Posts Tagged ‘Brescia’

Arrest of Two Anarchists in Brescia, Italy

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

On May 22, Anarchist comrades Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez and Manuel Oxoli were arrested in Brescia, Italy for their alleged involvement in the bombing of the headquarters of the far-right wing Lega party in Villorba, Treviso on August 16, 2018.

The Lega is the ruling party of Italy, led by Matteo Salvini, who has aligned himself with fascist and far-right figures around the world, including Trump and Bolsonaro, and supports a racist anti-immigrant policy.

From Croce Nera Anarchica:

“The lawyer was able to meet his companions and found them strong and determined.

Further updates coming soon.

To write to Juan: Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez, c.c. Canton Mombello via Spalto S. Marco 20, 25100 (BS), ITALIA”

Via: https://www.autistici.org/cna/cassa-croce-nera-anarchica/ & https://secoursrouge.org/Italie-Arrestation-de-deux-anarchistes-en-Venitie

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Posted in Social Control

Brescia: Claim of the attack on the police training centre and communiqué of Cellula Anarchica Acca (Italy)

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

During the night between 17th and 18th December we placed a device (8kg of gunpowder) at the police ‘training centre’ in Brescia. A symbolic action intended to cause material damage. We chose that time so as not to harm people indiscriminately.

With this action we began our projectuality of Anarchist attack as Cellula Anarchica Acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and add ourselves to the call for action for a BLACK DECEMBER.

We are joining this trajectory because:

We like the idea of an international coordination of anarchists for direct action.
Our idea of ‘complicity’ goes beyond groups and factions.
We are using the means we consider appropriate, seeking growth in the minimal details of the action. In that sense this action is nothing in terms of material damage, but it is important in arming our self-organization, especially at a time when we sense great resignation among anarchists in Italy.

We attacked one of the armed wings of the state. Cops from all over Italy and other states are trained at this ‘school’. This is also a little signal against war.

We are in solidarity with all those who struggle against all states and capital.
Our thoughts go to the many comrades who are repressed, locked up, tortured or killed at the present time and in the past. In solidarity with all prisoners in struggle.

This is a signal of complicity to those who are locked up: To Alfredo for shooting Adinolfi; to Chiara (NO TAV anarchist) for the attack on the construction site; to Nicola Gai, who with Alfredo kneecapped the Ansaldo managing director, which is the least he deserved; to Nico (NO TAV anarchist).

To Monica and Francisco, who are resisting in the Spanish prisons with simplicity and dignity.
To Tamara Sol, who showed us how to avenge our comrades.
To Nikos for his simple and humble contribution to a call for struggle.
To the comrades of the CCF.
To the comrades who struggle in prison and outside.

Reply to the text entitled ‘Under pressure’.
The main push to action is not pressure that makes us explode, but unlimited passion that liberates.
That is what pushed us to arm ourselves that night in Brescia: The passion of trying to free ourselves from exploitation, that of a life that deserves to be lived, the passion for freedom.
Passions are desires transformed into action, the most wonderful gestures of life in the face of the pervasive banality of the spectacle. It is this passion without limits that exploded that night in Brescia.

The questions we put to who wrote that text are:
Do actions not speak for themselves?
Why talk about actions now?

We didn’t like reading ‘this is the pressure that exploded that night in Brescia’, concerning that action, even it was written in ‘good faith’. We didn’t live it like that. Actions per se don’t always speak for themselves, and this is proof of it.

Anarchist Cell Acca

[Editors’ note: we assume that the text referred to is ‘Sotto pressione’ published by finimondo.org]

Translated by act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action