly, a movement that will create facts on the ground that the Government cannot ignore. And this movement, in challenging the State, will inevitably look beyond it, to a new society with no State and no cops, and where capitalism is no more.

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#CNI-CIG and #EZLN communique: Stop the narco-paramilitary war against the #CIPOG-EZ

Guerrero, Mexico: After the murder of Lucio Bartolo Faustino and Modesto Verales Sebastián, 2 more CIPOG-EZ activists were murdered. A statement by the EZLN and CNI-CIG.

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Alfredo M. Bonanno: Destruction and Language

Alfredo M. Bonanno: (…) The structure of domination, the conditions of conflict and the composition of the exploited class have changed to such an extent that an operation like “the taking of the Winter Palace” in the marxist sense or a liberation from the bottom in the anarchist sense have become utterly inconceivable. These two endeavors are antithetical, but they share the idea of taking over the means of production and placing them in the hands of the representatives of the exploited class who will organize liberated society. So what remains?

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Communist-Anarchist Group #Portugal: Declaration of Principles (1887)

The Communist-Anarchist Group in Lisbon was one of the first revolutionary anarchist groups in Portugal. The group was likely formed under the inspiration of Eliseé Reclus, following a series of talks that he gave in Portugal in 1886. The Group’s Declaration of Principles, published at the beginning of 1887, shows the continuing influence of the ideas developed by anarchists involved in the International Workingmen’s Association, particularly after the anti-authoritarians reconstituted the International following Bakunin’s expulsion by the Marxists at the 1872 Hague Congress. The influence not only of Reclus, but also of people like Michael Bakunin and Carlo Cafiero, among others, can be seen in the text that follows, particularly in the emphasis on social revolution, the rejection of any participation in parliamentary politics, the rejection of the legally sanctioned patriarchal family, and the advocacy of communism and anarchy as necessary correlates of each other. A selection of Portuguese and Brazilian (“Luso”) anarchist writings has been recently published as The Luso-Anarchist Reader, edited by Plinion de Goes, Jr., including several selections by Neno Vasco.

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#HambacherForst: Invitation to the trial party at the regional court #Aachen on May 29

Hambacher Forest, German territory: The trial because of the tripod, which was suddenly on the Hambachbahn during the G20 summit in Hamburg, goes into the second round. After the district court Jülich has sentenced the two defendants in the first instance to a fine of 90 or 100 daily sentences, the appeal is now being held before the district court of Aachen.

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