Posts Tagged ‘Banner drop’

Indonesia: Anarchist Solidarity from Yogyakarta and Surabaya with Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman!

Saturday, June 1st, 2019

Solidarity Action Group of Indonesia and Australia

Anarchist Solidarity from Yogyakarta and Surabaya with Antifascist Prisoner Jock Palfreeman!

International Anarchist Solidarity with Antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman from the Solidarity Action Group of Indonesia and Australia. Comrade Jock recently completed a 33 day hunger strike in protest against the conditions of his imprisonment and ongoing harassment from prison authorities for his work with the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association. Jock is serving a 20 year prison sentence for defending 2 Roma boys and himself from a racist mob. Free Jock! Long live the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

[Den Haag, Netherlands] Bannerdrops in solidarity with the anarchists being prosecuted in Belgium

Friday, April 19th, 2019

Today we have hung up four banners at various locations in The Hague, the Netherlands, in solidarity with the anarchists being prosecuted in Belgium. Hundreds of flyers were also thrown around.

From 2008, the Belgian State started a large investigation aiming at different struggles – but always without concessions – against detention centres, borders, prisons and the world of authority and exploitation. In its viewfinder: the anarchist library Acrata, anarchist and anti-authoritarian publications (Hors Service, La Cavale and Tout doit partir), dozens of flyers and posters, more than a hundred actions, attacks and sabotages…in other words the fight against Power in all its different expressions.

Initially charged with “participation to a terrorist group”, it is finally under the accusation of “criminal association” that 12 comrades will be on trial during the week of 29th April 2019. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Indonesia: From the Anarchist Individualist Network of Yogyakarta to comrade Mikhail, all Anarchist and Anti-Fascist in Russia!

Friday, November 16th, 2018

From the Anarchist Individualist Network of Yogyakarta to comrade Mikhail, all Anarchist and Anti-Fascist in Russia!


Anarchists and Anti-Fascists in Russia have faced a wave of repression from the State following an action carried out by a 17-year-old young anarchist named Mikhail Zhlobitsky who blew himself up at the Arkhangelsk city FSB building on the morning of October 31. After the action some Anarchists and Anti-Fascists were arrested and received continued repression.

We hope for solidarity and strength for all anarchists and anti-fascists in Russia, Indonesia and worldwide.

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Posted in Autonomy

Banner drop from Larissa prison in solidarity with striking US inmates (Greece)

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

On Sunday, 2/9/18, banners from prisoners in Larissa were hung in A Wing. The banners were in solidarity with striking prisoners in the US, the banner reads “SOLIDARITY TO ALL US STRIKING PRISONERS – UNTIL THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL PRISONS”

Outside of the prison, 15 comrades were present, they called out slogans and had a little contact with the comrades who put the banner.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Brighton: Banner-drop at the War Memorial (UK)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

‘we got up nice and early this morning to put up a banner expressing solidarity and anger towards the situation in Calais where, on 17th October, the French state have planned to begin a total eviction of the jungle. The banner was attached to the flagpoles in front of the war memorial in the centre of the city, somewhere that people regularly go to visit to remind themselves of their nationalist pride and identity that has been built on war, genocide, displacement, criminalisation and conquerence of other people. We want to show solidarity in this small way not just with the people in the jungle but in all places where people are trying to get on with their lives in the face of such incredible and brutal opposition – the peeps on strike/resisting within prisons all over the place, everyone fighting some serious battles against the Dakota access pipeline, autonomous zones under attack, the list is endless.

reduced mobility meant that the banner wasn’t up very high so unfortunately it was taken down within a few hours, but we hope that whoever did it enjoyed the generous amounts of lube that we smothered the ropes with… ‘

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Posted in No Borders

Solidarity from imprisoned anarchist comrades in Korydallos Prison, Athens, to uprising prisoners in USA (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Dear comrades,
This is a banner from Greek prisoners (Koridalos Athens) to be forwarded to American prisoners.

In solidarity
ABC- Solidarity Cell

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Bloomington, Indiana: Democratic Party campaign headquarters disrupted in solidarity with 9/9 prison strike (USA)

Saturday, September 10th, 2016

On September 8th, in solidarity with prisoners taking action for the 9/9 prisoner strike, about a dozen people disrupted activities at the local Democratic Party campaign headquarters. Standing outside the building, people held a large banner announcing the prisoner strike while a statement was read and others passed out handbills. Additionally, a group of people went inside the headquarters to yell chants, clog sinks, tear down campaign posters, and scatter handbills. An American flag in the office found its way into a toilet. People walked away from the building tossing handbills in the air.

From the handbill scattered at the action:

As the ruling party, the Democrats and their Bureau of Prisons are responsible for the conditions in federal prisons and everyone being held hostage inside of them.
They profit from the labor of prisoners and contract with countless companies and industries that do the same, while prisoners earn as little as a few cents per hour.

They are responsible for the exorbitant prices of phone calls, commissary foods, and other basic necessities in prison. For the mailroom censorship, both institutionalized and arbitrary, of political and other materials. They are responsible for the poor quality of water and food that some must endure for decades, or even the rest of their lives. And for the dismal or nonexistent health care for prisoners when these conditions start to take their toll.

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Posted in Direct Action

Kraków: Banner in solidarity with the Warsaw Anarchist 3 (Poland)

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016


In the second half of August 2016 we hung a banner in solidarity with Tadek, Oskar and Michał – the Warsaw 3 anarchists arrested on suspicion of trying to set fire to a police car. This was a minimum gesture as part of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.

The democratic regime holds them in isolation within the prison, treating them as dangerous criminals, trying to break their souls and destroy their will to resist. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity actions by Initiative of individuals from ‘Ochetos’ for the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners (Greece)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Contribution to the international call for solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist comrades (August 23-30)

As a contribution to the international call for solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist comrades (August 23-30), and as a denotation of support to the recently arrested and imprisoned comrades K. Sakkas and M. Seisidis, we hung 2 banners and wrote slogans in Athens, and we hung a banner in Volos.

”There are people unknown to you that watch you from the shadows, while you haunt the anarchists, and they wait for the favorable moment to haunt the haunters on their turn.”


Initiative of individuals from ‘Ochetos’

Pictures here

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens Polytechnic: Solidarity banner for imprisoned anarchist fighters (Greece)

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Bloomington, Indiana: Banner drop in solidarity with Fernando Bárcenas (USA)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

Responding to the call for solidarity with Fernando Bárcenas, we hung a
banner with words of support for our comrade. Fernando is an anarchist
imprisoned by the Mexican state for burning a Coca-Cola tree during a
demonstration against the rise of Metro ticket prices.

We hope that small gestures like these will accumulate and spread,
contributing to an anarchist internationalism that seeks to destroy the
walls of borders and prisons alike.

Against all states, against all prisons!
Solidarity with Fernando and all rebellious prisoners!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Sean Swain (USA)

Sunday, February 7th, 2016

Warren Correctional Institution, not content with merely restricting Sean’s communications with the outside world, has now assigned a lieutenant to read through all printed materials sent to Sean.

Please take a minute to send Sean some reading material. That stack of zines in the bathroom? That one book you’ve had for years but will never read? All those fancy new publications you designed? Send them all! Let’s help Sean (and the fuckweasels who intercept his mail) something to pass the time.

Send reading material to:

Sean Swain #243-205
Warren CI
P.O. Box 120
Lebanon, Ohio 45036

We receive & transmit:

Bloomington, Indiana (USA): Banner hung in solidarity with Sean Swain

We hung a banner in solidarity with Sean Swain’s struggles against the prison system in Ohio. Despite repeatedly being transferred and having his communications cut off, Sean remains uncompromising in his pursuit of freedom, putting his life on the line in struggle against the state. We keep his words and deeds with us as we carry out our own struggles against prison society.

Fundraising, letters, demonstrations, banners, graffiti, and direct attacks form a bright tapestry of revolutionary solidarity. Let’s always be searching for new ways to break down the isolation of imprisonment and build complicity through the prison walls.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago, Villa Portales: Barricada y lienzo en memoria de Claudio Paredes (Chile)

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Claudio Paredes era un joven de 18 años militante del FPMR y vecino de
la Villa Portales, quien muere en una explosión el 31 de enero de 1988 en
uno de los edificios de la Villa, mientras preparaba una carga explosiva
contra la dictadura de Pinochet junto a Fernando Villalón y Nelsón Garrido.

Hemos salido y prendido el fuego, queremos parar su fiesta

No hemos podido quedarnos ni quietxs, calladxs ni sumisxs ante la realidad
que vemos pasar ante nuestros ojos y nos ha estado robando la vida por
tantos años.

Hoy cuando hemos podido ver como los poderosos sin pudor, sin vergüenza
alguna han estado talando nuestros milenarios bosques del sur, arrasando
con los ríos para construir sus represas e hidroeléctricas. Contaminando,
desforestando los suelos, enriqueciéndose brutalmente con la tierra que
nos cobija, convirtiendo en mercancía toda flora y fauna existente,
asesinándola. Hoy cuando hemos podido ver como a lxs mapuche se les sigue
asesinando y encarcelando por su legítima lucha y resistencia en pos de la
recuperación de las tierras que les han sido robadas, continuando así la
masacre que comenzaron los invasores hace más de 500 años. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Black December banner drop by anarchists at the 1st wing of Koridallos men’s prison (Greece)

Monday, December 7th, 2015


For constant anarchist insurgency
Everyone take to the streets of fire

– anarchists at the 1st wing of Koridallos prison

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Black December banner drop by anarchists at the 4th wing of Koridallos men’s prison (Greece)

Monday, December 7th, 2015


Everyone take to the streets!

– some anarchists at the 4th wing of Koridallos prison

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Posted in Prison Struggle